
guò láo
  • overwork
过劳[guò láo]
  1. 他死于过劳引起的心脏病发作。

    He died of a heart attack brought on by overwork .

  2. 但是研究作者指出,由于零工经济和远程办公等现象的出现,这些年来过劳问题愈演愈烈,疫情很可能加剧了这一趋势。

    But its authors note that overwork has been on the rise for years due to phenomena1 such as the gig economy and telework - and they say the pandemic will likely accelerate those trends .

  3. 他肌肉过劳。

    He had a muscular strain .

  4. 睡眠不足,饮食不规律、不健康,少运动,都是“过劳肥”产生的主要原因。

    Sleep inadequacy4 , irregular and unhealthy diet , and lack of physical exercises are the main factors that lead to obesity from overwork .

  5. “过劳肥”指很多办公室职员因为过度劳累、长时间坐着以及压力太大而变得超重,甚至肥胖。

    Obesity1 from overwork describes the situation that many office workers become overweight , or even obese2 due to overwork , excessive sitting and pressure .

  6. 动静结合,避免过劳是预防CFS发生的根本措施。

    The action combine , avoiding the fatigue is basic measure that prevent froms the occurrence of CFS .

  7. 通络干预对力竭游泳所致过劳引起RAS激活及血管内皮损伤的作用研究

    The Study about Defatigation Caused by Forced Swimming Induced the Activation of TAS and the Damage of Vascular Endothelium and the Effect of Tongluo Intervention

  8. 方法:使用职业过劳量表、SCL-90、中国人组织公民行为量表和五种正性组织因素测验对397名企业工作人员进行测量。

    Methods : 397 enterprise employees were assessed by Job-Burnout Scale , SCL-90 , Chinese Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB ) Scale , and 5 positive organizational factors measurements .

  9. 卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)访问学者克里斯•罗巴克(ChrisRoebuck)表示,过劳的年轻人日益成为伦敦金融城的一个问题。他在数家银行担任过高级人力资源管理职务。

    Chris Roebuck , a visiting professor of leadership at Cass Business School who has held senior HR roles in banks , said that overworking juniors was an increasing problem in the City .

  10. 日本甚至有一个词专门来形容过劳死——karoshi。

    The country even has a word - karoshi - which means ' death from overwork ' .

  11. 快速进驻高海拔地区、寒冷、过劳、呼吸道感染、原有心肺基础疾病和心理应激等,是促发或诱发AMS的重要因素。

    Fast getting to high altitude , cold weather , individual fatigue , infections of respiratory tracts and psychological stress are important factors to urge or induce acute high altitude sickness .

  12. 过劳性损伤(OUI)是新兵基础训练期间发生的一类常见损伤,为探讨其发病的危险因素,采用巢式病例对照研究对638名新兵进行了调查。

    Overuse injury ( OUI ) is a common injury during basic training . A nested-case-control study was carried out among 638 recruits to investigate the risk factors of OUI .

  13. 3km跑成绩好的组发生过劳性损伤较多,成绩差的组发生急性创伤性损伤较多。

    The group of high scores for 3 km running was liable to get overuse injuries , and the group of low scores for 3 km was easy to get acute traumatic injuries .

  14. 在日本,加班的概念深入人心,日本有一个自创的词汇用于指代死于心脏病和其他由过度工作引发的疾病——Karoshi(过劳死)。

    The concept of being overworked is so prevalent in Japan that the country has its own word for people who die of heart attacks and other ailments directly attributed to excessive labor - Karoshi .

  15. 近年来,过劳死意思更为广泛,包括日本“上班族”(salarymen)由于工作过多或工作条件不稳定因情绪困扰而自杀。

    In recent years , Karoshi has broadened its meaning to include Japanese " salarymen " who commit suicide as a result of the emotional distress from working too much and under uncertain conditions .

  16. 就在白皮书发布一周前,东京一个劳工标准办公室裁定,电通(Dentsu)广告公司的一名刚毕业不久的年轻新员工自杀,属于过劳死案例。

    The publication of the white paper came just a week after a Tokyo labour standards office ruled that the suicide of young graduate recruit at the Dentsu advertising agency had been a case of karoshi .

  17. 2007年11月30日,名古屋地方法院接受了HirokoUchino的为其丈夫过劳死的起诉。她的丈夫Kenichi是丰田公司的第三代职员,2002年因过度劳累而死亡,当时才30岁。

    On November30th the Nagoya District Court accepted Hiroko Uchino 's claim that her husband , Kenichi , a third-generation Toyota employee , was a victim of karoshi when he died in2002 at the age of30 .

  18. 与此类似的便是“过劳死”&劳动过度而被累死。

    Its corporate equivalent is karoshi ," death by overwork " .

  19. 张先生因过劳(胸部受伤)而死。

    Mr Zhang died from overwork ( a chest wound ) .

  20. 不要过劳了&你要生病的。

    You must stop overdoing it you 'll make yourself ill .

  21. 她在许多别的事情上为他效过劳。

    She found many different ways of being useful to him .

  22. 民办高校教师职业过劳的成因与对策分析

    Reasons and Solutions to the Job Burnout of Teachers in Non-Governmental Colleges

  23. 我们努力工作,很多过劳死;

    We work too hard , and many die under the strain ;

  24. 一个疲惫、过劳的声音能吸引全班的注意力吗?

    Can a tired overworked voice command attention in class ?

  25. 而不被认为是过劳死的死者家属几乎什么也得不到。

    For deaths not designated karoshi the family gets next to nothing .

  26. 这次心脏病发作可能和他工作过劳有关。

    This heart attack may be related to his overwork .

  27. 别害怕会过劳致死。

    Don 't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork .

  28. 但在我国并没有相关领域界定过劳死。

    But no related fields defined karoshi in our country .

  29. 由于过劳,加上营养不足,他病倒了。

    What with overwork and under-nourishment he fell ill .

  30. 马拉是被人刺死的,而小盒是过劳死的。

    Marat was stabbed to death , and I 'm worked to death .