
Yà zhōu xié huì
  • Asia Society
  1. 她的项目得到了亚洲协会(AsiaSociety)的“中参馆”(ChinaFile)资金赞助,将会继续进行。

    She will continue her project with funding from the Asia Society 's ChinaFile .

  2. 亚洲协会博物馆(AsiaSocietyMuseum,asiasociety.org),至明年1月3日。

    Through Jan. 3 , Asia Society Museum , asiasociety.org .

  3. 亚洲协会由约翰·D·洛克菲勒三世(JOHND.Rockefeller3rd)于1956年创办。

    The Asia Society was founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd .

  4. 两个月前在纽约向美国亚洲协会(asiasociety)发表演讲时,希拉里似乎也承认了这一点。

    Speaking to the Asia Society in New York a couple of months ago , Mrs Clinton seemed to acknowledge as much .

  5. 在位于纽约的亚洲协会(AsiaSociety)中文启蒙与浸入式教育联盟(ChineseEarlyLanguageandImmersionNetwork)担任主管的王周淑涵博士(ShuhanWang),把明尼苏达州称为浸入式教育运动的一块“隐蔽的宝地”。

    Dr. Shuhan Wang , director of the Asia Society 's Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network , based in New York , calls Minnesota a " hidden gem " in the immersion movement .

  6. 不过,由美国亚洲协会(AsiaSociety)发表的这份主要关注中国对美投资的报告表示,政治对抗心态、尤其是美国国会的对抗心态,可能对流向美国的投资产生一种寒蝉效应。

    However , the report , published by the Asia Society , which focuses on Chinese investment into the US , says that political antagonism , especially from Congress , could have a chilling effect on flows into America .

  7. 亚洲协会(AsiaSociety)周二宣布,澳大利亚前总理陆克文(KevinRudd)将领导协会创立一家专注于亚洲事务和决策的新研究机构。这反映了亚洲日益增长的国际影响力。

    The Asia Society announced on Tuesday that Kevin Rudd , the former prime minister of Australia , would lead a new research institute it has created that specializes in Asian issues and policy making , a reflection of Asia 's increasing global influence .

  8. 本文作者SheridanPrasso是《财富》长期供稿编辑及亚洲协会的副研究员。

    Sheridan prasso is a long-time contributing editor at fortune and an associate fellow at the Asia Society .

  9. 亚洲协会会长施静书(JosetteSheeran)在通告中称,陆克文是在此历史时刻领导亚洲协会政策研究所的理想人选。

    Josette Sheeran , president of the Asia Society , said in an announcement that Mr. Rudd is the ideal choice to lead the Asia Society Policy Institute at this historic moment .

  10. 亚洲协会和日本协会等机构将带来展出与讲座;

    the shows and lectures at institutions like Asia Society and the Japan Society ;

  11. 美国国务卿希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿在纽约亚洲协会的讲话

    Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at Asia Society in New York

  12. 由亚洲协会提供免费巴士接载服务。

    Free couch sponsored by Asia society .

  13. 美国亚洲协会会长。前美国驻巴基斯坦、菲律宾和赞比亚大使。

    President of Asia Society and former Ambassador to Pakistan , the Philippines and Zambia .

  14. 今天亚洲协会和美中教育基金会将我们聚集在一起,我对此表示感谢。

    I thank the Asia Society and the US-China education foundation for bring us together today .

  15. 崔天凯大使在亚洲协会颁奖晚宴上的致辞2013年6月12日

    Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai at the Asia Society 2013 Washington Awards Dinner June 12 , 2013

  16. 亚洲协会的斯科勒表示,中国将日益寻求重建旧的进贡体系。

    Mr Schell of the Asia Society says China will increasingly seek to reinvent the old tributary system .

  17. 我很荣幸受张副部长委托,代他领取亚洲协会颁发的“外交成就奖”这一重要荣誉。

    It 's my great pleasure to accept this Diplomatic Achievement Award on behalf of Vice Minister Zhang .

  18. 亚洲协会将与你和你的同伴一道,为培育世界文化交流而努力。

    The Asian Cultural Council looks forward to working with you and your colleagues to help foster international cultural exchange .

  19. 作者奥维尔斯科勒为美国亚洲协会中美关系中心主任,长期以来撰写了大量关于中国的文章。

    Orville Schell is director of the center on US-China relations at the Asia Society and a longtime writer on China .

  20. 多尼隆在亚洲协会上表示,华盛顿支持中国政府调整经济结构的举措。

    Donilon has also told the Asia Society Washington is encouraged by the Chinese government 's move to restructure the economy .

  21. 此次展览是由纽约亚洲协会组织的,现在正在旧金山和西雅图做巡回展出。

    The exhibition is organized by the Asia Society in new york , and is touring to venues in San francisco , and seattle .

  22. 他是亚洲协会信托委员会委员,以前曾任美国环保协会总裁顾问委员会顾问。

    He is a member of the board of Trustees of the Asia society , and previously served on the president 's Advisory Council of environmental defense .

  23. 亚洲协会负责人朱迪-基拉昌德说,在中国,很少有制度性的障碍阻挠女性实现职业上的成功。

    In China , there are fewer institutional barriers for women trying to succeed professionally , says Judi Kilachand , an executive director at the Asia Society .

  24. 半个世纪前,当亚洲协会成立时,亚洲深陷冷战的僵局,贫困肆虐,前景苍凉。

    A half century ago when the Asia Society was founded , Asia was frozen in a cold war , wracked by poverty , and seemingly destined for desolation .

  25. 今天这里高朋满座,嘉宾云集,有机会再一次在亚洲协会的盛会上向大家讲话,我感到十分荣幸。

    It is nevertheless a great honour and privilege to be invited once again to the Asia Society gathering and to be speaking in front of this very distinguished audience .

  26. 他的任命是在亚洲协会正式成立该机构六个月后宣布的。亚洲协会称其为旨在关注亚洲崛起的新型智库。

    His appointment was announced six months after the Asia Society formally launched the institute , which it has described as a new kind of think tank on the rise of Asia .

  27. 据位于华盛顿的亚洲协会的一份报告,妖魔化中国可能导致美国在2020年前丧失1万亿美金的直接投资。

    A report by the Asia Society in Washington , DC , says that scaremongering about China could lead America to forfeit a share of $ 1 trillion-worth of outward Chinese direct investment by 2020 .

  28. 1998年至2004年她担任美国“亚洲协会”董事。自2004年开始她应邀担任美国纽约外交关系委员会国际顾问。她还是瑞士“世界经济论坛”中国顾问团成员。

    She served as a Trustee of the Asia Society in New York ( 1998-2004 ), and serves now as a member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York .

  29. 多尼隆在在美国纽约亚洲协会上发表演讲时表示,他无法认同“新兴国与既有大国必将陷入纷争”的言论适用于中美关系。

    In a Foreign Policy Speech at the Asia Society , Donilon has told the crowd the pattern of conflict between a new rising power and the established one doesn 't necessarily apply to U.S. - China relations .

  30. 今天,我十分高兴来到这里并有此机会向诸位发表讲话。这项活动是由美国、香港和澳门商会成员和亚洲协会安排的。

    And I am so pleased to be here and to have this opportunity to speak with you today , and it was made possible by the US , Hong Kong , and Macau chambers of commerce and the Asia Society .