
  • 网络Irish literature;Anglo-Irish literature
  1. 研究爱尔兰文学能为人们深入研究英国文学的发展提供帮助。

    The research of Irish literature can offer us the help with the further research of British literature .

  2. 他们是当代北爱尔兰文学的先锋人物,是当代北爱尔兰文艺复兴运动的缔造者。

    They are the pioneers of contemporary Northern Irish literature and the creators of the so-called Ulster Renaissance .

  3. 其中英雄史诗是爱尔兰文学特定时期内的一个重要特色,有关英雄的传奇不断地成为爱尔兰民族作家的创作灵感的来源。

    Heroic epic , as an important feature of Irish literature in a particular period , has been a source of continuous inspiration for Irish dramatists .

  4. 这一事件客观上引起了世界文学批评界对当代北爱尔兰文学的空前关注,尤其是对其当代诗歌的关注。

    This piece of news brought critics around the world to shift some of their attention to contemporary Northern Irish literature in effect , especially its poetry .

  5. 然而,在爱尔兰文学,却频繁地提出到德鲁伊教,看来它们的作用在岛上是与高卢人是相当协调的对应。

    In Irish literature , however , the Druids are frequently mentioned , and their functions in the island seem to correspond fairly well to those of Gaul .

  6. 奥斯卡·王尔德是爱尔兰文学史上和英国文学史上最重要的作家之一。长期以来他的机智的谈吐被广泛的引用,而他本人一直是讨论的热点。

    As one of the most important writers of Irish literature , as well as of the British literature , Oscar Wilde has always been a heated topic , whose witty remarks are quoted everywhere .

  7. 后殖民语境中的爱尔兰早期文学翻译

    Early Irish Literature in English Translation in a Postcolonial Context

  8. 是这样,在17、18世纪,英裔爱尔兰作家是爱尔兰文学的主流。

    W2 : Yes , Anglo-Irish writers dominated Irish literature during the17th and18th centuries .

  9. 爱尔兰拥有悠久的文学传统,但同时也有着800年的被殖民历史。

    Ireland is a nation who enjoys long-term literary tradition , but at the same time , she also suffers800years ' colonial history .

  10. 尽力去创造一种具有爱尔兰主题和格调的爱尔兰文学;

    He attempted to create a literature that was Irish in subject matter and tone .

  11. 谢默斯·希尼是自叶芝以来最重要的爱尔兰诗人,也是第四位来自北爱尔兰的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。

    Seamus Heaney is the greatest Irish poet after Yeats and the fourth Nobel Prize winner from Northern Ireland .