
  • 网络Cowboy hat;Cowboy;stetson
  1. 应该很容易的只要看到一个戴牛仔帽的

    Should be easy . He 's wearing a cowboy hat .

  2. 他带回一顶牛仔帽作为访问美国的纪念。

    He brought back a cowboy hat as a souvenir of America .

  3. 纽约州埃尔马(Elma)的美国制造(MadeinAmericaStore)卖场里,摆放着塑料苍蝇拍、马桶刷,以及用塑料和纸板做成的牛仔帽。

    The Made in America Store here displays plastic fly swatters , toilet brushes and cowboy hats made of vinyl and cardboard .

  4. 真的,我总喜欢红色的牛仔帽。

    Yes , I always liked a red cowgirl hat !

  5. 大家都戴牛仔帽,超大的牛仔帽

    Everybody wears cowboy hats . And a ten-gallon 's big hat .

  6. 牛仔帽!虽然是草编的,但还是很有型!

    The straw cowboy hat looks so cool on her !

  7. 因为它曾经被一个戴黑色牛仔帽的骑手虐待过

    He 'd been abused by somebody with a black cowboy hat .

  8. 他们喜欢穿戴美国牛仔帽和牛仔靴。

    They like to wear the famous American cowboy hat and cowboy boots .

  9. 马也认得他的每天戴着的牛仔帽。

    They also knew his cowboy hat , which he wore every day .

  10. 不过戴牛仔帽也太扯了吧?

    The cowboy hat 's a little much .

  11. 一顶大大的粗羊毡做的黑色牛仔帽。

    It was a cowboy hat , a large black hat of heavy wool .

  12. 这家店出售像塑料警察头盔、牛仔帽那样的新奇的玩具帽子。

    The shop sells novelty hats like plastic policeman 's helmets and cowboy hats .

  13. 我要戴上牛仔帽。

    Let me put on a cowboy hat .

  14. 好吧,把那顶牛仔帽递给我。

    Okay , hand me that cowboy hat .

  15. 他头戴牛仔帽。

    He was wearing a cowboy hat .

  16. 这匹马是非常害怕黑色的牛仔帽的

    Now , here is a horse that was deathly afraid of black cowboy hats .

  17. 看!那个戴顶牛仔帽的帅哥,他正在对我们笑呢。

    Look at the handsome man in a cowboy hat ! He 's smiling at us .

  18. 他有顶牛仔帽和一双牛仔靴和一匹不会马术的马

    He has a cowboy hat and cowboy boots and a horse that doesn 't know dressage

  19. 现在我们到商店里去购买牛仔帽和西部服装。

    Now we will go to the store to buy a cowboy hat and western clothes .

  20. 好的牛仔帽和牛仔靴每件价值几百美金。

    A good cowboy hat and a good pair of boots can cost several hundred dollars each .

  21. 在赫伯肯醒来时只穿了斗篷和牛仔帽

    I woke up in Hoboken wearing nothing but a poncho and a cowboy hat . Ah .

  22. 此后乡村音乐广为流行,很多歌手在登台演唱时都戴着饰有流苏的西部牛仔帽。

    It was widely popular then and many singers turned up on stage wearing Western fringe and cowboy hats .

  23. 他的大牛仔帽和饰有流苏的皮夹克是好莱坞西部片中的角色所穿戴的。

    His big cowboy hat and fringed leather jacket are the sort of gear worn by characters in Hollywood Westerns .

  24. 总统穿上黑色正装,打着领带,德州男孩则穿着风衣、戴着牛仔帽。

    The president wore a dark suit and tie , and the boys from Texas wore windbreakers and cowboy hats .

  25. 它们能认出我全凭那顶牛仔帽。它们最喜欢牛仔帽了。

    My horses recognize me because I always wear the same hat , and they like cowboy hats best of all .

  26. 霍华德总理还为领导人们准备了一款类似影片《鳄鱼邓迪》中澳大利亚原始丛林人戴的牛仔帽。

    A cowboy hat , such as that worn by the archetypal Aussie bushman in the'Crocodile Dundee'movies , was also given to leaders .

  27. 上周六晚,美国总统布什头戴牛仔帽,一展歌喉,用歌声提前告别白宫生活。

    US President George W. Bush donned a cowboy hat and sang an early goodbye to Washington on Saturday night with a performance .

  28. 我们手头拮据,可又到了给爸爸买顶新牛仔帽的时候,这个妈妈知道。

    We had little money . But it was the year for Papa to buy a new cowboy hat . Mama knew this .

  29. 我们目光接触的尘土飞扬的窗口,他纵容我和触及边牛仔帽,他在表示欢迎。

    We made eye contact through the dusty window and he winked at me and touched the brim of his cowboy hat in welcome .

  30. 妈认为要是给爸爸买一顶草帽,他就不再肯花钱买牛仔帽了。

    She also thought that if she spent money for a straw hat , Papa would not spend any money to buy a cowboy hat .