
  • 网络queen mary;Marie Antoinette;Marie of Romania;Mary of Teck
  1. 英国伦敦玛丽王后医学院的病毒学教授JohnOxford说:“如果我们袖手旁观,那么我们就可能犯下过失罪”。

    " We would be guilty of negligence if we just sat on our hands and waited ," says John Oxford , a professor of virology at Queen Mary School of Medicine in London , United Kingdom .

  2. “多么愉快的一天呀!”玛丽王后说。

    Wasn 't that a lovely day ! ' Queen Mary said .

  3. 光之山钻石也曾被镶嵌在亚历山德拉王后(QueenAlexandra)和玛丽王后(QueenMary)的冠冕上。

    The jewel was also in the crowns of Queen Alexandra and Queen Mary .

  4. 将这引语说成出自玛丽王后之口,这毫无疑问是在法国历史上那个混乱的年代的一种反对王室的宣传。

    The attribution to Queen Marie is no doubt anti-royal propaganda during a very troubled time in French history .

  5. 几小时后,全家人驱车回到温莎。多么愉快的一天呀!玛丽王后说。

    A few hours later the family were driving back to Windsor . 'Wasn 't that a lovely day ! 'Queen Mary said .

  6. 玛丽王后握住爱德华的手,吻了吻。“我的孩子,现在你是国王了。”她温柔地说,“愿上帝与你同在。”

    Then Queen Mary took Edward 's hand and kissed it . 'My child , you are now King , 'she said softly . 'God be with you .

  7. 玛丽王后握住爱德华的手,吻了吻。我的孩子,现在你是国王了。她温柔地说,愿上帝与你同在。

    Then Queen Mary took Edward 's hand and kissed it . 'My child , you are now King , 'she said softly . 'God be with you .

  8. 他的母亲玛丽王后也这么想。“爱德华高兴与否并不重要,”她说,“小孩子一定要沉静而坚强。”

    His mother , Queen Mary , agreed . 'It doesn 't matter if Edward is happy or unhappy , ' she said . 'A child must be silent and strong . '

  9. 它由玛丽王后的钻石白金束发头冠固定住,这只头冠是以1893年玛丽王后婚礼上佩戴的钻石胸针为主体,在1932年改制而成的,由女王借给马克尔,被称为“一根有弹性的十一节束带”。

    And it was held in place by Queen Mary 's diamond and platinum bandeau tiara , made in 1932 with a centerpiece of a diamond brooch from Queen Mary 's wedding in 1893 , which had been lent to Ms. Markle by the queen and described a " a flexible band of eleven sections . "