
  • 网络Infobox international football competition;International association football competitions
  1. 对有些美国球迷来说,世界杯(WorldCup)是首屈一指的国际足球赛事。其他赛事都远远不能与之相比。

    For some American fans , the World Cup is the be-all and end-all of international soccer .

  2. 实际上,国际足球赛事令人着迷的一点就在于,它与政治或经济趋势素无干系。

    In fact , the nice thing about international football is that it actually does not track political or economic trends .

  3. 路易斯二世亲王体育场,于1985年建成,负责主办国际足球赛事,也是摩纳哥足球队的主场地。

    The Louis II Stadium , inaugurated in1985 , hosts international football games and is home to the Monaco Football Team .

  4. 5年多以前,俄罗斯赢得了2018年世界杯的主办权,该国目前正忙着筹备这一国际足球赛事。

    Russia won the bid to host the 2018 World Cup over five years ago , while the country currently is busy with preparation work for the international football competition .

  5. 在20个已公布足改方案的省份中,至少有13省称期待举办大型国际足球赛事或“积极参与申办国际足联世界杯”。

    Of the 20 that have published their own plans , at least 13 say they look forward to holding large international soccer events , or " actively pursue applying for the FIFA World Cup . "

  6. 国际顶级足球赛事欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)于9月16日展开小组赛。欧洲的顶级俱乐部将利用这次机会,展示他们夏季斥资引援的成果。

    When soccer 's top international tournament , theChampions League , begins its group stage on September 16 , it will offer a chance for Europe 's top clubs to show off the results of their summer spending .

  7. 尽管赢得了5次世界杯,但巴西在过去116年里从未拿到过奥运会足球金牌,这也是它唯一一个没有夺过冠的国际主要足球赛事。

    Despite winning five World Cups , the country has faced 116 years of failure at the Olympics , the only major international football tournament it has not won .

  8. 中国新闻社报道称,根据于10月份宣布的北京市足球改革方案,北京市将创造一种更加成熟和健康的足球文化,并积极申办国际顶级足球赛事。

    According to Beijing 's soccer reform plans that were announced in October , the city will develop a more mature and healthy soccer culture and make an active bid for an international top-level soccer event , the China News Service reported .

  9. 国际足联创建于1904年,为了8个欧洲国家为组织国际足球赛事合作而生。。

    The organization was founded in 1904 , when eight European nations agreed to cooperate in organizing international matches .