
  • 网络anthropogenic landscape;cultural landscape;human-induced landscape
  1. 景观环境包括有自然景观环境与人为景观环境。

    Landscape environment consists of natural landscape environment and man-made landscape environment .

  2. 区域人为景观类型主要以农耕地形式出现,受居住方式的影响有明显的规律性;

    Farmland , whose distribution characteristics were strongly affected by human habitation ways , was a main artificial landscape type in this region ;

  3. 无论是云南的自然景观,还是人为景观都是那么美,所以如果有机会我一定会去云南。

    Yunnan is the natural landscape , or human landscape is so beautiful , so if I have the opportunity I will travel to Yunnan .

  4. 特别在山区和沿海岛屿,海岸地区建立自然景观和人为景观的各种自然保护区。

    And , above all , various reserves with nature landscapes and man made landscapes be built up in the mountainous country , coastal area as well at offshore islands .

  5. 在遥感和GIS技术支持下,结合大量的实地调查资料,对珠海最主要的人为侵蚀景观类型&土石场开展空间分布分析和景观生态影响评价。

    Based on the support of GIS and RS and combined with field investigation data , the spatial distribution characteristics and landscape ecological impact degree of quarry were analyzed .

  6. 结果表明:养分在流域不同景观组分土壤中的空间变化,是人为干扰景观异质性的综合结果;

    The results show that : 1.the spatial variability of soil nutrients is the comprehensive result of artificial interference and effect of heterogeneous landscapes ;

  7. 卧龙自然保护区人为活动对景观结构的影响

    Human impacts on landscape structure in Wolong Natural Reserve

  8. 人为控制的景观,如苗圃、农地、采伐迹地等,形状较规则,形状指数较小;

    The manual controlled landscape ( e.g. nursery , cropland and cutting blank ) had regular shape , and its shape index was smaller .

  9. 景观生态安全格局与城市扩张安全格局在不断地进行着博弈,人为干扰对景观生态安全格局产生了显著影响。

    There is a game between the SP and urban expansion security pattern in Chengdu . The impact from human interferences on security pattern was significant .

  10. 这本身就是一座美丽的城市,这里瑰丽的人为和自然景观形成了众多令人激动的鲜明对比,构成了一幅幅令人意想不到的精彩画面。

    It is a beautiful city in its own right , but the wonderful range of both man-made and natural features provides many exciting contrasts and unexpected highlights .

  11. 天然次生林地景观生态环境良好,水土流失程度小:人为影响林地景观类型不稳定,易造成水土流失;最不稳定的是荒草地景观类型,结构单一,生境恶劣。

    The eco-environment of natural secondary forest landscape is good and soil erosion degree is little . human effect forest land is unstable and is easy to cause soil erosion . The most unstable landscape is waste-grass land with single structure and poor ecological environment .

  12. 选择景观类型数量作为人类干扰因子,构建人工神经网络模型、多元自适应回归样条模型、支持向量机模型和投影寻踪回归模型,分别模拟分析人为干扰对景观多样性、优势度和均匀度的影响。

    It chooses the number of landscape types as human interference factors to construct artificial neural network model , multi-model adaptive regression splines , support vector machine model and projection pursuit regression model to respectively analog analysis human disturbance on the impact of the landscape diversity , dominance and evenness .

  13. 为了解人为影响下森林景观空间特征的历史变化,应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术研究了溧阳地区森林景观空间格局的动态变化特点。

    In order to recognize the influences of which human act to the forest landscape , in the paper , the dynamic of spatial patten of forest landscape in Liyang district was studied by using GIS technology .

  14. 城乡景观环境是在时空环境发展下,所呈现出自然与人为共生下的景观环境。

    With the space-time environment developing the urban and rural landscape environment come into being a co-existing one combining both nature and man-made landscape .

  15. 城市景观是景观生态学一直关注的重点领域,但由于强烈的人为色彩导致城市景观格局&生态学过程的研究范式具有一定局限性。

    Urban landscape is paid more attention in landscape ecology studying . But the pattern-process paradigm of urban landscape has been restricted for strong factitious character of landscapes .

  16. 在渭河生态景观设计中,注意遵循河流自然演替规律,减少人为干扰对自然过程的影响;应用生态工程措施,减少人工景观和人为活动对自然景观的影响。

    In the ecological landscape design of Wei He , pay attention to follow the natural succession law , reducing human interference to the influence of natural process ; Using the ecological engineering measures , reduce artificial landscape and human activities on the influence of natural landscape . 4 .