
  • 网络Hong Kong Port;PORT OF XIANGGANG
  1. 通过SPSS对问卷进行分析,得出三者对深圳港、香港港、广州港各服务属性满意度的高低。

    After the questionnaire analysis using SPSS , we can obtain three parts ' customer satisfaction degree on each service attributes of Shenzhen Port , Hong Kong Port and Guangzhou Port .

  2. 因绑架事件入狱的多人中有一人称王德辉被投入了香港港的大海中,但其尸首遍寻不得,至今依旧疑窦丛生。

    One of the many people jailed in connection with the abduction said he had been dumped into Hong Kong harbour , but Teddy 's body was never found and doubts persisted .

  3. 与香港维多利亚港表层沉积物含量进行比较,厦门西港表层沉积物的PCBS含量低于维多利亚港,DDTs含量则高于维多利亚港。

    As compared with the results of Hong Kong Victoria Harbour sediments , the concentration of DDTs in sediments of Xiamen Western Bay is higher than that of Victoria Harbour sediments ; but lower for PCBs .

  4. 香港维多利亚港三维污染精细预报模型研究

    A 3-D refined prediction model for water pollution in Victoria Harbor

  5. 香港维多利亚港的环境状况评述

    Environmental status of Victoria harbour , Hong Kong

  6. 大规模围垦对香港维多利亚港水动力环流的影响

    Effect of Large Scale Reclamation on Hydrodynamic Circulation in Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong

  7. 《海景&香港维多利亚港》描绘从九龙半岛远眺的维多利亚港景色。

    Victoria Harbour depicts the scenes of the harbour looking out from the Kowloon Peninsula .

  8. 香港维多利亚港码头的附着生物群落

    Biofouling communities on piers in Victoria Harbour

  9. 围海造地工程对香港维多利亚港现代沉积作用的影响

    Assessing the Impact of Reclamation Activities on Recent Sedimentation in Victoria Harbour , Hong Kong

  10. 香港维多利亚港和珠江广州河段水体中抗生素的含量特征及其季节变化

    Occurrence and Seasonal Changes of Antibiotics in the Victoria Harbour and the Pearl River , South China

  11. 香港维多利亚港疏浚淤泥对海洋底栖动物的毒性累积效应

    Toxicity accumulation effect of the sludge , dredged from Victoria Port of Hong Kong , to marine benthonic animals

  12. 礼品之质量及保养,香港数码港管理有限公司概不负责。

    Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited shall not be liable to the quality and warranty of the gifts .

  13. 香港维多利亚港是位于香港的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。

    Victoria Harbour is the harbour between the Kowloon Peninsula and the Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong , China .

  14. 最后通过比较上海和香港两港的集装箱吞吐量发展历史及腹地情况,得出如下结论:上海枢纽港的建设有长江经济带强大的腹地经济作依托,发展空间广阔,前景令人鼓舞。

    Comparing the yearly container throughputs and hinterlands between Shanghai and Hong Kong , we conclude that supported by the Yangtze River economic belt , Shanghai port has every possibility to be a container hub port .

  15. 根据实测水文资料、污染源估算以及水质和底质的监测数据对香港维多利亚港的水动力条件、污染负荷以及环境质量状况进行了分析和评价。

    Assessment of hydraulic condition , pollutant load and environmental quality of the Victoria Harbour , Hong Kong was made with observations on hydrological dynamics , pollutant sources and monitoring data on water column and sediment in the Harbour .

  16. 我非常喜爱香港的维多利亚港。

    I love Hongkong 's Victoria Harbour so much .

  17. 最后,阐述了在深圳建设香港内陆物流港的四项政策建议。

    Finally , four policy recommendations for constructing Hong Kong inland logistics terminal in Shenzhen are proposed .

  18. 由二月起,香港银行在港陆续开展个人人民币业务,包括存款、汇款、兑换及信用卡业务。

    Have started to conduct personal renminbi business here , including deposits , remittances , exchange and credit cards .

  19. 多年来,香港的维多利亚港一直以高耸的摩天大楼、璀璨的烟花表演和醉人的山色美景闻名。

    For years , Hong Kong 's Victoria Harbour has been known for its vaulting skyscrapers , fireworks displays and stunning mountain vistas .

  20. 京九铁路香港段,港称九广东铁,前称九广铁路(英段)。

    Within Hong Kong , it shares the same pair of tracks with the East Rail Line ( formerly British Section of the Kowloon-Canton Railway ) .

  21. 从分别比较鹿特丹港、新加坡港、香港及深圳港集装箱运输服务状况可以发现这些港口为适应经济发展要求和港口竞争的需要,都已拓展了物流服务功能。

    The ports of Rotterdam , Singapore , Hong Kong , Shenzhen have developed the function of logistics services to accommodate the growth of world economy and the competition of port .

  22. 这可能会导致更多资金流入香港股市,港交所目前正在考虑允许股票以人民币计价的计划。

    This will likely cause more funds to flow into the stock market , with the Hong Kong exchange now considering plans to allow shares to be priced in the mainland currency .

  23. 以吞吐量计算,香港的货柜港是全球最繁忙的货柜港;以乘客量和国际货物处理量计算,香港的机场是世界最繁忙的机场之一;

    It operates the busiest container port in the world in terms of throughput , and also one of the busiest airports both in terms of the number of passengers and volume of international cargoes handled .

  24. 世界自然基金会香港分会是本港主要的慈善环保组织。

    WWF Hong Kong is one of Hong kong 's leading environmental charitable organisations .

  25. 香港特区是自由港,就进出口只设定了低限度的文件要求。

    As a free port , the HKSAR maintains minimal import and export documentation requirements .

  26. 香港将保持自由港和独立关税地区的地位。

    Hong Kong will retain the status of a free port and a separate customs territory .

  27. 与大佛安宁的环境形成鲜明对比的,是香港岛上维多利亚港的华丽诱惑。

    In stark contrast with the tranquil setting of the Giant Buddha , is the flashy allure of Victoria Harbour on Hong Kong Island .

  28. 伦敦和香港等所谓避风港城市的销售浪潮可能会开始向新的地点转移。

    It means the frenzied sales activity that has invaded so-called safe-haven cities like New York , London and Hong Kong could begin shifting to new locations .

  29. 许多香港市民认为赴港购物的大陆游客素质低,而且认为他们的到来是北京对香港事务影响力越来越大的一种迹象,并因此而感到厌恶。

    Many Hong Kong residents view the crowds of shopping mainlanders as uncouth and resent their presence as a sign of Beijing 's growing influence on the self-governing city 's affairs .

  30. 香港区议会自港英政府于20世纪八十年代推行部分直选以来,民选议员逐渐增加。

    Since the British Hong Kong Government implemented the policy of partial direct election in the 1980s , the number of elected members of the District council of Hong Kong has been increasing .