
xiàn dài zhàn zhēnɡ
  • modern war
  1. ,new(?)现代战争的新型武器&病毒

    Modern War New Weapon & Virus

  2. 反辐射导弹(ARM)是现代战争中对雷达硬杀伤的主要武器。

    The Anti Radiation Missmil ( ARM ) is a kind of main weapon in modern war .

  3. 金属轮战车是现代战争中坦克的原型。

    Metal-wheeled chariots are the prototype of the tanks of modern warfare .

  4. 在现代战争中,战斗人员与非战斗人员都可能死亡。

    In modern wars , both combatants and non-combatants are killed .

  5. C4ISR系统在现代战争中的重要作用使得其评价问题得到了前所未有的重视。

    In modern warfare , C ~ 4ISR system is being paid more and more attention because of its importance .

  6. 由于无人作战飞机(UnmannedCombatAerialVehicle,UCAV)能够完成各种复杂的作战任务,在现代战争中发挥的作用越来越显著,因而受到各国军事高层的关注。

    UCAV ( Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle ) can complete a variety of the complex combat tasks , and is playing more and more important role in morden war , so it attracts the attention of the national military .

  7. 批评家们也赞扬了DexterFilkins的描写现代战争的永远的战争。

    Critics have also praised a book about current wars called " The Forever War " by Dexter Filkins .

  8. 无人机(UAV)有很多优点,隐身性好、机动性强、成本低廉,特别是无飞行员伤亡,在现代战争中的作用愈加重要。

    UAV ( Unmanned Air Vehicle ) has many advantages , such as good invisibility , strong flexibility , and low cost . More important , no pilots will die using UAVs . In modern war , UAV is more and more widely used .

  9. 指出了互操作性是现代战争对C3I系统的基本要求,体系结构是保障所开发的C3I系统满足军事需求的机制。

    This paper sets forth the idea that interoperability is a modern war 's basic demand to C 3I system , and that architecture is a mechanism ensuring developing C 3I system will meet military requirement .

  10. 目标识别是指挥自动化系统的一个重要组成部分,针对现代战争对抗手段不断增强的特点,运用BP神经网络和D-S证据理论探索作战飞机机型的识别方法。

    Target Recognition is important part in C ~ 3I system . According to the peculiarity of continuing promoted counterwork of modern wars , Target Recognition is base on BP Neural Networks and D-S Evidence Theory to quest for the identification method to the type of aircraft .

  11. 消耗率系数为常数的Lanchester型战争方程的终止问题在[1]、[2]中得到解决,本文利用正定函数可得到变系数Lanchester型现代战争方程的转折点或终止问题。

    Termination problem about Lanchester equation which consumption coefficients are constant has been solved . Appling positive definite function , this paper obtained the turning point and termination problem about Lanchester equation with variable coefficients .

  12. 目前,我国正大力发展C3I系统,目的是实现指挥、控制、通信和情报保障的高度综合自动化,以满足现代战争对作战指挥的要求。

    At present , in order to realize the highly integrated automation for command , control , communication and information security , to meet the requirements of modern warfare on the operational command , China is vigorously developing C3I systems .

  13. 现代战争对坦克自卫烟幕弹药的要求

    The Requirement of Smoke Munition for Self-defence Tanks in Modern War

  14. 这种焦土战术成了现代战争的标志

    A scorched earth approach becomes the trademark of modern warfare .

  15. 现代战争中防空导弹武器系统的光电对抗技术

    Photoelectric countermeasure technology of air defense missile weapon in modern war

  16. 现代战争中,平民同士兵一样要参战。

    Civilians as well as soldiers take part in modern warfare .

  17. 在现代战争中,各种雷达系统大量使用。

    Many Radar systems have been used in the modern warfare .

  18. 现代战争对装备技术保障的要求越来越高。

    Modern warfare puts forward greater demands on weapon equipment technology support .

  19. 电子压制是赢得现代战争的关键技术。

    Electronic suppress is a key technique to win the modern war .

  20. 现代战争首先是信息战、电子战。

    Electronic Warfare at Northrop Modern warfare is of information and electronic .

  21. 商业遥感卫星在现代战争中的应用

    The Application of Commercial Remote Sensing Satellites in Modern Warfare

  22. 航天侦察对现代战争的影响和对策

    The Influence and Countermeasure of the Space Reconnaissance to the Modern War

  23. 现代战争的特点是高度的分布式协同作战。

    The nature of modern war is highly distributed coordination .

  24. 雷达干扰技术是当代电子战的重要组成部分和核心内容之一,在现代战争中的作用日益凸现。

    Radar jamming is a very important content of nowadays electronic warfare .

  25. 现代战争后勤汽车分队防卫研究

    The Research of Logistic Vehicle Unit Defense in Modern Warfare

  26. 现代战争一个重要特点体现为作战装备之间的成体系对抗。

    System of systems is an important feature of the modern warfare .

  27. 现代战争对装备的电子化、信息化的要求越来越高。

    Modern warfare requires more and more for electronization and informatization of equipments .

  28. 现代战争与医疗卫生保障的对策研究

    The countermeasure research on modern war and health care

  29. 他写到了现代战争的恐怖之处。

    He wrote of the horrors of modern warfare .

  30. 从现代战争看环境道德建设

    View the Construction of Environment Morality from Modern Wars