
  • 【医】supercooled water
  1. 过冷却水制冰蓄冷性能的实验研究

    Experimental investigation of ice storage system with super cooling water

  2. 利用过冷却水制冰蓄冷的关键设备是过冷却器,建立了过冷却器制冰蓄冷的实验装置。

    The key equipment , on ice-storage system with supercooling water , is supercooling unit , this paper established experimental unit on ice-storage system with supercooling unit .

  3. 若云中所有凝结水分都是过冷却水,云中水汽压对水面饱和,云中相对湿度为100%;

    When the droplets are all supercooled water , the vapor of air is saturated with respect to water , and the relative humidity is 100 % ;

  4. 修改的各个Reisner2方案对此次降雪的预报改进不大,但各个Reisner2方案的敏感性试验中云冰混合比、过冷却水混合比和雪混合比稍微有差异。

    The modified Reisner 2 schemes do not modify the forecast of snowfall . However , the cloud ice mixing ratio , cloud water mixing ratio and snow mixing ratio may have some differences when the different modified Reisner 2 schemes were used .