
wēn hé pài
  • moderates;moderate faction
  1. 温和派为讨好选民在盗用他的观点。

    Moderates are plagiarizing his ideas in hopes of wooing voters

  2. 首相和温和派还未大功告成。

    The prime minister and the moderates are not yet home and dry .

  3. 击败她的参议员皮特·威尔逊是一个谦卑的温和派人士。

    Her conqueror , Senator Pete Wilson , is a diffident , moderate man .

  4. 他是保守党温和派中的一员。

    He is one of Tory wets .

  5. 而温和派们则始终态度含糊,最终,遗患无穷。

    The moderates , on the other hand , have left an ambiguous and , in the end , harmful legacy .

  6. 温和派为讨好选民在盗用他的观点

    Moderates are plagiarizing his ideas in hopes of wooing voters .

  7. 然后寻找一个名叫“美国政治”(USPolitics)的方框。括号里写着Facebook对你的归类,比如自由派、温和派或保守派。

    Then look for a box titled " US Politics . " In parentheses , it will describe how Facebook has categorized you , such as liberal , moderate or conservative .

  8. 比如,唐纳德•J•特朗普(DonaldJ.Trump)的总统竞选团队花钱把广告展示给被Facebook标记为温和派的用户。

    For instance , Donald J. Trump 's presidential campaign has paid for its ads to be shown to those who Facebook has labeled politically moderate .

  9. 在叙利亚,并没有足够实力证明叙利亚温和派叛军能够扛起独自对抗ISIS组织的大旗。

    In Syria , the moderate Syrian rebels there have not proven very effective in fighting ISIS on their own .

  10. 所花的经费大大超过了他所有的对手。尽管如此,Romney仅有的几次竞选也只具有象征意义并且显得笨拙不堪,与此同时,这位马萨诸塞州的温和派(Romney)在争取共和党保守基层这一点上依然困难重重。

    Still , Mr Romney 's few campaign appearances were token and awkward , and the Massachusetts moderate continues to struggle with the party 's conservative base .

  11. MahmoudAbbas的温和派法塔赫团队和内讧派Hamas之间的分裂使巴勒斯坦的政治体系陷入瘫痪状态。

    The split between Mahmoud Abbas ' moderate Fatah group and the militant Hamas faction has virtually paralyzed the Palestinians ' political system .

  12. fomc一些温和派人士仍担心增长风险,尤其是高油价对消费者的影响。

    Some FOMC doves remain concerned about risks to growth , especially the cost to consumers from high oil prices .

  13. 而被Gingrich嘲笑为“马萨诸塞州温和派”的MittRomney并没有到场,自由派的RonPaul也没来。

    Mitt Romney , whom Mr Gingrich has relentlessly derided as " a moderate from Massachusetts , " did not attend ; nor did the libertarian Ron Paul .

  14. 工党和保守党中撒切尔的温和派前辈力图通过行政抑制通胀,通过与工会和雇主们达成各种交易来降低工资和物价。由于受到IMF的很大压力,工党削减了开支。

    Labour , and Thatcher 's centrist predecessors among the Conservatives , had tried to control inflation administratively , through various deals with unions and employers to hold down wages and prices ; Labour had , under pressure from the IMF , cut spending .

  15. 同在市政局的温和派MariaRydén对《每日邮报》透露道,这个建议只是因大选在前而推出的虚假且有民粹主义的策略。

    Maria Ryd é n of the Moderates , who also sits on the city council , told the Metro newspaper that the proposal was a " dishonest and populist ploy " with elections just around the corner .

  16. 他们给两个社会集团中的温和派人士提供一个机会。

    They offer a chance to moderate people in both communities .

  17. 海部在日本政治词汇中是一个相对的温和派。

    Kaifu is a relative moderate in the Japanese political lexicon .

  18. 大多数人是温和派,急切地想表达他们的意见。

    The majority were moderate , and eager to express their opinions .

  19. 温和派享受与朋友和家人的时光。

    Soft spoken people enjoying time with friends and family .

  20. 她属于该党的温和派。

    She was on the moderate wing of the party .

  21. 该党温和派和激进派之间分歧严重。

    The party is deeply divided between moderates and extremists .

  22. 纳吉布把自己定位为一个具有前瞻思维的温和派。

    Mr. Najib has positioned himself as a forward-looking moderate .

  23. 保守派分子震惊,温和派的领袖们也吓慌了。

    Conservative elements were shocked and the moderate leaders scared .

  24. 他写道与一位白人温和派人士

    He writes about an experience with a white moderate --

  25. 温和派人士有许多担忧的事情。

    The moderates have plenty to be anxious about .

  26. 在温和派的鼓舞下,一些新的活动开展起来。

    Emboldened by the rise of the moderates , new campaigns have begun .

  27. 我是一位温和派,你看得出吗?

    I 'm a moderate , can you tell ?

  28. 如果他能获得温和派和无党派议员的支持,医改就将获得成功。

    If he brings moderates and independents on board , reform will succeed .

  29. 我们失去了太多的温和派。

    We 've lost too many of the moderates .

  30. 温和派必须坚定对预算的立场。

    Moderates must take a stand on the budget .