
  • 网络total cloud cover;total cloud amount
  1. 说明按有效云量即总云量与低云量之和的一半所判别的太阳辐射强度指数,将使Turner方法更简单、准确。

    It is also pointed out in the paper that the effective cloud amount defined as a half of the sum of total cloud cover and low-level cloud amount may simplify the cloud criteria and improve the accuracy in Turner 's approach .

  2. 中国西北地区总云量的气候变化特征

    Climate change features of total cloud cover over Northwest China

  3. 基于BP神经网络的单站总云量预报研究

    Single Station Forecast of Total Cloud Cover Based on BP Neural Net

  4. 对甘肃省53个测站1961&1995年年平均总云量资料用EOF等方法进行分析研究。

    By analysing 53 stations data of Gansu from 1961 to 1995 with EOF etc.

  5. 利用青藏高原及其周边地区75个地面气象台站的云量日均值资料,采用正交经验函数(EOF)和线性倾向估计等方法,分析了高原地区1971-2004年总云量的时空变化特征。

    With EOF and trend analysis method adopted , the spatiotemporal variation of total cloud amount is analyzed for75 stations over the Plateau during the period of1971-2004 .

  6. ISCCP产品和我国地面观测总云量差异就像我前面所说的,我的两个爸爸存在着很多观念上的差异。

    Total Cloud Amount Difference Between ISCCP Product and Ground Observation over China My two dads had opposing attitudes in thought .

  7. 水产品中微量甲醛的色差法快速检测ISCCP产品和我国地面观测总云量差异

    Rapid Determination of Trace Amounts of Formaldehyde Based on Chromatic Aberration in Aquatic Product Logistics Total Cloud Amount Difference Between ISCCP Product and Ground Observation over China

  8. 将ISCCP总云量与地面观测总云量分布形势作了比较,证明了ISCCP-D2资料的合理性。

    Comparing the distribution of total cloud cover from ISCCP with that observed from surface stations , the rationality of ISCCP-D2 data is validated .

  9. 总云量平均10年减少0.03成。

    Total cloud amount reduced by 0.03 tenth per 10 years .

  10. 近20年全球总云量变化趋势分析

    Analysis of global total cloud amount variation over the past 20 years

  11. 我国卫星总云量与地面总云量分布的对比分析

    Comparison between total cloudiness from satellite cloud pictures and ground observations over China

  12. 本文分析了1900~1990年间全球海洋总云量。

    Historical data of total cloud amounts over global oceans during 1890-1990 are analysed .

  13. 日照时数与总云量、低云量呈负相关;

    There exits negative relevance relation between sunshine hours and total cloudiness and lower cloudiness ;

  14. 总云量和相对湿度与污染物浓度呈正相关。

    Total cloudiness and relative humidity are in direct proportion to the density of pollutants .

  15. 总云量和低云量与降水量呈显著正相关;

    There is a obvious positive relation between precipitation and total and low cloud cover .

  16. 总云量≤3;

    Total cloud cover ≤ 3 ;

  17. 祁连山总云量变化及其与气候变暖的关系

    Study on the Change of Total Cloudage and Its Relationship with Climate Warming over the Qilian Moutains

  18. 总云量的年际变化主要影响太阳总辐射和散射辐射,总低云量的年际变化则主要影响直接辐射和净辐射;

    The variation of total low cloud amounts mainly influences the direct radiation and the pure radiation .

  19. 青藏高原地区的总云量&地面观测、卫星反演和同化资料的对比分析

    Cloud Cover over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau : Comparison among Meteorological Station Observations , ISCCP-C2 , and NCEP Reanalysis Data

  20. 引起洱海水面蒸发量逐步减少的主要原因是总云量呈增多趋势。

    The main reason causing the decrease of evaporation from Erhai Lake is the increase of total cloud cover .

  21. 总云量与污染物浓度之间冬季为较显著的正相关,其他季节不明显。

    The positive correlation between total cloud cover and the pollutant concentration is relatively significant only in the winter .

  22. 北半球1、7月总云量和总辐射的分布特征

    The features of the distributions in mean total cloud amount and solar radiation over n. h. during January and July

  23. 东部地区总云量呈增加的趋势,中、西部地区呈减少的趋势。

    The variation trend of mean cloud amount increases at east of Inner Mongolia and decreases at middle and west of Inner Mongolia .

  24. 总云量在最近20年间呈现出极缓慢的减少趋势,其中低云和高云均有小幅减少,而中云数量略有增加。

    A slightly decreasing trend was found for total clouds , low-clouds and high-clouds , while there is a small increase in middle-clouds during the past two decades .

  25. 同时,不同区域和不同季节总云量和低云量与气温、降水量的相关系数有明显差异。

    Meanwhile , the relation coefficents between the total and low cloud cover in different regions and seasons of Ningxia and the air temperature and precipitation have obvious differences .

  26. 洱海水面蒸发随着总云量和相对湿度的增加而减小,随着平均风速和日照时数的增大而增大。

    Evaporation from Erhai Lake decreases with the increase of total cloud cover and relative humidity , and it increases with the increase of mean wind speed and sunshine duration .

  27. 利用该技术进行了单要素概率预报(主要包括云量和降水)和多维联合概率预报(降水、总云量、风速和气温)试验,并对试验结果进行了检验。

    Case experiments are conducted on univariate ( cloudiness or precipitation ) and multivariate joint ( e.g. , rainfall , total cloudiness , wind speed and temperature ) probability forecasting , with the results tested .

  28. 全球平均云量呈减少的变化趋势,2000年与1987年相比,减少量约占平均总云量的4%;

    Increasing trend of global annual mean cloud amount reverses in 1987 and there is a decrease trend for global mean total cloud amount with the deduction of about 4 % from 1987 to 2000 ;

  29. SO2浓度与各气象要素关系密切,其中与平均风速、混合层厚度、总云量、稳定度相关性较好。

    There is a close correlativity between and meteorological condition , and correlative coefficient between SO_2 concentration and some meteorological factors such as the average speed of wind , thickness of atmospheric mixed layer , total cloud and atmospheric stability is large .

  30. 文章分析了南宁市紫外线辐射的变化特征及其与太阳总辐射和云量的关系。指出南宁市紫外线辐射具有明显的季节变化,夏季最大,冬季最小。

    The characters of ultraviolet radiation in Nanning city are discussed , its relation with global radiation and cloudage is also analyzed .