
  • 网络Zhuhai City
  1. 广东省气象局表示,2017年第13号台风“天鸽”周三中午在珠海市登陆,台风中心风速达到45米每秒。

    Hato , the 13th typhoon this year , landed at noon Wednesday in Zhuhai City , south China 's Guangdong Province , bringing gales of 45 meters per second at its eye , according to local meteorological authorities .

  2. 方法对珠海市妇幼保健院儿内科2001&2003年部分住院及门诊呼吸道感染患儿,采用明胶颗粒凝集方法(PA)做血清肺炎支原体抗体(MP-lgM)检测,将结果进行统计分析。

    METHODS To determine MP-IGM in serum with gelatin particles agglutination ( PA ) in children with respiratory tract infection from 2001 to 2003 in the Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital in Zhuhai City and to analyse the results .

  3. 简单介绍了GIS的基本概念、主要功能及其在国内外的发展状况,探讨了GIS在城市建设中的应用,阐述了珠海市地理信息产业的现状,指出了珠海市地理信息系统建设的重点。

    The basic concept , status of the GIS are introduced with practice in this paper , the application of GIS in the development of city is mainly analyzed , the developing emphasis of Zhuhai GIS are also pointed out .

  4. 结论:该研究阐明了地贫是引起珠海市户籍儿童和孕妇发生小细胞低色素性贫血特别是单纯性小细胞低色素症最主要的原因,其次为ID,地贫合并ID位居第3。

    Conclusion : The thalassemia is the most important cause of microcytosis and hypochromia , particularly in simplex microcytosis and hypochromia in the individuals of Zhuhai household registration , followed by simplex ID and then thalassemia combined with ID.

  5. 国有媒体新华社(XinhuaNewsAgency)本月早些时候的一篇报道为这一动向提供了佐证。报道说,中国广东省珠海市的一家幼儿园为学龄前儿童提供免费的高尔夫球培训。

    One example of that effort , highlighted in a report by the state-run Xinhua news agency earlier this month , is a school in southern China 's Zhuahi city in Guangdong province that offers free golf training to kindergartners .

  6. 分析了珠海市基础空间数据的质量现状,并从GIS建库角度出发分析了基础空间数据入库前应做的质量检查和预处理的内容,并在此基础上,提出了一些建议。

    The quality for Zhuhai base spatial data is mainly analyzed in this paper , and data quality checking and data pre-processing are discussed to build Zhuhai base spatial data base from the viewpoint of GIS database , also several pieces of suggestion are given in the end .

  7. 从地理分布上看,卫生技术人员与床位的Gini系数分别为0.4355和0.4318。结论珠海市卫生资源配置存在不合理之处,卫生资源配置的地理公平性需要引起重视。

    From the geographical distributing , the Gini coefficients of health workers and sickbed were 0.435 5 and 0.431 8 . CONCLUSION There were irrationality existing in the allocation of health services resources in Zhuhai .

  8. 珠海市国产与进口狂犬病疫苗免疫效果评价不同细胞系对同一病毒株的敏感性为Hep-2>BGM>Hela、Vero>RD细胞。

    Evaluation of Immune Effects Between Homemade and Imported Vero Cell Rabies Vaccines ( 2 ) The sensitivities of 5 infected cell lines to the same strain were the following range : Hep-2 > BGM > Hela , Vero > RD.

  9. 在珠海市10个陆生次生林群落中设置了112个10m×10m样方,用于珠海市次生林群落23个优势种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠的研究。

    A total of one hundred and twelve 10 m × 10 m quadrats were set up in ten terrestrial secondary forest communities of Zhuhai City , Guangdong Province to study the niche breadth and niche overlap of the dominant plant species .

  10. 珠海市保健食品市场卫生状况分析

    Analysis on the Hygiene Situation of Health Food Market in Zhuhai

  11. 珠海市人行立体过街设施方案设计及比较

    Scheme design and compare of pedestrian interchange crossing facilities in Zhuhai

  12. 珠海市金湾区1998~2004年恶性肿瘤流行病学分析

    Analysis of malignancy epidemiology in jinwan district from 1998 to 2004

  13. 珠海市蔬菜中农药残留基础数据调查

    Investigate and analyze on pesticide residues in vegetable in Zhuhai City

  14. 珠海市2007年配电网建设与改造项目后评价

    Post Evaluation of Distribution Network Construction and Reconstruction in Zhuhai 2007

  15. 试论珠海市工业结构调整的原则

    A study on the principles of readjusting industrial structure in Zhuhai

  16. 珠海市废弃石场植被恢复模式研究

    Study on Vegetation Restoration Model of Discarded Quarry in Zhuhai City

  17. 结论珠海市拱北社区2~6岁幼儿园儿童意外伤害发生率为54.6%。

    Conclusion Incidence of injuries in kindergarten children was 54.6 % .

  18. 珠海市供电可靠性管理现状及分析

    Management status quo and analysis of Zhuhai power supply reliability

  19. 珠海市区域稳定性的构造分析

    A Tectonic Analysis of the Regional Stability in Zhuhai City , Guangdong

  20. 珠海市在校青少年肥胖现状和减肥行为分析

    Analysis on unhealthy weight control behaviors of adolescents in Zhuhai

  21. 对城市规划控制原则和控制体系的再思考&以珠海市南水镇新镇区控制性详细规划为例

    Reflection on the Controlling Principle and System in City Planning

  22. 珠海市交通事故意外伤害人群分析

    Analysis on the victim groups in traffic accidents in Zhuhai

  23. 珠海市2006-2008年流感症状监测分析及预测

    Syndromic surveillance and prediction of influenza in Zhuhai , 2006-2008

  24. 珠海市城中村改造中的多方利益建构

    The Setup of Many-sided Benefits during Rebuilding Urban Village in Zhuhai City

  25. 基于生态足迹的城市容量分析&以珠海市为例

    Ecological Footprint-Based Analysis of the Urban Capacity-a Case of with Zhuhai City

  26. 论珠海市旅游业管理的薄弱性和对策性

    On Weakness and Countermeasures of Tourism Management in Zhuhai City

  27. 2000-2005年珠海市常住居民死亡情况分析

    A Research of the Mortality of Permanent Residents in Zhuhai : 2000-2005

  28. 城市道路交通安全管理对策研究&以珠海市为例

    Study on Traffic Safety Management & A Case Study of Zhuhai City

  29. 珠海市大气环境中氡浓度的测定

    Determination of Radon Concentrations of Atmosphere in Zhuhai City , Guangdong Province

  30. 珠海市吉大区735例儿童发铅调查分析

    Analysis on Hair Pb of Children from Jida District of Zhuhai City