
  • 网络Hong Kong Museum of Art;HK Museum of Art
  1. 本简表由香港艺术馆制作。

    Produced by the Hong Kong Museum of Art .

  2. 香港艺术馆是康乐及文化事务署辖下博物馆之一。

    The Hong Kong Museum of art is one of the museums managed by the leisure cultural services department .

  3. 她于2009年获香港艺术馆主办的「香港当代艺术双年奖2009」奖项。

    In2009 , she received the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Award from the Hong Kong Museum of Art .

  4. 而香港艺术馆出版的书籍及纪念品亦在店内出售。

    The publications and souvenirs from the Hong Kong Museum of art are also available for sale at the shop .

  5. 他的作品为香港艺术馆、香港文化博物馆及香港电影资料馆所藏。

    His works are in the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art , Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Hong Kong Film Archive .

  6. 香港艺术馆是香港特区政府娱乐及文化事务部下属的博物馆之一。

    The Hong Kong Museum of Art is one of the museums managed by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department , Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  7. 尖沙咀海傍集中了香港文化中心、香港太空馆和香港艺术馆,它们都展现出香港多采多姿的文化艺术活动。

    You can visit Hong Kong Cultural Centre , Hong Kong Space Museum and Hong Kong Museum of Art here .