
  • 网络LIGHT AND SHADOW;light and shade;Light & Shadow
  1. 光与影的魅力&浅析欧洲巴罗克绘画中光的运用

    Charms of Light and Shadow & Analysing the application of light in European Baroque art

  2. 剧中不同人物对于月亮的不同描述使得戏剧在光与影之间不停转换。

    How the different characters describe the moon demonstrates this constant shifting of light and shadow .

  3. 汉语光与影的认知联系

    The Cognitive Relation between " Light " and " Shadow "

  4. 但光与影有着和谐的旋律。

    But rather in a harmonious rhythm of light and shade .

  5. 还有其他空白,其他光与影。

    There were other voids and other lights and other shadows .

  6. 试论现代山水画中的光与影

    On the Light and Shade of Modern Landscape Paintings

  7. 恰似光与影彼此紧紧相依相随。

    These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that cling .

  8. 探索世界的光与影:地图传奇

    Exploring the World 's lights and shadows

  9. 光与影的交响

    The Combination of Light and Shade

  10. 光与影的魅惑&对电影用光的探索

    A Fascination of Light and Film

  11. 光影与建筑设计汉语光与影的认知联系

    Light Shadow and Architectural Design The Cognitive Relation between " Light " and " Shadow "

  12. 光与影的交错,明与暗的相互作用

    The interplay of light and shadow

  13. 绝望在光与影之间&《空心人》的意象与结构解读

    Lost Between Light and Shade : An Interpretation of the Images and Structure of The Hollow Men

  14. 而它们所创造的光与影的前后交错就如同光世界的交响曲。

    and the play of reflections that they toss back and forth is like a symphony in light .

  15. 在对称的画面处理法之上,王沂东再对空白与装饰、光与影和冷暖色调的二元性进行探讨。

    The painting 's symmetry is apparent in the dichotomy of cold and warm hues , emptiness and embellishment , light and shade .

  16. 光与影在这个世界里有著关键的作用。它们会在虚拟的人、树木、雀鸟和房屋之间,引发一连串的连锁反应。

    Light and shadow play critical roles in this world 's and such function causes chain reactions between virtual people , trees , birds and houses .

  17. 塘中的月色并不均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。

    The moonlight on the pool was not uniform , but light and shadow made up a harmonious rhythm like a beautiful tune played on a violin .

  18. 他的雕塑强调个体性与肉体的具体性;通过细腻而充满质感的表面、以及光与影的运用表达情感。

    His sculpture emphasized the individual and the concreteness of flesh , and suggested emotion through detailed , textured surfaces and the interplay of light and shadow .

  19. 点点人物头像随著构图的安排歌唱,出其不意地牵引著光与影,将它变成推与拉。

    The pixels of Frank Sinatra sing along its compositional placement , manipulating unexpected areas of shadow and light to function into motion of a push and pull .

  20. 本文作者根据我国实际并参照国外有关资料对光与影提出了自己的亮化思想。

    According to practicality in our country and referring to the relevant data abroad , author gives out own bright shining thought to light and shadow in this paper .

  21. 在建筑结构上充分运用窗与墙、混凝土与玻璃、竖向与横向、光与影的对比手法。

    Those architecture design show a striking contrast , such as the windows on the building structure with walls , concrete and glass , vertical and horizontal , light and shadow .

  22. 各种光与影在画面中流动着,虚与实的关系处理得都非常的准确,能唤起人们灵魂深处对神秘的探究。

    A variety of light and shadow flow in the screen and the relations of virtual and real are very accurate can arouse people to explore the mysterious depths of the soul .

  23. 敏锐的人类学家却意识到了这种光与影结合的技术在田野调查、教学研究以及保存异文化模式方面具有文字所无法比拟的表现空间。

    The anthropologists are acutely aware that this combination technology of Light and film have by text incomparable performance space in the field research 、 teaching research and preserving the culture of different models .

  24. 小岛上的夏天是充满幻想的。海浪轻拍着沙滩,光与影在沙地上嬉戏,丝丝的微风刮过海面,看那远处的地平线隐约漂浮着一艘帆船。

    Summer in the islands-waves licking the shore , light and shadow playing on the sand , a brisk breeze out at sea , and far away on the horizon a little sailing boat .

  25. 在汉语中,光与影的整合主要表现为:1,用同一个词既表示光明,又表示暗影,如景、映等;

    In Chinese , the combination of " light " and " shadow " are mainly expressed in the following ways : 1 . Using the same word to indicate both " light " and " shadow ";

  26. 自从电视在中国安家,经历了几十年的探索,中国的电视纪录片在光与影的转换中营造了一次次的感动,打造出无数的永恒;

    Settles down since the television in China , has experienced several dozens years exploration , China 's television documentary film has built a move in the light and in the shade transformation , makes the innumerable eternal ;

  27. 光与影是西方绘画艺术长期以来研究和关注的重要绘画语言和元素,西方油画历史的众多作品都显现出了历代艺术家对于光的重视。

    Light and Shadow has been an important painting language and element being research and focus in Western art ever since a long time ago . Artists have shown the importance of light in numerous works of western painting history .

  28. 第一眼看到这幅新近清理过的草稿,便可以看出颜料的应用,天空的质感,以及光与影的表达方式&一切看上去都很有希望,最近,莱尔斯在接受电话采访时说。

    When I first saw this sketch , newly cleaned , there was just something about the application of the paint , the texture in the sky and the expression of the light and shade & all looked promising , she said recently in a phone interview .

  29. 本文提出了目前在夜景照明设计中形成的几种光污染的现象,并通过实例分析,说明照明设计应该同时处理好明与暗、光与影的关系。

    This paper presents several light pollution phenomena in urban light landscape project , and illuminates how to deal with brightness and darkness , light and shadow well through analysing a few examples .