
  • 网络Queen Alexandra
  1. 我的医院是诸多得益于亚历山德拉王后扶持的机构之一。

    My hospital is one of many places that benefited from the support of Queen Alexandra .

  2. 光之山钻石也曾被镶嵌在亚历山德拉王后(QueenAlexandra)和玛丽王后(QueenMary)的冠冕上。

    The jewel was also in the crowns of Queen Alexandra and Queen Mary .

  3. 这份礼物是亚历山德拉王后的一张照片,上面有她的名字。

    The present was a picture of Queen Alexandra , with her name on it .

  4. 约瑟夫,这是陛下,亚历山德拉王后,当今英国女王。

    Joseph , this is Her Majesty , Queen Alexandra , the Queen of England . '

  5. 亚历山德拉王后与他握着手,朝他笑着说:“麦里克先生,你好。见到你非常高兴。”

    Queen Alexandra smiled at him . ' How do you do , Mr Merrick , ' She said . ' I 'm very pleased to meet you . '

  6. 我将来访者引进来给他们介绍说:“陛下,这是约瑟夫·麦里克。约瑟夫,这是陛下,亚历山德拉王后,当今英国女王。”

    I moved away from the door , and the visitor walked in . ' Your Majesty , this is Joseph Merrick , ' I said . ' Joseph , this is Her Majesty , Queen Alexandra , the Queen of England . '