
quàn xué
  • encourage learning;exhort to receive education
劝学 [quàn xué]
  • [encourage learning;urge sb. to attend school] 勉励人学习;鼓励人努力学习

  1. 儒家劝学的当代社会价值

    The Contemporary Social Value of Encouraging Learning Held by Confucian School

  2. 由此及彼,与学二而一的劝学一词它的内涵与外延也会跟着起一番变化。

    From here , with learning a " Encouraging Learning " its connotation and denotation will follow since some changes .

  3. 所以荀子特别强调人后天的教化和学习,《荀子》的首篇就是《劝学》。

    Therefore , Xun Zi valued moralization and education so much that the very first chapter of Xun Zi was named " Encouraging Learning . "

  4. 儒家文化中的劝学是指中国古代儒家以一定的形式,来鼓励个体或群体践仁、修礼、尚德、学习,它包括劝学形式和劝学内容两个方面。

    Encouraging learning in Confucian culture refers to that the Confucian School in ancient China encouraged individual or group to carry out kindness , cultivate rites , uphold morality and learn which included both encouraging learning type and encouraging learning content .

  5. 同时简述张之洞的诗集、骈体文文集、散文集和《书目答问》、《輶轩语》与《劝学篇》等著作,为研究张氏散文提供材料渊源。第二章,张之洞散文内容评述。

    Zhang also outlined the poetry , prose corpus , essays and " Shu Mu Da Wen " and " Quan Xue Pian " and other works , Zhang essays provide material for research sources . Chapter ⅱ, Review of Zhang articles content .