
  • 网络chief teacher
  1. 正因他中西兼通,清末新政期间,他被聘为京师大学堂总教习并前往日本考察学制,这为他西学中国化铺垫了基础。

    Because his proficiency in both Chinese and western culture , he had been appointed as the head teacher of the Imperial University of Peking and sent to Japan to investigate educational system .

  2. 1902年,在京师大学堂管学大臣张百熙的举荐下,清政府任命吴汝纶为京师大学堂总教习,负责管理大学堂和规划全国教育。

    Recommended by Zhang baixi , the administrator of Beijing university , in1902 , Wu was appointed as the dean of studies of Beijing University by the Qing government , in order to help Zhang administer Beijing University and map up the education system of the whole country .