
yǔ yún
  • rain cloud;nimbus;water carrier
雨云 [yǔ yún]
  • (1) [rain cloud;nimbus]

  • (2) 致雨的云

  • (3) 暗黑色的密云

雨云[yǔ yún]
  1. 雨和雪通常都是来自雨云。

    Rain or snow usually comes from nimbus clouds .

  2. 改良技能抓住雨云,魅力和魔法部队-最大技能拉特增加到10个。

    Modified skills : Sieze Nimbus , Magic Power and Mana Force-max skill lvl increased to10 .

  3. 采用美国戈达德航天中心的雨云气象卫星臭氧全球网格资料,从中截取中国大陆主体部分(69.375°E~139.375°E、14.5°N~54.5°N)的数据,分析臭氧柱浓度变化的统计特性。

    The statistical characteristics of the variation of the concentration of ozone column , intercepting and capturing the data of main part of mainland ( 69.375 ° E ~ 139.375 ° E 、 14.5 ° N ~ 54.5 ° N ) of China from TOMs data were analyzed .

  4. 你看天边那云是雨云吗?

    Do you think those are rain clouds on the horizon ?

  5. 雨云正在聚积起来。希望它们会散去。

    Rain clouds are banking up . Hope they 'll blow over .

  6. 随着雨云的移动,雨水的化学成分也有稍许的变化。

    The chemical composition of rainfall changes slightly as raid clouds move .

  7. 怎么会有雨云的味道?

    Have the flavor of rain cloud how can ?

  8. 湖南人工增雨云型的分析判别与多普勒天气雷达指挥系统的研制应用

    Recognition echo cloud patterns and establishing Doppler radar command system for artificial precipitation in Hunan

  9. 这天晚上,黑咕隆咚的星星和月亮都被灰蒙蒙的雨云盖住了。

    The evening was pitch-dark , stars and the moon were quenched in gray rain-clouds .

  10. 他们曾经惊异地注视着闪电在雨云密布的天空上展现耀亮的图案。

    Men have gazed in wonder at the bright patterns of lightning in storm clouds .

  11. 雨云正在聚积起来。

    Rain clouds are banking up .

  12. 它们就这样潜藏在高高的雨云之中,为全世界蒙上了一层面纱,把大量阳光反射回太空之中。

    The global veil , high above rain clouds , reflected much sunlight back into space .

  13. 那些不是雨云。

    Those were not rain clouds .

  14. 后来,雨云一下子凝聚在大地的上空。这种混合物凝结之后就成了太妃糖。

    Then quite suddenly rain-clouds condensed over the whole globe . The mixture solidifies into toffee .

  15. 这样,一片雨云的分化取决于较大与较小的雨滴下落花流水的速度。

    The polarization of a thundercloud may thus be due to the rates at which large and small raindrops fall .

  16. 谁能看出你眼睫上没有涂上乌烟?由于你的眼睛比雨云还黑。

    Who can know that your eyelids have not been touched with lampblack ? For your eyes are darker than rain-clouds .

  17. 有原生植被的一边,天空中形成了雨云,但农田上空却是晴朗的。

    On the side with native vegetation , rain clouds formed in the sky above , but the farm-field skies were clear .

  18. 关于强降雨,由于空气的流动作用,是积聚多地区的雨云,集中生成。

    Concerning strong rain , because of the fluxion function of air is rain cloud that accumulates to gather many regions , concentrated born .

  19. 上图是在挪威北部城市特罗姆瑟外海克瓦尔岛上当地时间的子夜时分拍摄的,明亮的极光从雨云夹缝中突围而出。

    Captured here near local midnight from Kval ? ya island outside Troms ? in northern Norway , the intense auroral glow was framed by parting rain clouds .

  20. 像七月的雨云,带着沉沉欲落的雨点低垂着,在我向你的膜拜中,让我在你门前满含感情地俯首。

    Like a rain-cloud of July hung low with its burden of unshed showers let all my mind bend down at thy door in one salutation to thee .

  21. 像低垂的雨云,告别的时候来到了。我仅仅来得及用颤巍巍的双手,在你的手腕上系上一条红色的丝带。

    WHEN our farewell moment came , like a low-hanging rain-cloud , I had only time to tie a red ribbon on your wrist , while my hands trembled .

  22. 与其将互联网想象成一个单一的全球云,将其想象为由许多云组成的一个系统(比如一个暴风雨云)可能更准确。

    Rather than imagining the Internet as a single global cloud , it is perhaps more accurate to imagine it as a system of many clouds , like a thunderstorm .

  23. 我讨厌好些雨云,我想我们应该在天还未下雨,我们还没被淋湿以前及时赶回家。

    I don 't like the look of those rain clouds and think we should return home while the going is good , before it rains and we get soaked .

  24. 明年,奥林匹克之前我国将发射火箭驱散雨云,据报道,气象部门已于昨日开始演习。

    Rockets will be fired into the sky to disperse rain clouds ahead of next year 's Olympics , it was announced yesterday at the start of a meteorologists ' drill .

  25. 沙滩上有了欲来的雨云的阴影,云雾低垂在丛树的绿线上,像你眉上的浓发。

    The shadow of the coming rain is on the sands , and the clouds hang low upon the blue lines of the trees like the heavy hair above your eyebrows .

  26. 本文利用强雷雨云通过期间北京325米气象塔资料,分析了强雷雨云低层流出气流的小尺度结构、湍流结构和谱特征。

    Using the data of 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing , the fine structure and characteristics of turbulence and spectra of the density current of thunderclouds during the thundercloud passage are analysed .

  27. 虽然“云的催化”技术已存在一段时间了,但一般认为制造雨云不太安全,因为这需要向大气中喷洒像干冰和碘化银这样的小粒子。

    While " cloud seeding " has existed for some time it is not considered a safe way of creating rainclouds because it involves filling the atmosphere with small particles such as dry ice and silver iodide .