
yà xì yà
  • Asia
亚细亚[yà xì yà]
  1. 12世纪前中央亚细亚草原的鞑靼人及其国家

    Tartars and Their States in Central Asia Grassland Before 12th Century

  2. 近代中亚细亚布哈拉绸及服饰

    Buhera Silk Fabric and Clothing Ornament in Modern Central Asia

  3. 中国与中亚能源合作中亚细亚的新月

    Energy Cooperation between China and Central Asia The Crescent of Central Asia

  4. 中国化视野下的亚细亚生产方式问题讨论

    On the Asiatic Mode of Production under the Sinicization View

  5. 现在我们来到亚细亚这个偏远的地方。

    And now we come to this most distant place in asia .

  6. 马克思关于亚细亚生产方式的理论探讨

    Marx ′ s Elaboration on Asiatic Mode of Production Theory

  7. 亚细亚生产方式与列宁的社会主义构想

    Asiatic Mode of Production and Lenin 's Socialist Conception

  8. 他们说你做亚细亚之王没什么意义。

    They say it was never meant for you to be king of asia .

  9. 摘要亚细亚生产方式是马克思具有极其杂内涵的思想。

    The thought of the Asiatic mode of production is very complex in marxism .

  10. 问我所亲爱的以拜尼土安。他在亚细亚是归基督初结的果子。

    Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus , who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ .

  11. 论亚细亚生产方式理论与构建社会主义和谐社会

    On the Theory of Asian Mode of Production and Construction of Harmonious Socialist Society

  12. 亚细亚生产方式与中国农业合作化运动

    The Mode of Production in Asia and the Movement of Agricultural Cooperation in China

  13. 亚细亚生产方式的文化批判

    The Culture Criticize of Asia Production Pattern

  14. 1978年以来亚细亚生产方式问题研究的若干思考

    Some ideas on the studies of the Asiatic mode of production in China since 1978

  15. 中亚细亚的大部分地区只是到了十九世纪才被沙皇所吞并。

    Much of Central Asia was appropriated by the tsars only in the nineteenth century .

  16. 中国社会是否属于亚细亚生产方式社会?

    Does Chinese production mode belong to " the Asiatic mode of production " community ?

  17. 试论《亚细亚的孤儿》中日本人形象

    The Japanese Images in the Asian Orphan

  18. 我给你联系在亚细亚大酒店417房间。

    I have reserved a room for you at the Asia hotel , room no.417 .

  19. 中央亚细亚的八种雅丹地貌类型

    Eight yardang types in Central Asia

  20. 亚细亚大学也不例外。

    Asia University is no exception .

  21. 中亚细亚的新月

    The Crescent of Central Asia

  22. 这场战争结束了,他重建了亚细亚行省的安全,使马其顿恢复了和平。

    By putting an end to this war he restored security to Asia and peace to macedonia .

  23. 马克思亚细亚生产方式理论与中国现代化建设模式的探索

    Research on the theory of Marxist Asian mode of production and the construction model of China 's modernization

  24. 亚细亚生产方式是公有制向私有制过渡的社会形式,兼具公有制和私有制二重性。

    The Asian mode of production is a social form of transition from public ownership to private ownership .

  25. 20世纪上半叶亚细亚生产方式历史存在性研究的学术景遇,至今令人深思。

    Therefore , the academic situation of this study in the 20th century is to be deeply reconsidered .

  26. 未来中国是否还将沿着亚细亚道路继续走下去?

    Will China still go along the way of " the Asiatic mode of production " in future ?

  27. 这一举动又一次加强了封建主义,把亚细亚式专制制度又强加于中国人民的头上。

    This act once again strengthened feudalism and brought back an Asiatic despotism on top of the Chinese people .

  28. 她早期主要在杂志上发表自传体作品,并在《亚细亚》杂志上发表了名为“一位中国女子说”的小说。

    She had earlier published autobiographical writings in magazines and a story entitled'A Chinese Woman Speaks'in the Asia Magazine .

  29. 连亚细亚王色娄苛也以私人的进项,来供给献祭时所需要的一切费用。

    Even Seleucus , king of Asia , paid from his own account for the expenses of the sacrificial services .

  30. 恐怖主义甚至在一些亚细亚成员国形成威胁势力,与当地政府公然展开对抗。

    Some terrorist forces have even become threats to some Asian members by openly opposing the governments of these countries .