
  • 网络modern agriculture construction
  1. 西南岩溶地区现代农业建设的新思路

    New thoughts about modern agriculture construction in South - Western Karst Region

  2. 农业基础设施明显加强。夯实农业基础设施推进现代农业建设

    To Promote Modern Agriculture Construction by Tamping Agricultural Basic Infrastructure

  3. 近年来,全国供销合作社系统深化综合改革,在促进现代农业建设、农民增收致富、城乡融合发展等方面做了大量工作。

    Supply and marketing cooperatives across the country have deepened reforms and contributed a lot to promoting the development toward modern agriculture , increasing rural income and boosting integrated urban-rural development .

  4. 贵州土地整理如何促进现代农业建设

    The Guizhou Land Arrangement How To Promote Modern Agriculture Construction

  5. 新时期中国农业发展与现代农业建设

    Chinese Agriculture Development and Modern Agriculture Building in New Period

  6. 现代农业建设必须依靠高素质专业人才的智力支撑。

    The construction of modern agriculture must rely on high-quality intellectual professionals .

  7. 福建现代农业建设的问题、目标与途径

    The Problem , Objective and Access of Modern Agriculture Construction in Fujian

  8. 现代农业建设的制度约束与制度创新

    On System Restriction and Innovation of Modern Agricultural Construction

  9. 农业生产效率问题就成为当前现代农业建设中的一个重要课题。

    Agricultural production efficiency will become an important subject in modern agricultural development .

  10. 关于加快推进现代农业建设的若干思考

    Some Thinking on Quickening Modern Agricultural Construction Advancement

  11. 发挥宁夏农垦在现代农业建设中的示范带动作用

    Playing the Role of Highlight Effective Demonstration of Ningxia 's State Farm in Modern Agricultural Construction

  12. 农业产业化龙头企业的成长壮大是推进现代农业建设、增加农民收入的重要途径。

    The growth of agriculture enterprises can promote the building of modern agriculture , increase farmers income .

  13. 论加快设施发展是推进京郊现代农业建设的有效途径

    Development of the Facilities as An Effective Way of Promoting Modern Agriculture on the Outskirts of Beijing

  14. 因此,湖北省国有农场肩负着发展湖北省现代农业建设的重要历史使命。

    Therefore , the state-owned farms in Hubei province shoulder the important mission of developing modern agriculture construction .

  15. 农业大省现代农业建设问题研究&以河南省为例

    A Study on the Modern Agricultural Construction in Big Agricultural Provinces & Taking Henan Province as an Example

  16. 本文以内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市为例,目的是探索现代农业建设中有效的土地规模经营模式。

    This paper takes Erdos City as an example to explore the effective models of land scale operation in modern agriculture .

  17. 财政作为政府支持农业经济发展的重要手段,在现代农业建设中具有不可替代的作用。

    Financial supporting , which plays an indispensible role in modern agricultural development , is the Important means for Government supporting agriculture .

  18. 农民专业合作社是创新农业生产组织管理模式,推进现代农业建设的途径之一。

    Farmers ' professional co-operatives is the innovation of agricultural production organization management mode of modern agriculture , promote the construction of the way .

  19. 推进现代农业建设是符合我国经济发展客观规律的,是提高农业综合生产力的关键举措。

    Promoting the construction of modern agriculture is a key initiative to improve agricultural comprehensive productivity complying with the objective law of our economic development .

  20. 科技兴农,良种先行,种子是很好的农业科学技术载体,种子产业化可以作为农业现代化的基础和先导,完善种子安全相关法律制度可以为现代农业建设保驾护航。

    Seed is a carrier of agricultural science and technology . The industrialization of seed is the basis and guide of the modernization of agriculture .

  21. 二要加强农业标准化和农业基础设施建设,尽力夯实现代农业建设的基础;

    Secondly , emphasizing agricultural standardization and construction of parts of the infrastructure , tamping the foundation of agricultural construction of modernization as far as possible ;

  22. 农业科技是现代农业建设的重要支撑点,对于现代农业进程的推进具有决定性意义。

    Agricultural science and technology is an important support of the construction of modern agriculture , which is of decisively significant for the promotion of modern agricultural process .

  23. 我国小型水库数目众多,在现代农业建设、经济社会发展和生态环境改善中具有不可替代的重要地位。

    A large number of small reservoirs have the irreplaceable status in the modern agriculture construction , economic and social development and the ecological environment improvement in our country .

  24. 当前,农村和农业发展正处于关键时期,广大农民是现代农业建设和新农村建设的主体。

    Presently , the countryside and the agricultural development is being in the crucial phase , the general farmers are the modern agriculture construction and the new rural reconstruction main body .

  25. 加强现代农业建设,对于提升我国农业整体竞争力,统筹城乡发展,全面建设小康社会,都具有重大的现实意义。

    Strengthening the construction of modern agriculture has its realistic significance to improve the overall agricultural competitiveness , balance urban and rural development and build well-off society in an all-round way .

  26. 主要工作和成果如下:1、上海社会主义郊区农村建设路径之一:推进都市型现代农业建设。

    The main contents and achievements are as follows : 1 . The first path of the suburb and rural area construction in Shanghai : Advances the metropolis modern agriculture construction .

  27. 只有培养造就千千万万适应现代农业建设需要的新型农民,才能支撑起新农村建设的发展,推动现代化建设前进。

    In order to prop up the construction of new rural development and promote modernization progress , we should train tens of thousands of new farmers who can adapt to modern agriculture .

  28. 然而,客观审视我国现阶段的财政支农政策,其与现代农业建设的目标相比,还存在诸多问题和需要改进的空间。

    However , examining the present financial policy in China , compared to its target with the construction of modern agriculture , there are still many problems and space need to be improved .

  29. 推进现代农业建设,当前亟需解决以下几个问题:一要加快农业市场化建设,稳步推进农业市场化进程;

    Promoting agricultural construction of modernization , our country has to settle several questions urgently at present : firstly , quickening market-oriented construction of agriculture , overcoming the contradiction between small-scale production and large-scale market ;

  30. 2012年中央一号文件中明确提出了依靠科技创新驱动,引领支撑现代农业建设的重要主题。

    In 2012 , the No.1 document of the central committee of the CPC ( No.1 document ) put forward clearly that Rely on scientific and technological innovation-driven , leading the support of modern agriculture construction .