
  1. 那老人病得很重,预计活不下去了。

    The old man is seriously III and not expected to live .

  2. 那老人病得很重,已卧床多日,死到临头了。

    The old man was very ill and lay many days with death staring him in the face .

  3. 这老人病得很重,我想他难以熬过今年冬天。

    The old man is very ill . I don 't think he 'll live through this winter .

  4. 老人心脏病发作之后拖了几个月才去世。

    The old man linger several months after the heart attack .

  5. 医生说这位老人的病是没有希望的了。

    The doctor said the old man 's condition was hopeless .

  6. 医生诊断说老人的病是遗传病。

    The doctor diagnoesd the old man 's disease as a genetic one .

  7. 老人心脏病发作的前一天晚上诉说他消化不良。

    The night before the old man had a heart attack he was complaining of indigestion .

  8. 合肥市社区空巢老人慢性病患病现状及影响因素的研究

    The study on the prevalence of chronic diseases status for the empty-nest elderly in communities in Hefei city and the influencing factors

  9. 老人克服了病中最危险的阶段。

    The old man overcame the critical phase of his illness .

  10. 空巢老人的慢性病发病率较高。

    Conclusion : The prevalence rate of chronic disease of empty nest elderly was high .

  11. 照护者所照护老人患慢性病比例高、自理能力下降明显,照护任务重。

    The care receivers have high ratio of chronic disease . Their self-care ability declines significantly .

  12. 如果我象征比尔?盖茨一样富有,我要为老人或慢性病患者建造一所疗养院。

    If I were as rich as Bill Gates , I would set up a nursing home for the elderly or the chronically ill .

  13. 慢性病患者,有痼疾的人法律只时只处理四种族群,亦即老人、精神病患、残疾人士或因病无法工作者。

    The law also deals only with four groups of people _ ageing , insane , disabled or people with diseases that obstructed them from working .

  14. 如认识独居的老人或慢性病患者,请间中致电或探访他们,看看是否需要提供帮助。

    If you know of elderly or persons with chronic medical conditions staying alone , call or visit them occasionally to check if they need any assistance .

  15. 背景随着我国人口的快速老化,老年期痴呆和AD已成为老人中的常见病。

    Background : Dementia and Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) are becoming common diseases in elderly with increasing aging rapidly in our country .

  16. 现在那老人比上星期病得更重了。

    The old man is more severely ill now than last week .

  17. 但这一数字包不仅括季节性流感和肺炎的老人而且这些老人同时患有心脏病和中风。

    But that number includes many elderly people who had not only seasonal flu and related pneumonia but also heart attacks and strokes .