
  • 网络total investment
  1. 重点分为两方面:一是本企业的主要产品SOT-23,本企业只拥有39%的股份,但其投资额占本企业总投资额的95%以上。

    Key points including the following two aspects : One is the main product of the enterprise . The enterprise has only 39 % equity shares . But the investment on the main product accounts for 95 % of the enterprise 's total investment .

  2. 总投资额将为1400万美元。

    Total investment will be $ 14m .

  3. 自从2003年推出以来,qfii下的总投资额已增长至大约300亿美元。

    Total investments under QFII have grown to about $ 30bn since it was launched in 2003 .

  4. 中国已批准美国半导体公司英特尔(Intel)在中国东北城市大连兴建一家总投资额25亿美元的高级芯片制造厂。

    China has approved plans by Intel , the US semiconductor company , to build a $ 2.5bn advanced chip fabrication plant in the north-eastern city of Dalian .

  5. 一期项目的总投资额为80亿元人民币。

    1st phase investment of Guangdong LNG terminal & trunkline project is8 billion rmb .

  6. 三峡工程总投资额分析

    Investment quota system Analysis for Three Gorges project

  7. 我们看到外国直接投资的增长速度大约是总投资额增长速度的三倍。

    We see that foreign direct investment has been growing roughly three times as fast as total investment .

  8. 然而,英美资源集团的一位管理人士表示,40亿美元可能就是该项目的总投资额。

    However , an Anglo American company official said the $ 4bn was the likely total investment in the project .

  9. 目前,居民家庭和个人的人力资本投资额已经超过人力资本总投资额的50%,因此,从微观层面来研究人力资本投资行为是十分必要的。

    At present , the human capital invested by the residents and individuals has surpassed 50 % that all the investors invested .

  10. 华侨在厦门及其周边地区投资最多的是房地产业,约占总投资额的46%,其他投资领域依次为工业、商业、交通业、农矿业和金融业。

    The investment was concentrated upon real estate ( 46 % ), industry , commerce , transportation , agriculture & mining and finance .

  11. 事实上,最大的5笔交易占据了四季度总投资额的77%。

    In fact the five largest transactions made up 77 per cent of the total investment in the last quarter of the year .

  12. 厄奇所在基金的总投资额为1.12亿英镑,其中排放贸易是该基金持仓量的最大股票之一,占总投资额的比例近5%。

    Trading Emissions is the joint largest holding in Urch 's fund , accounting for almost 5 per cent of the total 112m investment .

  13. “7-项目”目前尚未确定每年的总投资额为多少,也没有确定每年进行多少笔投资。

    7-ventures does not yet have formal parameters around how much money it can invest per year , or on a target number of deals .

  14. 全球在太阳能方面的投资上升36%,达1370亿美元,占到了清洁能源总投资额的一半以上。

    Globally , solar investment was up 36 per cent , and at $ 137bn represented more than a half of all clean energy investment .

  15. 今年的总投资额达到5300万英镑,客观地相比,是1993年的两倍。

    Total investments for this year reached $ 53 million , and to put this into perspective , investments this year were double those made in1993 .

  16. 需要大家注意的是,970亿美元的总投资额超出了绝大多数人的预期,这其中就包括研究报告的作者本身。

    The figure of $ 97 billion , caveats admitted , is much bigger than most people , the study 's authors included , would have expected .

  17. 但中国对伊拉克的敞口仍相对较小,在伊拉克的投资仅占其全球总投资额的2%。

    But China 's exposure to Iraq is still relatively small , and its investments there represent only about 2 % of China 's total global investment .

  18. 大宗商品银行家称,主权财富基金对自然资源的总投资额仍比较有限,不到其全部资金量的5%。

    According to commodities bankers , the total investment of SWFs in natural resources is still limited , at below 5 per cent of their total allocations .

  19. 不过根据主题公园相关报告,在2015年至2020年,国内预计还将增加64个主题公园,总投资额将达到240亿美元。

    The theme park report says 64 new parks were expected to be established between 2015 to 2020 , with a total investment of about $ 24 billion .

  20. 目前,进区高科技项目一百六十五项,协议总投资额六十二亿元人民币,其中外资占一半。

    Currently , 165 new high level technology projects have entered the zone , with gross negotiated investments of 6.2 billion yuan , and foreign investment accounting for half .

  21. 在过去的3年内,浦东开发区完成了总投资额在150亿元以上的10项重大基础设施的建设

    Over the past three years , 10 major infrastructure projects , involving a total investment of over 15 Billion yuan , has been completed in the Pudong Development Zone

  22. 目前,天津在海外投资的各类企业已逾三百家,总投资额超过一亿美元。

    At present , the number of Tianjin enterprises of various types that have overseas investments exceed 300 , and the total investment value exceeds 100 million US dollars .

  23. 合同总投资额53787.21万元,实际投资额57929.43万元,投资额增量7.7%。

    The total investment amount stipulated in contract documents was RMB 537 . 8721 M , and the actual investment amount was 579.2943 M with an increment of 7 . 7 % .

  24. 如果可行性研究结果令人满意,预计英美资源集团将向该项目投资约40亿美元,而总投资额肯定会高于这一数字。

    Mr Wang said that if results from the feasibility study were positive , Anglo American was expected to invest an estimated $ 4bn and that total investment would certainly exceed that figure .

  25. 我国已宣布规划和在建的电视、电脑、智能手机及其他设备的平板显示生产线,总投资额已达8000亿元(约1200亿美元)。

    Investment in assembly lines planned or under construction for producing display screens for TVs , computers , smartphones and other devices has reached 800 billion yuan ( around 120 billion U.S. dollars ) .

  26. 在合资企业的全盛时期(1993年&1998年),合资企业约占全国固定资产总投资额的15%。

    As the major form of foreign capital 's introduction , the investment of joint venture accounted for about 15 percent of overall fixed asset investment in the floruit period ( from 1993 to 1998 ) .

  27. 他表示:与我们在中国的总投资额相比,(两家出现问题的中国公司)所涉及的金额微不足道。他还指出,承担风险是投资新兴市场经济体时不可避免的。

    The amount of money involved [ in the two troubled Chinese companies ] is insignificant compared to our total investment in China , he said , arguing that risk taking was an inherent element of investing in emerging market economies .

  28. 仲量联行称,作为亚洲遥遥领先的最大市场,日本商业房地产投资额今年上半年上升16%,达300亿美元,占亚太地区总投资额的一半以上。

    Commercial real estate investment in Japan , easily the region 's largest market , rose 16 per cent in the first half to $ 30bn , comprising more than half the total for the Asia-Pacific region , according to Jones Lang LaSalle .

  29. 并且可以得到DOE(美国能源部DepartmentofEnergy)高达总项目投资额30%的项目补贴。

    And you can get DOE ( U.S. Department of Energy ) up to30 % of the total project investment project subsidies .

  30. 私人股本集团通常在总承诺投资额基础上收取1.5%至2%的年度管理费,外加20%的利润分成。

    Private equity groups typically charge a 1.5-2 per cent annual management fee on the overall fund commitments , plus another 20 per cent bonus on profits .