- 网络chopsticks brothers

China 's Internet singing sensation Chopsticks Brothers performed their viral hit Little Apple at the 2014 American Music Awards .
Chopsticks Brothers - - which consistsof director Xiao Yang and musician Wang Taili - played a middle-aged singingduo in the film Old Boys : The Way ofthe Dragon .
China 's Internet singing sensationChopsticks Brothers will perform their viral hit Little Apple at the 2014 American MusicAwards , according to Southern . com 。
Chopsticks Brothers which consists of director Xiao Yang and musician Wang Taili - played a middle-aged singing duo in the film Old Boys : The Way of the Dragon .
The duo has confirmed theirattendance at the AMA , an awards show second only to the Grammys in prestige.They will join renowned singers including Taylor Swift and One Directionto deliver a night of sensational music to the world 。