
  • 网络front-open vowels;fine sound
  1. 相同、相近的音节结构或相同、相近的韵母的使用,洪音、细音的调配,相同音节结构的重叠等等是广告语言语音形式加工的主要内容。

    The phonetic process of advertising language mainly involves the utilization of the same , similar syllables or the same , similar vowels ; the allocation of sonorous and low-pitched sounds ;

  2. 肺部呼吸音减低或细湿啰音4例(26.7%),出现明显肺部影像学表现10例(66.7%)。

    The diminution of respiration and pulmonary thin moist rales were auscultated in 4 cases . The chest imaging manifestations were accounted for ( 66.7 % ) .