
xiàn zài fēn cí
  • Present participle;ing;present particle, participle
  1. “reading”是现在分词还是动名词?

    Is " reading " a participle or a gerund ?

  2. sharingclinicalinformationwithdoctorsworldwide是现在分词短语做后置定语,修饰investigators。

    sharing clinical information with doctors worldwide .

  3. 比赛v.伸出(out的现在分词);揭露海滨小游三次比赛中的第一次胜利

    eg. an outing at the beach the first victory in three outings

  4. 不,或者你应该看着我的眼睛说话,hiding:hide的现在分词,隐藏,隐瞒告诉我你所隐瞒的事情。

    Blair : No , maybe you should look at me in the eye and tell me what you 're hiding .

  5. followinglastweek'sannouncement是现在分词作状语。onhold暂缓,推迟,搁置我们把这个计划暂时搁置一个月。

    We 've put the project on hold for a month . 3.And with respect to the announcement that occurred when the vice president was there , we 've expressed our dismay and disappointment .

  6. 针对英文现在分词词性标注这一特定问题存在的难点分析了隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的不足,提出了贝叶斯决策树模型。

    Concerning the difficulties in part-of-speech tagging in English present participle , the authors analyzed the drawbacks of Hidden Markov Models ( HMM ) and proposed Bayesian decision tree model .

  7. fit:(感情等的)激发,突发真的,Alison要是知道你和我一起accompanying:accompany的现在分词,陪伴,附随来参加这个派对,会暴跳如雷的benefit:受益,利益即便是为了你好。

    really . Alison would have a fit if she knew you were accompanying me to this party , even if it was for your benefit . -

  8. 我们是主动看,用现在分词。

    Seeing from the hill , we found the city beautiful .

  9. 贝叶斯决策树在英文现在分词词性识别中的应用

    Application of Bayesian decision tree to recognition of English present participle

  10. 我走近时,发现门有一点儿开着。(现在分词用作状语)

    Coming near , I found the door slightly ajar .

  11. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。

    The usage of the Presen Pregressive Tense and the Present Participle .

  12. (现在分词短语作原因状语)他们的店关门了,因为没有顾客。

    They closed the door , there being no customers .

  13. 现在分词他在那儿站了两小时看比赛。

    He stood there for two hours watching the game .

  14. 从表情上来看,他还不知道这个消息。(用现在分词作状语)

    Judging from his expression , he doesn 't know the news .

  15. 英语现在分词易混用法的区分

    Distinction of Easily Confused Uses of English Present Participles

  16. 明天老师要提问我们现在分词的用法。

    The teacher will question us on the use of present participles tomorrow .

  17. 你混淆了现在分词和动名词的用法。

    You 've got mixed up by the use of participle and gerund .

  18. 关于动名词与现在分词的区别

    The Difference Between the Gerund and the Present Participle

  19. 分词有两种,现在分词和过去分词。

    There are two participles , the present participle and the past participle .

  20. 航海英语中形容词性现在分词的量化分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Adjectival Present Participle in NEC

  21. (现在分词)快要倒塌的,摇摇欲坠的崩溃,崩塌,破灭这次地震把这堵墙震得下陷并开始崩塌。

    crumbling crumble vi. The earthquake made the wall sink and start to crumble .

  22. 现在分词别让我等太久。

    Don 't keep me waiting for long .

  23. 那一定是指现在分词或过去分词了。

    Do you mean present and past participles ?

  24. 什么是现在分词?

    What is the present participle ?

  25. 英语文法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。

    In english grammar , the gerund have exactly the same form as the present participle .

  26. 没人注意,他从窗户溜了出去。6)现在分词作补语:我下车的时候注意到一个男人匆匆忙忙地从银行里跑出来。

    I noticed a man running out of the bank when I got off the car .

  27. 英语中有两类分词:过去分词和现在分词。

    There are two types of participle in English : the past participle and the present participle .

  28. 将来进行时由“shall/will+be+现在分词”构成明天8点到10点之间请不要给我打电话,我那时正在上课。

    Please don 't call me between 8:00 and 10:00 tomorrow . I 'll be having my classes then .

  29. 可充当其后续成分的有形容词、过去分词、现在分词、名词、介词短语及从句。

    The following parts can be adjectives , nouns , past participles , present participles , prepositional phrases or clauses .

  30. 现在分词短语作伴随状态王大明坐在河边,做着饭,头上有只鸟。

    Wang Damin sits on the side of the river cooking a meal , with a large bird on his head .