
  • Old Boy;lyric
  1. 然后把“老男孩网络”(OldBoyNetwork)打得找不着北。

    Then go beat the living crap out of the old boy network .

  2. 在1977年的电影《熊和强盗》中,伯特-雷诺兹驾驶一辆黑色庞蒂克TransAm,成功地塑造了一位良家老男孩形象。

    Actor Burt Reynolds showed his image as a good old boy by driving a powerful black Pontiac Trans Am in Smokey and the Bandit .

  3. CNN特派员景兰:这幅画面看起来也许有点像是老男孩俱乐部的聚会,不过请再注意看看,注意听一听。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : This may look like a meeting of the old boys club , but look again and listen .

  4. 但这两个老男孩在NBA呆的时间加起来已经有21年了,他们终于明白了一个奇怪的事实:球员的行为会因球队的成功而变得不同。

    But in their combined 21 years in the NBA , they have come to understand a curious truth : Players ' behavior is perceived differently based on their teams ' success .

  5. 其实,又何止导演一个老男孩。

    When it realized , I am already an old boy .

  6. 18岁的男孩们崇拜我,50岁的老男孩们更崇拜我。

    Boys age18 worshipped me , man-boys age50 worshipped me more .

  7. 一定是这个老男孩令你的地震监察工作加班。

    This must be the old boy had your seismos working overtime .

  8. 老男孩们消失了,我被留在一群成功自信的真男人中。

    The man-boys disappeared and I was left with successful , self-assured real men .

  9. 不只申请老男孩俱乐部。

    It 's not just members of the old boys club who are applying .

  10. 《老男孩》讲述的故事很简单。

    The old boys ` story came easily .

  11. 《老男孩》:镜像阅读和叙事的重复

    Image and Narrative of Old Boy

  12. 我看过的好电影,之前的是《唐山大地震》,现在则是《老男孩》。

    Of all the Chinese movies I have seen , I value Old Boys and Aftershock most .

  13. 我可怜的老男孩提米啊,好了,它没有伤到自己的眼睛已经是件好事了,乔治。

    Poor old Timmy-boy-well , it 's a good thing it wasn 't his eye , George .

  14. 这位“老男孩”将自己的长寿归功于咖喱和好心态。

    The old boy puts his long life down to ginger curry , tea and " being happy . "

  15. 随着时间的流逝,他的领居们已经慢慢对他的存在习以为常了,现在还怜爱地称他为“老男孩”。

    As time has passed his neighbours have slowly gotten used to his presence and have now fondly tagged him the ' old man ' .

  16. 风险投资行业的结构正在发生巨变,风投公司正从秘密的“老男孩俱乐部”转变为开放和透明程度都远胜前者的

    Venture capital is in the midst of a structural sea change , evolving from a secretive old boys club into a much more accessible and transparent

  17. 虽然凯伊认为这种“老男孩”现象的出现有诸多因素,然而最主要的还是经济的稳定性和变化了的性别结构。

    Though she attributes a number of elements to the notable emergence of this boy-to-man subculture , chief among them are financial stability and changing sexual hierarchies .

  18. 筷子兄弟成员肖央和王太利在他们的新电影《老男孩之猛龙过江》饰演了一个中年演唱组合。

    Chopsticks Brothers - - which consistsof director Xiao Yang and musician Wang Taili - played a middle-aged singingduo in the film Old Boys : The Way ofthe Dragon .

  19. 在影片最后,尽管所有人都取笑他们,两个老男孩还是选择登上选秀舞台去实现他们最初的梦想。

    At the end of the movie , the two old boys walk onto a talent show to realize their dreams , even though everyone is making fun of them .

  20. 这正是肖央思索了无数次的问题,而由他导演的网络短片《老男孩》使得中国上世纪七八十年代生人产生了强烈共鸣。

    It ` s a question faced hundreds of times by Xiao Yang , whose online film Old Boys is resonating deeply with Chinese born in the 1970s and 1980s .

  21. 筷子兄弟由导演肖央和音乐人王太利组成。他们在电影《老男孩猛龙过江》中扮演中年歌唱组合。

    Chopsticks Brothers which consists of director Xiao Yang and musician Wang Taili - played a middle-aged singing duo in the film Old Boys : The Way of the Dragon .

  22. 阿诺德获得与她第一部电影相同的奖,“红色之路”,在2006年,而朴由于“老男孩”在2004年赢得了第二大奖。

    Arnold won the same prize with her first film ," Red Road ," in2006 , while Park won the festival 's second-place honor with " Old Boy " in2004 .

  23. 这太不可思议了。我们做音乐这么多年,这是老男孩另一个梦想成真的故事。

    We 've worked on music for so long and after all these years , this is another story of dreams coming true for ' old boys ' , said Wang Taili .

  24. 老太太对那男孩大声吆喝。

    The old lady shouted at the boy .

  25. 我希望她在以后的日子里不会老想着那红发男孩。

    I hope she isn 't going to spend the rest of her life longing FOR that red-haired boy .

  26. 你心中的那股暖流乃因你对小老太婆及小男孩的作为所致。

    That warm feeling inside of you is due to what you have done for the little old lady and her boy .