
  • 网络emma;irma;alma
  1. 指定阅读书目之一是简·奥斯汀的《爱玛》。

    One of the set books is Jane Austen 's Emma .

  2. 题赠写着:“献给爱玛,爱你的哈里”。

    The inscription reads : ' To Emma , with love from Harry ' .

  3. 爱玛从来没有把自己当成一只鹤,她对人类有着很深的情感。

    Emma had never taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans .

  4. 根据《Variety》杂志爱玛的角色原来打算让石头姐出演,后来她因为拍摄电影《宠儿》而无法出演。

    Emma 's role was originally intended for Emma Stone , according to Variety , who reported that she was unable to commit to the role , as she is currently working on The Favourite .

  5. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)人机交互研究所(Human-ComputerInteractionInstitute)助理教授杰夫•比格姆(JeffBigham)是爱玛创造者的顾问。

    Jeff Bigham , assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University 's Human-Computer Interaction Institute , works as an adviser to Emma 's creators .

  6. 最近,一天早晨9点29分,我弓着身子紧张地盯着键盘,准备与一台名为爱玛(Emma)的机器一决雌雄。

    One day last week at 9.29am I hunched nervously over my keyboard and prepared to do battle with an entity called Emma .

  7. Stealth联合创始人ShaunakKhire表示,爱玛拥有一个由人类“教练”组成的团队,但他坚称,她是完全独立完成工作的。

    Shaunak Khire , co-founder of Stealth , says Emma has a team of human " trainers " but insists the output is all her own .

  8. 欧沃斯崔和爱玛对此事也没有回应。他们最早被拍到在一起的时候是在二月份一起参加NathanielRateliff&theNightSweats音乐会上,当时就有流言蜚语了。

    Watson and Overstreet first sparked dating rumors when they were photographed together at a Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats concert in February .

  9. 斯莱特(Slater)和爱玛(Emma)这对美国夫妇已经在中国生活了4年了,职业都是英语老师。

    Slater and Emma are an American couple that have lived in China for four years . They are both English teachers .

  10. 公司在伦敦的爱玛•皮斯克(EmmaPeascod)将日本工艺融入到她室内和建筑装饰的项目里。

    London-based Emma Peascod has integrated Japanese craftsmanship into her decorative finishes for interior and architecture projects .

  11. 2006年,位于费城的自助餐厅经营者爱玛客(Aramark)将SeamlessWeb收入囊中,后者当时已然是美国企业员工主要的餐饮提供商。

    By 2006 , when Philadelphia-based cafeteria operator ARAMARK bought the startup , it was the de facto meal provider for American corporate workers .

  12. 库马尔的前任J.J.卡特勒在学院任职两年后,于2011年离职,回到他之前工作的爱玛客公司(Aramark)担任营销总监。

    Her predecessor , J.J. Cutler , also left in 2011 after serving for two years , only to return to ARAMARK where he had previously worked as a marketing executive .

  13. 《爱玛》部分翻译错误浅析

    Analysis of Some Translation Mistakes in the Chinese Version of EMMA

  14. 爱玛看着她那特别要好的小朋友走进来。

    Emma watched the entree of her own particular little friend ;

  15. 我可以肯定爱玛会大发脾气的。

    Emma can be very bad-tempered , I can tell you .

  16. 哈里特的前途已定,爱玛自然十分高兴。

    Emma was overjoyed that Harriet 's future was now assured .

  17. 奥斯丁小说《傲慢与偏见》和《爱玛》中的反讽艺术

    Irony in Jane Austen ' novel Pride and Prejudice and Emma

  18. 爱玛唯一的娱乐形式似乎是购物。

    Emma 's only form of recreation seems to be shopping .

  19. 爱玛因为是家里最聪明的人,就被宠坏了。

    Emma is spoiled by being the cleverest of her family .

  20. 还有一个比爱玛更适合我的人在等我。

    There 's someone out there better for me than emma .

  21. 爱玛在最新时尚杂志拍摄的照片看起来非常好看。

    Emma looked sensational for her photoshoot for the fashion magazine .

  22. 安娜和爱玛的悲剧成因探析

    An Analysis to the Tragic Factors of Anna and Emma

  23. M:爱玛,你最喜欢什么运动?

    M : Emma , what 's your favorite exercise ?

  24. 布赖汉姆,你能跑过去告诉爱玛我们一会就来么?

    Brigham , can you run and tell Emma we 're coming ?

  25. 爱玛:我们采访了一个支持瑞士足球的观众。

    Enmar : So we see an audience for the Swiss football .

  26. 爱玛看穿了她的伎俩,又回到了原先的猜疑上。

    Emma saw its artifice , and returned to her first surmises .

  27. 爱玛毫不怀疑,这完全是为了她而写的。

    This , Emma could not doubt , was all for herself .

  28. 爱玛自己则把两人的冷漠关系归咎于简的冷漠。

    Emma herself blamed Jane 's reserve for their somewhat cool relationship .

  29. 爱玛:体育记者们也同意球迷们的说法。

    Enmar : And sports journalists agree with the fans .

  30. 爱玛转过头去,弄得啼笑皆非。

    Emma turned away her head , divided between tears and smiles .