
  • 网络Matilda;mathilda;Mathilde
  1. 玛蒂尔达在一块有花鸟图案的祭坛布上刺绣。

    Matilda was embroidering an altar cloth covered with flowers and birds

  2. 玛蒂尔达1046年出生在意大利北部,据信享有高寿。

    Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age

  3. 玛蒂尔达严肃地盯着她的妹妹。

    Matilda looked sternly at her younger sister .

  4. 后来,当她听到玛蒂尔达生病的时候,她觉得应该去看望玛蒂尔达。

    Yet later , when she heard Matilda was ill , she felt compelled to visit her .

  5. 玛蒂尔达以一句过去常听父亲讲的意大利话来表达--“passacisopra”。这句话的意思是,继续前进,不要放弃。”

    She sums up her attitude with an Italian expression she often heard from her father : " passa ci sopra , " roughly meaning , " keep on going , never give up . "

  6. 西莉亚·梅·鲁宾(CeliaMeiRubin)在《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda)的演员名单中,候补饰演亲切的图书管理员费尔普斯夫人(Mrs.Phelps),此前该角色都是黑人女演员扮演的。

    In Matilda , Celia Mei Rubin is in the ensemble and understudies the role of Mrs. Phelps , the kindly librarian who has been played so far by black actresses .

  7. 西莉亚·梅·鲁宾(CeliaMeiRubin)在《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda)的演员名单中,候补饰演亲切的图书管理员费尔普斯夫人(Mrs.Phelps),此前该角色都是黑人女演员扮演的。

    In " Matilda , " Celia Mei Rubin is in the ensemble and understudies the role of Mrs. Phelps , the kindly librarian who has been played so far by black actresses .

  8. 山姆·曼迪思(SamMendes)的歌舞剧《查理与巧克力工厂》试探性地为下一季的百老汇演出铺路。它并不是另一场《玛蒂尔达》,但碧翠丝却很喜欢,而且还享受到了尊贵的观剧体验。

    Sam Mendes 's musical version of " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , " which is tentatively slated for Broadway next season , was no " Matilda . " But Beatrice loved it , especially given our own golden-ticket experience .

  9. 在我思忖这个问题的时候,碧翠丝刚好看完了英国歌舞剧《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda),深深沉醉于作者伊妮德·布莱顿(EnidBlyton)创作的历险传奇。这位已故儿童文学作家在美国海岸地区虽然不太主流,但在英国却备受尊敬。

    As I was contemplating all this , Beatrice happened to be fresh off two viewings of the very English musical " Matilda " and knee-deep in the adventure tales of Enid Blyton , the late children 's book author who remains marginal on these shores but is still revered in Britain .

  10. 玛蒂尔达:动作太多会毁掉所有旅行视频的。

    Matilda : Too much motion will ruin any travel video .

  11. 玛蒂尔达:我在为这段视频录画外音。

    Matilda : I 'm doing a voice-over for this segment .

  12. 玛蒂尔达,恭喜你胃病好了。

    Mathilda . I 'm glad you Dongt have a stomachache anymore .

  13. 玛蒂尔达:再多给我五分钟。

    Matilda : Just give me five more minutes .

  14. 对于玛蒂尔达.科莫来说,这又是她的一个困难时期。

    This was a difficult time for Matilda Cuomo .

  15. 你和我跳华尔兹,玛蒂尔达姑娘。

    You 'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me .

  16. 他注视着玛蒂尔达那无法平静的脸庞。

    He looked at matilda 's implacable face .

  17. 位列第二的是罗尔德·达尔的经典之作《玛蒂尔达》中深受人们喜爱的詹妮弗·亨尼小姐。

    In second place was beloved Miss Jennifer Honey from the Roald Dahl classic Matilda .

  18. 玛蒂尔达:我只是想在离开前拍下一些这里的画面。

    Matilda : I 'm just getting some footage of this area before we leave .

  19. 玛蒂尔达问水手们:那是梦境还是期盼?

    And Mathilda asks the sailors " Are those dreams or are those prayers ? "

  20. 1987年,玛蒂尔达。科莫协助成立了全国首创以学校为基础,全州范围内一对一的个别辅导计划。

    In1987 , Matilda Cuomo helped establish the nation 's first statewide school-based one-to-one mentoring program .

  21. 1931年美国经济大萧条期间,玛蒂尔达.科莫在纽约市布鲁克林区出生。

    Cuomo was born in Brooklyn , New York , in 1931 , during the Great Depression .

  22. 达尔的其他著作有《詹姆斯与大仙桃》、《好心眼儿巨人》、《玛蒂尔达》、和《蠢特夫妇》。

    Dahl also wrote James and the Giant Peach , The BFG , Matilda , and The Twits .

  23. 一只身材矮小叫玛蒂尔达的沙袋鼠,是第一只拥有遗传密码的袋鼠。

    A diminutive hopper named Matilda , a tammar wallaby , became the first kangaroo to have her genetic code mapped .

  24. 在1982年的选举之后,玛蒂尔达.科莫也加入了公共事物的领域。她成为促进儿童福利的志愿人员。

    Looking out for children After that election in 1982 , Cuomo also entered public service as a volunteer advocate for children .

  25. 1987年,玛蒂尔达.科莫协助成立了全国首创以学校为基础,全州范围内一对一的个别辅导计划。

    One-on-one mentoring And so it was . In 1987 , Matilda Cuomo helped establish the nation 's first statewide school-based one-to-one mentoring program .

  26. 娜塔莉·波特曼饰演的玛蒂尔达是一名12岁的女孩。在她的全家被杀害后,职业杀手莱昂的公寓成了她的庇护所。

    Natalie Portman 's Mathilda is a 12-year-old girl who finds shelter in professional hitman L é on 's apartment after her family is murdered .

  27. 但是,当马里奥.科莫于1994年卸下州长职务后,新任州长删减了这项计划的经费。对于玛蒂尔达.科莫来说,这又是她的一个困难时期。

    Yet when Mario Cuomo left office in 1994 , the new governor cut funding for the program . This was a difficult time for Matilda Cuomo .

  28. 作为教师,母亲和导师,玛蒂尔达.科莫一生经常持有的理念,是做一切该做的,使生活变得更好。

    Doing whatever is necessary to make life better has been a recurring theme in Cuomo 's life - as a teacher , a mother and a mentor .

  29. 教皇寻求托斯坎尼区的玛蒂尔达伯爵夫人的庇佑,这位伯爵夫人是当时世界上最富有的女人,一位倾国倾城,睿智聪颖,极有品味的郡主。

    The Pope had sought the protection of Countess Matilda of Tuscany , then the world 's richest woman , and a princess of startling beauty , taste and wisdom .

  30. 为了保护玛蒂尔达本人及其他的儿童,医生必须弄清玛蒂尔达是否患了白喉,以便给予及时的治疗。

    In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure whether she had diphtheria or not , so that he could treat her in time .