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  • serial
  1. 这本书是继她的优秀电视系列片之后的又一力作。

    The book is a follow-up to her excellent television series .

  2. 她拍了一部描写收养儿童的电视系列片。

    She produced a TV series about adopted children .

  3. 贾姆瓦尔是一个品牌开发咨询师,在业余时间担任瑜伽教练,这部由她担任主角的分为13部分的系列片将于1月在Rajshri公司名为“MindBodySoul”(心理、身体、灵魂)的YouTube频道上发布。

    The 13-part series starring Jamwal , a brand development consultant who teaches yoga on the side , will be released in January on the Mind Body Soul channelthat Rajshri has on YouTube .

  4. 五年前,在NBA工作的弗兰-比林伯利制作了一部12集的系列片来介绍1961-62赛季,《巨人们的赛季》,这个题目实在是再适合不过了。

    Five years ago , Fran Blinebury at nba.com did a 12-part series on the 1961-62 season called Season of Giants - a most appropriate title .

  5. 接下来,就像蹩脚的好莱坞电影系列片一样,我们可能就要开始谈论qe1和qe2的续集了。

    Then , just like a bad Hollywood film series , we may end up talking about a sequel to QE1 and QE2 .

  6. 两部大片续集促成了今年的票房结果:今年最卖座的影片很可能是《星球大战》系列片上映38年以来的第七部影片,以及拥有22年历史的《侏罗纪公园》(JurassicPark)系列的第四部。

    Two hand-me-down film properties drove this year 's results : The best-selling releases of the year are likely to be the seventh chapter in a " Star Wars " franchise that began 38 years ago , and the fourth entry in the 22-year-old " Jurassic Park " series .

  7. 这个案子的公诉人肯·克拉兹(KenKratz)认为,这个系列片是片面的,它漏掉了许多重要的证据,其中之一是哈尔巴赫女士的丰田RAV4车盖挂钩上的艾佛里先生的DNA。这个丰田车当时是在艾佛里废车场找到的。

    But Ken Kratz , who prosecuted the cases against Mr. Avery and Mr. Dassey , said the series was one-sided and omitted significant pieces of evidence , including DNA from Mr. Avery on the latch under the hood of Ms. Halbach 's Toyota RAV4 , found in the Averys " auto salvage yard .

  8. 今晚的节目是一产部3集系列片的第2集。

    Tonight 's programme is the second in a three-part series .

  9. 我认识到这部电视系列片已使我变得多么不理智。

    I realized how blind the series had made me .

  10. 这部系列片因没能赢得观众而很快停播了。

    The series failed to win viewers and soon got the chop .

  11. 她负责采购电视系列片所用的道具。

    She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series .

  12. 预排系列片的样片;为了吸引资助人。

    A program exemplifying a contemplated series ; intended to attract sponsors .

  13. 那部新的电视系列片的效果并不十分理想。

    That new television series is not up to much .

  14. 她是一部受欢迎的侦探电视系列片的编剧之一。

    She 's one of the scriptwriters on a popular TV detective series .

  15. 他想拍摄一部电视系列片的宏大计划没有一个实现的。

    None of his grand plans for a TV series ever came to fruition .

  16. 你有没有看新的喜剧系列片,就是以健康俱乐部为背景的那部?

    Have you seen the new comedy series that 's set in a health club ?

  17. 那个电视系列片叫什么?

    What 's the film series call ?

  18. 该系列片也许能让IT僧俗们更好地理解IT专家。

    A TV series could make IT laymen better understand the work of IT experts .

  19. 11年来,我一直是大众电视系列片‘美国科学前沿’的主持人。

    For11 years , I was the host of the public television series Scientific American Frontiers .

  20. 现在电视中毫无意义的智力竞答节目和引进的侦探系列片太多。

    There are too many inane quiz shows and imported detective series on television these days .

  21. 眼下,她将重点放在了《阿布尼和蒂尔》上,这是一部充满怀旧情绪的动画系列片。

    Now her focus is on Abney & teal , an animated series laden with nostalgia .

  22. 制作精良华美,这在日下电视系列片中难能可贵!

    The cartoon is magnificent and delicate in production , which is rare in TV series !

  23. 一个名为狄波拉·布尔的芭蕾舞演员将在一套电视系列片中演示舞蹈的原理。

    The ballerina Deborah Bull is to star in a television series about the science of dance .

  24. 不过说真的,中央电视台就要播放福娃卡通系列片了,谁还要什么国庆安排啦!

    But really , who needs big plans when CCTV will begin airing the new Fuwa cartoon series .

  25. 英国广播公司的一部电视系列片提出了这样的问题:晚上是否应该把猫关在家里。

    A BBC television series has raised the question of whether cats should be kept indoors at night .

  26. 现在这部电视系列片已在全世界放映,观众将会知道那句话就是斯佩克的座右铭。

    Viewers of the television series which now screens worldwide will know that this is Spake 's motto .

  27. 我错过了系列片的第二辑,所以我不知遭现在剧情进展如何。

    I missed the second episode of the series so I don 't know what 's going on now .

  28. 清代兴衰《大理上下四千年》电视系列片解说词编写课题组

    The Rise and Decline of Qing Dynasty & The Commentary of a Special TV Program Dali of 4,000 Years

  29. 艾伦。卡明为这个昙花一现的系列片“上帝,魔鬼和鲍勃”中的魔鬼配音。

    Alan Cumming voiced The Devil in the short lived series " God , The Devil and Bob " .

  30. 历史上播放时间最长的动画系列片和美国电视播放时间最长的黄金档系列片终于登上了大银幕!

    The longest-running animated series in history and the longest-running primetime series currently on American television hits the big screen !