
quàn dǎo
  • Persuasion;advise;exhort;induce;try to persuade
劝导 [quàn dǎo]
  • [try to persuade;advise] 鼓励引导;规劝开导

  • 耐心劝导

劝导[quàn dǎo]
  1. 我们如何来劝导银行筹集股本?

    How can we induce the banks to raise capital ?

  2. 如果我们想防止系统性债务违约,我们就需要一个机制,劝导银行在自身资本缓冲较低时筹集更多股本。

    If we want to prevent defaults on systemic obligations , we need a mechanism to induce banks to raise more equity when their capital cushion is running low .

  3. 经过同志们再三劝导,他终于想通了。

    After repeated exhortation by his comrades , he finally straightened out his thinking .

  4. 当一个人向别人提出忠告时,他就是在进行劝导。

    When a person gives advice , he advises .

  5. 他请求我,劝导我,命令我工作

    He begs me , exhorts me , commands me to work .

  6. 西方应当继续劝导俄罗斯在国际社会中做一名负责的成员,将其拉入世界贸易组织(wto)等机构。

    It should continue to entice Russia to be a responsible member of the international community , drawing it into institutions such as the World Trade Organisation .

  7. 这种暗指性的用法最早见于简-奥斯汀(JaneAusten)去世后出版的《劝导》(Persuasion)一书中。

    The earliest known example of this allusive use comes from Jane Austen 's posthumously published novel Persuasion .

  8. 但与下一个问题作比,这还算简单的,即:劝导开发者转向新的语言和API而不影响现有平台的势头。

    But that 's a piece of cake compared to the next problem : getting developers to move over to the new language and API while maintaining your platform 's momentum .

  9. “我们可以划定一些区域,在那些区域,我们会劝导人们不要逗留,也不要试图进行破坏性活动,”新加坡总理李显龙(leehsienloong)表示。

    " We can Gazette certain areas and , within that area , we can instruct people to move along and not dawdle and attempt to do something which is disruptive , " said Lee Hsien Loong , Prime Minister .

  10. 她去世之后,哥哥亨利为她的小说《劝导》和《诺桑觉寺》(NorthangerAbbey)写了一本注释笔记(1817年12月出版),这本书我早已读过并时常查阅。那是她第一次以作家身份被众人知晓。

    I had read for years ( and still do in most sources ) that the Biographical Note composed by her brother Henry for the posthumous edition of " Persuasion " and " Northanger Abbey " ( published in December 1817 ) was the first public identification of her as an author .

  11. 不要认为他是不会听劝导的。

    Do not think that he will not be reasoned with .

  12. 他们可以用命令行事,而我必须进行说服和劝导。

    They could order ; I had to convince and persuade .

  13. 俄语广告语言的劝导功能分析

    Analysis of Persuading Functions in Russian Language for Commercial Advertisement

  14. 加五8这劝导不是出于那召你们的。

    Gal. 5:8 This persuasion is not of Him who calls you .

  15. 这样的劝导,不是出于那召你们的。

    This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you .

  16. 他在劝导那个孩子认识错误。

    He was reasoning with the child on his mistake .

  17. 未曾忠告自己的人,也没有资格劝导别人。

    Those who never dehort himself are not quarlified of advising others .

  18. 父母一直竭力劝导我要做到宽容和节制。

    Both my parents have always preached tolerance and moderation .

  19. 什么是必不可少的大众心理学是一门艺术,劝导。

    What is essential in mass psychology is the art of persuasion .

  20. 大学生择业期望偏差调适&态度劝导理论的启示

    Attitude of Persuasion Theory and Adjusting Employment Expectation and Deviation of College Students

  21. 可是其他两个人都针对着他进行劝导了。

    But the others turned on him , expostulating .

  22. 他把选手叫到一旁去劝导她。

    He took the player aside to counsel her .

  23. 他已经劝导国王赦免他们了

    He had prevailed upon the king to spare them

  24. 在一番劝导之后,他交代了他的线报来源

    After some persuasion , gave up his sources .

  25. 在德国大选中,安吉拉·默克尔劝导选民们应该往好的方面想。

    ON THE campaign trail , Angela Merkel tells voters to think positively .

  26. 电子商务网站的劝导设计研究与应用

    The Persuasive Research and Design of E-Commerce Web Sites

  27. 《劝导》中父女对话阐释

    The Interpretation of the Dialogue between Father and Daughter

  28. 政府劝导人们购买国产货,不要买外国货。

    The government urged the people to buy domestic goods , not foreign goods .

  29. 这是在我的劝导下她才放弃了这个念头。

    It was only by my advice that she had given up the idea .

  30. 我该听从长者的劝导。

    I ought to let older people judge .