
  1. 珠海港进港航道设计

    The Design for the Entrance Channel of Zhuhai Port

  2. 珠海港进出境船舶压舱水致病性弧菌的流行病学调查结果分析

    Analysis on epidemiologic investigation result of ballastic water in entry-exit shipping for pathogenic vibrio in Zhuhai Port

  3. 珠海港危险品储罐区场地工程地质条件

    The Geological Condition of Engineering for the Yard of Tank Storage Area of Hazardous Goods , Zhuhai Port

  4. 珠海港是我国沿海主要港口之一,是珠江三角洲西部地区主要的出海口岸。

    As the main port in China , Zhuhai port is the important export in west bank of PRD .

  5. 珠海港集团地处珠三角西部,周边港口竞争环境较为激烈,且粤西及西江流域都属于珠海港的腹地范围。

    Zhuhai Port Holdings locates on the west of the Pearl River Delta , and the competition environment is very intensive .

  6. 提出将精益理念推行到珠海港集团经营管理当中的方法,以求实现企业管理的优化。

    Ulteriorly , we come up with methods for practicing the lean idea in the management of Port of Zhuhai , in order to optimize the business management .

  7. 高栏港区为珠海港七大港区之一,良好的区位优势使其成为珠海市发展临港重化工产业的依托。

    Gaolan harbor is one of the main seven port districts in Zhuhai , which has been relied on by Zhuhai to develop heavy chemical industry via its great location .

  8. 本文重点介绍了装卸该类货物码头防污染管理的要求,结合珠海港的现状及存在问题,提出了相应的对策。

    This essay introduces the pollution prevention management of dangerous liquied cargos terminal of zhuhai port , and also presents the appropriate measures to the existing problems of Zhuhai port .

  9. 在此背景下,研究新建集装箱码头方案,对完善码头功能,发挥码头效益,实现珠海港跨越式的发展,具有重要的现实意义。

    In this context , the new container terminal program on improving the pier function , playing a pier-effective , to achieve leapfrog development of Zhuhai , has important practical significance .

  10. 阐述珠海港危险品储罐区场地的地貌特征、地层岩性、地质构造以及地震烈度。

    The feature of topography , lithology and formation of stratum as well as intensity of earthquake for the yard of tank storage area of hazardous goods , Zhuhai Port are described in the paper .

  11. 介绍珠海港进港航道设计原则、有关主要设计参数、航道选线、航道主要尺度、港区泥沙分析、导助航设施等。

    The principle for designing the entrance channel of Zhuhai Port , the main design parameters concerned , line selection and the main dimensions of channel , the analysis on sandy soil in the harbour district and navigation aids are introduced in the paper .

  12. 珠海港高栏港区10万吨级干散货码头环保设计年末全国环境保护系统共有11万人,各级环境监测站2144个,环境监测人员5.7万人。

    Environmental protection design for the 100 000 t bulk terminal in Gaolan port area of Zhuhai port By the end of 1998 , there were 110,000 people working in environment protection agencies in China . Some 2,144 environment monitoring stations were in operation employing 57,000 workers .