
  • 网络They're overprotective;overprotected;overprotective;Overprotection
  1. 阿德勒认为,独生子女受到过度保护,因溺爱而变得可怕,他们通常不适应生活,一定会在生活中遭遇灾难。

    According to Adler , only children , overprotected and made fearful by cosseting , are generally unfitted for life . They are sure to meet with disasters along life 's way .

  2. 其中一个是过度保护孩子的母亲的形象,她们过度干预孩子的生活,即使孩子已经长大了。

    One is the image of the overprotective mother who gets too involved in her child 's life , even after the child grows up .

  3. 过度保护可能是导致越来越多儿童有焦虑症的原因之一。

    Overprotection may be contributing to the rising prevalence of anxiety disorders among children .

  4. 方法:采用多因素分析方法对400例大学生神经症患者和500名正常大学生的EMBU问卷结果进行量化分析,结果:神经症患者父母养育方式趋向拒绝型、偏爱型、过度保护型;

    Method : the results of EMBU in 400 college students with neurotic disorders and 500 controls were analyzed by means of multivariate analysis .

  5. SCL90敌对项因子与母亲干涉过度保护呈显著性意义的负相关,抑郁项因子分与父母亲温暖理解项呈显著性意义的负相关;

    The factor of hostility in SCL90 was negatively related to overprotection , and the factor of depression was negatively related to warmth .

  6. 著作权的过度保护,使得公共利益面临减损。

    However , over-protection from copyright will finally encroach on public interests .

  7. 心理健康问题与母亲拒绝否认、同伴关系、母亲过分干涉、过度保护等诸多因素有关。

    The mental health problems were related to many factors .

  8. 美国批评欧洲过度保护其大豆种植户。

    The United States had criticized Europeans for protecting their soybean farmers .

  9. 但是,商标的过度保护却往往会引起商标权滥用。

    But , the excessive protection will cause the abuse of trademark rights .

  10. 现在注意你性格里的过度保护倾向。

    Watch now for your propensity to be over-protective .

  11. 父母容易过度保护孩子。

    Parents can easily become over-protective of their children .

  12. 她妈妈总是觉得我过度保护她了。

    Her mother always thought I was being overprotective .

  13. 如果信息被过度保护,社交网络的功能必定减弱。

    If information is over-protected , the power of the social network is decreased .

  14. 她没有过度保护他。

    She did not protect him too much .

  15. 首先是缩窄受到过度保护的固定员工和没有得到充分保护的非固定员工之间的差距。

    The first is to narrow the gap between over-protected permanent workers and under-protected non-permanent ones .

  16. 这就要求我国政府调整对银行业的过度保护态度,让其自由发展。

    So the government should change their attitude to the banking and let the banking to improve freely .

  17. 我不想让她因为她妈妈的过度保护而错过任何该有的经历。

    I don 't want her to miss out on any experiences just because her mother is overprotective .

  18. 初三孩子感受到的父母拒绝、焦虑性养育以及母亲过度保护最多。

    The ninth grade students feel the most parents ' rejection , parents ' anxious care andMothers ' overprotection .

  19. 但问题不是出租车被置于危险之中,而是相反,它们受到了过度保护。

    The problem , however , is not that taxis are endangered , but the opposite – they are overly protected .

  20. 父亲对女儿过度保护的情况非常普遍,尤其是涉及到约会的问题。

    It 's not uncommon for father 's to be over protective of their daughters , especially when it comes to dating .

  21. 专家称焦虑症的原因多种多样,从早年积累下来的学业压力、家长的过度保护到对社交媒体的强迫性依赖等等不一而足。

    The causes range widely , experts say , from mounting academic pressure at earlier ages to overprotective parents to compulsive engagement with social media .

  22. 惩罚和严厉、拒绝与否认、过度保护因子与心理一致感及其分维度显著负相关。5.自尊与心理一致感及其分维度显著正相关。

    And severe punishment , refused to deny the same over-protective factors and psychological sense and its sub-dimensions of a significant negative correlation . 5 .

  23. 结果高中生父母的过度保护,拒绝否认,过分干涉与其自我概念有显著正相关,消极提名的同伴关系指标与自我概念呈负相关;

    Results Parental over protection , refusal and over involvement significant positively correlated with self concept , negative companion 's nomination passively correlated with self concept ;

  24. 时间管理倾向与父母教养方式中的父亲情感温暖、父亲过度保护呈显著正相关,和母亲拒绝否认呈显著负相关。

    Time management disposition shows a significant positive correlation with the care and over-protect from father , the negative correlation with deny and refuse from mother .

  25. 相关分析显示人格偏离得分与父母拒绝、过度保护、偏爱因子呈正相关,而与父母情感温暖因子呈负相关。

    Correlation analysis showed that the scores of personality disorder had positive correlation with parental rejection , overprotection and favoritism , but had negative correlation with parental emotional warmth .

  26. 版权法对作品的过度保护已经妨碍了创作,开放内容许可协议就是在这种情况下产生的,其中最常用的是知识共享许可协议。

    Since the over-protection of works by copyright laws has impeded successful creation , open con-tent licenses come into being , among which the Creative Commons licence is most commonly implemented .

  27. 父亲情感温暖和父亲过度保护能正向预测初中生时间管理倾向的状况,母亲拒绝否认能反向预测时间管理倾向的状况。

    The care and over protect can dope the situation of time management disposition of junior school students , the deny and refuse from mother can reverse prediction the time management disposition .

  28. 在比较研究中日贸易结构变动的基础上,本文提出了日本贸易结构调整中的一些成功经验对中国的启示:1、加快对外贸易的自由度,减少对国内工业的过度保护。

    Based on the comparative study on China-Japan trade structure , some enlightenments as following are provided to China . 1 . Quicken the step of freeness , in the foreign trade .

  29. 影响感觉统合失调的主要因素有家庭矛盾性、父亲文化程度、平时活动情况、情感交流、过度保护等。

    The major influencing factors of SID were family contradictory degree , father 's cultural degree , daily activities , emotional communication , excessive protection , encouragement of parents , and et al .

  30. 对自己的行动,阿伦,大师,单模光纤,以及野洲在被过度保护,不愿信任来自其他用户的更改已创建的恐惧只是'一'规则的项目管理模式。

    The actions of yourself , Aaron , Guru , smf , and Yasu in being over-protective and unwilling to trust changes from other users has simply created a'Rule by Fear'style of project management .