
  • 网络Taoiseach
  1. 但当时的爱尔兰总理伯蒂•埃亨(BertieAhern)却坚决维护现状。

    But Prime Minister Bertie Ahern stood firm in defence of the status quo .

  2. 今年的圣派却客日(注1)派对的气氛是萧瑟的,虽然在华盛顿,爱尔兰总理布莱恩克文(BrianCowen)一如既往地赠送了一盆三叶草给美国总统(注2),欧巴马。

    This year 's St Patrick Day 's parties were glum , even in Washington , where Brian Cowen , the Irish taoiseach , gave Barack Obama the usual bunch of shamrock ( see above ) .

  3. 此前一份报道指控教堂妨碍对虐童事件的调查,爱尔兰总理恩达•肯尼(EndaKenny)强烈批评了天主教堂。

    It follows strong criticism of the Church by the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny after a report was published accusing the Church of sabotaging an investigation into the rape of children .

  4. 爱尔兰总理恩达肯尼(EndaKenny,见右图)昨日宣布了这一决定,为下个月爱尔兰干净退出做好铺垫,届时爱尔兰将成为四个欧元区纾困国家中第一个完成其救助计划的国家。

    Enda Kenny , Irish prime minister , announced the decision yesterday , setting up Ireland for a clean exit next month when it will become the first of four eurozone bailout countries to complete its rescue programme .

  5. 爱尔兰总理正在对英国进行正式访问。

    The Irish Premier is paying an official visit to Britain .

  6. 同样在芝加哥,爱尔兰总理访问这个城市。

    Also in Chicago , the prime minister from Ireland is visiting the city .

  7. 爱尔兰总理考恩面临着反对派对他在爱尔兰经济和银行危机中处理方式的不满。

    Ireland 's Prime Minister Brian Cowen is facing outrage over how he has handled Ireland 's economic and banking crisis .

  8. 托尼·布莱尔正在都柏林与爱尔兰总理在一起,当披头士第一次夺得排行榜冠军的时候,他年仅十岁。

    Tony Blair , in Dublin with the Irish Prime Minister , was ten when the Beatles had their first number one .

  9. 正如其前任一样,即将上任的爱尔兰总理已非常清晰地表明,该国不会调整公司税率。

    As has been made very clear by the incoming Taoiseach , as with his predecessor , this is not for changing .

  10. 爱尔兰总理恩达·肯尼在议会上含泪表示,这是国家的耻辱,并致上衷心的道歉。

    Ireland 's prime minister Enda Kenny tearfully told parliament this was a national shame , and of the heart felt apology .

  11. 爱尔兰总理考恩说,他将提议明年年初举行选举,但爱尔兰的一些政客说,选举的时间还不够早。

    Prime Minister Brian Cowen said he will call an election for early next year , but some politicians in Ireland say that 's not soon enough .

  12. 对于这个项目,一个新的居住和爱尔兰总理状态函数空间,其目标是创建一个失重状态,从公共生活压力的自由。

    For this project , a new residence and state function room for the Irish Prime Minister , the objective was to create a weightlessness , freedom from the stress of public life .

  13. 爱尔兰总理在罕见进行的电视讲话中,赞扬了爱尔兰人民在过去五年来所起到的作用,他说爱尔兰人民度过了18世纪50年代大饥荒以来最严重的危机。

    In a rare live television address , Ireland 's Taoiseach loud the role played by the Irish people over the past five years in enduring what he has described as the worst crisis since the great famine of the 1850s .

  14. 英国首相布莱尔和爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨抓住这个时机,稍后宣布3月7日将举行新一届议会选举,26日将恢复英国移交给北爱尔兰的自治权。

    Seizing the moment , the prime ministers of Britain and ireland , Tony Blair and Bertie ahern , announced shortly afterwards that elections for a new assembly would take place on march7th , leading to a resumption of devolved self-rule on march26th .

  15. 现在你理解了这次演讲的重要性,来自恩达。肯尼先生,爱尔兰的总理。

    Now you understand the importance of the speech made by Mr Enda Kenny , the Irish Prime Minister .

  16. 此外,我们还荣幸地邀请到诸多国际知名人士参加,爱尔兰共和国前总理约翰布鲁顿先生将于会议首日作主题讲演。

    The event will also feature a number of leading international figures , including John Bruton , the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland who will deliver a keynote speech on Day1 .

  17. 爱尔兰财政部长科恩被看好接任爱尔兰总理,直到举行新选举为止。

    Finance Minister Brian Cowen is favored to take over as Irish prime minister until new elections are held .

  18. “我们进行了非常富有成果的会谈,爱尔兰和中国在投资、教育和商务领域达成了众多重要的谅解备忘录,”爱尔兰总理恩达•肯尼表示。

    " We had very fruitful discussion in our meeting , and we also concluded a number of important memoranda of understanding between Ireland and China in the areas of investment , education and business , " Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny said .