
yǔ shì
  • amount and force of rainfall
雨势 [yǔ shì]
  • [rain tendency] 降雨的状况

  1. 两天后,雨势减弱了。

    After two days the rain relented .

  2. 雨势一直没减弱。

    The rain continued unabated .

  3. 雨势已经减弱。

    The rain had let up .

  4. 雨势渐弱。

    The rain gradually died down .

  5. 当我沿街走去时,雨势逐渐增强。

    As I walked up the street , the rain increased inforce .

  6. 中国地区因雨势不断土石流死亡人数可能升高

    Debris flows might take more lives due to non-stopping rains in China

  7. 雨势越来越大。

    The rain was beginning to pick up now .

  8. 这雨势不容许我们出去。

    The rain forbids us to go out .

  9. 连续五天的雨势酿成了水患。

    Five straight days of rain caused flooding .

  10. 雨势强度以不同颜色显示,请参看小图。

    The rain intensity is represented by different colours as shown in the inset .

  11. 雨下得很大,我想知道雨势是否会停。

    It 's raining very hard . I wonder if it will let up .

  12. 这会儿,雨势正猛。

    By now it is raining sharply .

  13. 雨势永不会减弱吗?

    Will the rain never let up ?

  14. 明日雨势有时颇大。

    Will be heavy at times tomorrow .

  15. .雨势减缓了。

    eg. The rain had eased up

  16. 百多名救援人员在该条河流和附近一条河流展开搜索,受雨势和浓雾所阻,搜索工作进行得不太顺利。

    Rain and fog yesterday hindered the search operation by hundreds of rescuers around the river and a nearby river .

  17. 开始时,从放射性云下沉的小水滴使雨势增大。

    In its early stages the rain was augmented by the small water droplets still descending from the radioactive cloud .

  18. 截至记者发稿时止,长沙的雨势稍有减弱,但城区一些路段积水仍未退去。

    At press time , stop , changsha city , but a slight rain down some section water is still not recede .

  19. 2月份,由于雨势强劲,斯蒂迪奥城被迫凿开路面泄洪,一名女子因此掉入洞中,幸而获救。

    A woman had to be rescued from a sinkhole which opened up during an unusually heavy rainfall in February in Studio City .

  20. 雨势变大了,我一直没戴上兜帽,所以现在我的头发在我的背上滴着水。

    It was raining harder now , and I 'd never put my hood up , so my hair was dripping down my back .

  21. 斯瓦特通常降水不多,所以一开始,大家都很开心,认为雨水意味着好的收成。但雨势越来越大,而且丝毫没有停歇的意思。

    We normally don 't have monsoons in Swat and at first we were happy , thinking the rain would mean a good harvest .

  22. 我坐了一个小时左右,雨势渐收,而茶水也开始在我身上发挥它古老的魔力。

    I sat there for an hour or so , watching the rain thin out while the ancient properties of the local beverage worked their magic on me .

  23. 暴雨在科罗拉多州的一些地区引发严重的洪灾,目前雨势有所减弱,这为官员提供了评估损失和救援被困居民的时间。

    Heavy rains that caused severe flooding in parts of Colorado have subsided somewhat , giving officials time to begin to assess the damage and rescue stranded residents .

  24. 后来雨势减弱,士兵回到篝火前,只见三个肖像完全烧毁了,但华盛顿的肖像奇般没有被火吞噬。

    After the downpour had abated , the soldiers returned to their bonfire to find that three of the dummies had been thoroughly burned , but that of Washington had miraculously survived .

  25. 在第七弯的时候下了几滴雨,幸好雨势没有加大,我完成了比赛而没有遇到任何麻烦。

    At Turn Seven and in the final sector there were a few drops of rain , but luckily it did not get worse and I was able to finish my run without any bother .

  26. 对2004年鲁西南两次台风影响造成的大~暴雨过程分析结果表明,西风槽作用下的降水,若有台风低压参与,系统均得以发展,雨势进一步加强。

    We analyze the two rainstorm ~ heavy rainstorm process impacted by the typhoon from the southwest of Shandong province in 2004 , the results show that the precipitation under the function of typhoon depression and westerly trough will intensify ulteriorly .

  27. 那时,放射性云已稀释到再也看不见的程度了。开始时,从放射性云下沉的小水滴使雨势增大。

    By that time , the radioactive cloud had thinned out to such an extent that it was no longer visible . In its early stages the rain was augmented by the small water droplets still descending from the radioactive cloud .

  28. 雨势稍微开始减弱,但到处都还湿的要命。她并不知道盒子里装的是什么,也拿不准它是不是什么特别精密或者容易损坏的东西,所以觉得该找个稍微干燥些的地方再打开。

    The rain was beginning to ease off a little , but it was still extremely wet , and since she didn 't know what it was that was in the box , whether it was perhaps something delicate or damageable , she thought she ought to find somewhere reasonably dry to open it .