
rén wén jǐnɡ ɡuān
  • place of cultural interest
  1. 阅江楼是一个融人文景观与自然景观于一体的全国知名旅游胜地,为国家AAAA级旅游景区。钱奕羽。

    It 's a tourist resort enjoying nationwide reputation for its combining humane and natural landscapes into one and a tourist scenic spot of AAAA class of the state .

  2. 突出自然风景与人文景观协调和谐的园林化特点;

    Stress natural scenery and humanity landscape coordinative harmonious garden characteristic ;

  3. 这里名胜古迹众多,人文景观奇特。

    There are many places of interest and distinctive human landscapes .

  4. 景观资源包括自然景观资源和人文景观资源。

    Landscape resources consist of natural landscape resource and humane landscape resource .

  5. 人文景观旅游文化载体初探

    A Primary Analysis on the Media for Tourism Culture of Human Sights

  6. 高淳县人文景观的划分及其启示

    The Human Landscape Division of Gaochun County and its Enlightenment

  7. 浅析浙江森林旅游中人文景观的作用

    The Function of Cultural Landscape in Forest Tourism in Zhejiang

  8. 人文景观富集地区的旅游文化业发展研究

    Study on Development of Tourism Culture in Regions Rich for Human Landscapes

  9. 艺术地生活&论现代城市居住区人文景观的设计

    To Live in an Artistic Way-On Landscape Design in Modern Urban Communities

  10. 本文主要研究了传统人文景观类旅游景区的景观规划,并以满城汉墓景区为研究对象,重新探讨了该类旅游景区的景观规划。

    This article mainly studies landscape planning for the traditional cultural attractions .

  11. 自然景观美与人文景观美相互融合。

    Blends with landscape beauty and artificial scenery each other .

  12. 城镇规划中人文景观与生态保持

    Landscape of humanize and ecology keep in planning the cities and towns

  13. 城市居住区人文景观的设计与创新

    Creativity in the Human Landscape Design for Urban Residence

  14. 人文景观是构成人文地域综合体的基本单元的论断。

    The cultural landscape is the basic unit which constitutes regional human complexes .

  15. 开发利用和保护草地自然及人文景观等资源;

    LANDSCAPE 3.Exploiting and protecting natural and human culture .

  16. 浅谈人文景观在风景名胜区规划中的作用

    Brief Discussion of Role of Human Scenery in Planning of Famous Scenic Sites

  17. 构筑与工程人文景观协调共生的生态环境

    Building ecological environment assorting with human landscape in construction

  18. 它是中泰文化交流史上的一道重要人文景观。

    They are an important milestone in the history of Chinese-Thai cultural exchanges .

  19. 园名景名是园林人文景观的一个重要组成部分。

    Garden name and landscape name belong to important parts of humane landscape .

  20. 印度寺院:众神的黄昏西部寺庙人文景观大比较&大昭寺


  21. 试论山地高梯度效应&以横断山地的自然-人文景观效应为例

    High Gradient Effects of Mountain Regions & Taking the Effects of Nature-Human Landscape

  22. 旅游文化是自然景观与人文景观相结合的产物。

    Tourist culture is the mutual joint product of natural and human landscapes .

  23. 嘉兴人文景观、旅游资源丰富。

    Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests .

  24. 感伤主义人文景观的文化特质及社会价值

    Cultural Traits and Social Values of Sentimentalist Humanistic Landscape

  25. 本行程包括自然景观和人文景观。

    This journey is a combination of both natural sceneries and human landscapes !

  26. 关于人文景观与户外广告的创作

    On the creation of city landscape and outdoor advertisements

  27. 人文景观和神话传说和谐融合。

    Historical sites and myths are fused in harmony .

  28. 阿坝州人文景观旅游资源开发研究

    Exploitation and Research of tourist resources of the Human Landscape in Aba Autonomous Prefecture

  29. 大学校园人文景观的设计

    Construction of the humanities landscape of modern campus

  30. 第四部分概述了本地区现有的人文景观及教学方法。

    Section four generalizes the scenery and teaching methodology of the present regional humanity .