- 名link verb;copula

Chapter 5 is a contrastive study of the five syntactic structures ( preposition , adverbs , copula Be , there be structure and relative clauses ) in three languages : English , Chinese and Uygur .
The transfer errors at syntactic level consist of errors in subject , object , copula , infinitive , tense , voice , mood , subject-predicate agreement , word order , run-on sentence , serial verb construction , dangling element , Chinglish expression and redundancy .
Among verbs of resulting , become and get make a sharp contrast in their distribution in T4 , which is governed by the stylistic factor .
He fell ill yesterday .
The ancient Turkic word ■ rin ■ " probably is / are , seems to be " is the gerundive form of the copula verb ■ r - " to be ", which expresses the indefinite assertion or personal assumption and feeling of the speaker .
Some adjectives cannot be used alone after a link verb .
You do not use adverbs after link verbs , you use adjectives .
Copular constructions constitute a challenge for linguistic theories .
" Be " in English is a link-verb .
They can only grow potatoes in the fields .
Quantitative Analysis of Copular Verbs in Technical English
The most common copular verb is be .
On Copular Constructions in English
Have the quality of being ; ( copula , used with an adjective or a predicate noun ) .
Among 8 different forms of copula be , " is " is the most frequently used one in T4 ;
When you use two adjectives as the complement of a link verb , you use a conjunction such as'and'to link them .
This paper focuses on the semantic analysis of sensory action verbs , sensory perception verbs and sensory link verbs and examines their characteristics .
Hume thought it is short of logical foundation that the leap from being to oughtness , the drive of particular behavior only is motional impulse not rationality .
This article reports on a study that investigates how Chinese-speaking learners of English acquire the English third person singular agreement marker - s and the copular / auxiliary is .
( grammar ) of adjectives ; relating to or occurring within the predicate of a sentence . have the quality of being ; ( copula , used with an adjective or a predicate noun ) .
Eighthly , full noun phrases are the most common subjects occurring with the copular verb be utilized by Chinese learners . Pronouns are also highly used as subject with the copular verb be in CLEC .
According to their meaning , collocation and grammatical function , the verbs are divided into seven categories : action verbs , mentally verb of action , verb of speech , auxiliary verb , verb of comparison , verb of existence and the copula .
Every sentence includes a subject noun phrase which followed by a post-modifying prepositional phrase and a corresponding adjective . The sentences contain match condition and mismatch condition . The subjects are asked to fill the corresponding link verb to produce a complete sentence .
From the perspective of linguistics , the distinctive between modern Black English Vernacular and standard English lies in syntactical structures , such as the usage of verb be 、 different plural forms 、 the special use of tenses , the forms of double negative and multiple negatives , etc.