
  • 网络Prince Edward;HRH The Prince Edward
  1. 爱德华王子按动开关亮起彩灯。

    Prince Edward threw the switch to light the illuminations .

  2. 爱德华王子:即使在睡觉的时候,我是不是仍然很帅?

    Prince edward : I 'm handsome even when I sleep ?

  3. 节理摄影分析及其在安大略省爱德华王子县的应用

    Jointing PHOTOANALYSIS and its application in Prince Edward county , Ontario

  4. 汤姆大吃一惊:这想必就是爱德华王子!

    Tom was amazed : this had to be prince edward !

  5. 证明爱德华王子决不是开膛手杰克。

    That Prince Edward being Jack the ripper is just incomprehensible .

  6. 云波:我们还去了爱德华王子岛。

    Yunbo : We also went to Prince Edward Island .

  7. 爱德华王子:纳撒尼尔,你喜欢我跳的方式吗?

    Prince Edward : Nathaniel likes the way I leap ?

  8. 爱德华王子:奇怪的遗言。

    Prince Edward : What 's not to like ?

  9. 爱德华王子岛的首府是哪里呢?

    What was the capital of Prince Edward island ?

  10. 第二季的结尾是1964年爱德华王子的出生。

    Season two left off with the birth of Prince Edward in 1964 .

  11. 爱德华王子是伊莉莎白女王最小的儿子。

    Prince Edward is queen elizabeth 's youngest son .

  12. 加拿大一省,位于圣劳伦斯湾爱德华王子岛;加拿大最小的省。

    An island in the Gulf of Saint lawrence ; the smallest province of canada .

  13. 西元1800年初期,爱德华王子岛上只有少数几所学校。

    In the early1800s , there were only a few schools on Prince Edward island .

  14. 爱德华王子你知道吧?就是那个要美人不要江山的男人。

    Prince Edward you know it » To that beauty is not territory of the men .

  15. 语言考试必须是在爱德华王子岛获得认定资格的部门。

    The certificate and testing must be done at an accredited facility on Prince Edward Island .

  16. 然而,爱德华王子看见了这边的骚乱,立即过来查看发生了什么事。

    Edward saw the commotion , however , and quickly came to see what was happening .

  17. 女王第一次见到他的时候他8岁,当时正和爱德华王子一起在学校演出话剧《蟾蜍之家的蟾蜍先生》。

    First saw him aged eight , with Prince Edward in school productionToad of Toad Hall .

  18. 慢震复合性质的进一步证据:1997年4月28日爱德华王子岛地震

    Further evidence for the compound nature of slow earthquakes : The Prince Edward Island earthquake of April 28,1997

  19. 在爱德华王子岛至少居住一年。

    Maintained a residence in Prince Edward Island for a minimum period of one ( 1 ) year .

  20. 云波:我们还去了爱德华王子岛。能在乡村度过一段时光我很高兴。

    Yunbo : we also went to Prince Edward island . I liked spending time in the countryside .

  21. 据爱德华王子岛《卫报》介绍,多年来,哈大叔的业余爱好已使他小有名气。

    Over the years , his hobby has garnered him a fair amount of attention , according to the P.E.I.Guardian .

  22. 爱德华王子岛归属于加拿大的海洋之“岛”,它是加拿大最小的省份。

    Prince Edward Island , often referred to by Maritimers as " The Island ," is Canada 's smallest province .

  23. 爱德华王子:象对待一般小偷那样,让地方官逮捕并处置他。

    Prince Edward : Like any other common thief . Have the local magistrate arrest him and deal with him accordingly .

  24. 马克-斯特兰德于1934年出生于加拿大的爱德华王子岛,在南美和北美度过青年时代。

    Mark Strand was born on Prince Edward Island , Canada , in1934.He spent his youth mostly in South and North America .

  25. 星期一的时候,英国威廉王子和他的妻子凯瑟琳在加拿大的爱德华王子岛受到欢呼人群的迎接。

    Britain 's Prince William and his wife Catherine were greeted by jubilant crowds on Canada 's Prince Edward Island on Monday .

  26. 由于不能依仗他无能的儿子爱德华王子,长脚国王便派他的儿媳伊莎贝尔去与华莱士商讨休战问题。

    Unable to rely on his ineffectual son Prince Edward , Longshanks sends his daughter-in-law Princess Isabelle to discuss a truce with Wallace .

  27. 做出同样姿势的还有女王的母亲以及伊丽莎白的伯父爱德华王子,即后来的英国国王爱德华八世。

    The queen mother and Elizabeth 's uncle , Prince Edward , who would become King Edward VIII , also make the gesture .

  28. 爱德华王子岛的渔民现在将收获的大多数牡蛎都运往了美国,以便利用汇率差价获利。

    Fishermen in Prince Edward Island now send most of their oyster harvest to the United States to capitalize on the currency difference .

  29. 这位58岁的爱德华王子岛居民,目前已收到的信件来自世界各地,包括法国、德国、巴哈马,甚至非洲。

    News.The58-year-old Prince Edward Island resident has received letters from across the globe , including France , Germany , the Bahamas and even Africa .

  30. 夏洛特敦市,(爱德华王子岛省省会)和“加拿大诞生之地”,正如表演艺术中心一样,深深地融汇于历史与繁荣之中。

    Charlottetown , the province 's capital and " Canada 's birthplace ," is steeped in history and thrives as a center of performing arts .