
  • 网络Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications;Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications
  1. 管理地方政府的总务省(MinistryofInternalAffairsandCommunications)近日发布了一项命令,呼吁各政府在挑选礼物时进行“自律”。

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs , which supervises local governments , recently issued a directive calling for " self-restraint " in the selection of gifts .

  2. 根据日本总务省发布的2015年人口普查数据,自政府从1920年起开始的此类调查以来,目前这个年龄段的比例是最高的。

    The proportion in that age category was the highest since the government began such surveys in 1920 according to an estimate based on the 2015 census released by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry .