
  • 网络The General Counsel
  1. 我们绝不会故意误导任何人,当然不会误导我们的客户或交易对手,高盛总法律顾问格雷格帕尔姆(GregPalm)表示。

    We would never intentionally mislead anyone , certainly not our clients or a counterparty , Greg Palm , Goldman 's general counsel , said .

  2. 然而,最近几个月,该公司出现一系列高管离职,包括今年5月刚从特斯拉挖来的总法律顾问詹姆斯.陈(JamesChen)。

    However , the company has seen a series of senior departures in recent months , including its general counsel , James Chen , who was only hired from Tesla in May .

  3. 微软副总法律顾问汤姆•伯特(TomBurt)称,让他们担心的是,他们发现有至少1200万台——没错,就是1200万——个人电脑已被感染。

    To their alarm they discovered that no fewer than 12m - yes 12m - PCs were infected , according to Tom Burt , the company 's deputy general counsel .

  4. 去年11月,《纽约时报》报道,该频道的总法律顾问戴维·W·哈尔斯顿(DavidW.Harleston)似乎并不具备律师执业资格,他随后被停职。

    In November , the news station 's general counsel , David W. Harleston , was suspended following a report in The New York Times that he did not appear to be licensed to practice law .

  5. 本月,谷歌的总法律顾问肯特·沃克(KentWalker)对美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)进行了谴责,因为此前,被黑客窃取的索尼的电子邮件显示,协会打算重新推动一部反盗版提案。

    This month , Google 's general counsel , Kent Walker , criticized the Motion Picture Association of America after the disclosure - in Sony emails that the hackers stole - of a plan by the association to revive an antipiracy bill .

  6. 1999年,我代表多个奢侈品牌,在纽约的一间没有窗户的律师办公室里,与eBay副总法律顾问杰伊•莫纳汉(JayMonahan)会面。

    In 1999 , I faced the company 's deputy general counsel , Jay Monahan , in a windowless law office in New York on behalf of a number of luxury brands .

  7. 微软的总法律顾问布拉德·史密斯(BradSmith)则在周三发布的博客文章中写道,“用网络攻击任何一个人的权利,都是在攻击所有人的权利,我们需要合力抵御这种攻击。”

    Brad Smith , Microsoft 's general counsel , wrote in a blog post on Wednesday that " a cyberattack on anyone 's rights is a cyberattack on everyone 's rights , and together we need to defend against it . "

  8. NPPC的总法律顾问迈克尔·福米卡说,新法律给猪肉生产商带来了不合理的负担。

    Michael Formica , general counsel at the NPPC , says that the new law places an unreasonable burden on pork producers .

  9. 高通总法律顾问唐•罗森堡(DonRosenberg)表示:“我们仍致力于道德操守和遵守一切法律法规,并将继续留意合规(指遵守《反海外腐败法》)问题。”

    Don Rosenberg , Qualcomm general counsel , said : " We remain committed to ethical conduct and compliance with all laws and regulations , and will continue to be vigilant about [ Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ] compliance . "

  10. 苹果公司总法律顾问布鲁斯·希维尔(BruceSewell)对委员会的成员表示,FBI让苹果提供技术支持,解锁法鲁克的iPhone5c的要求“会为政府侵犯公民隐私和安全树立一个危险的先例”。

    Bruce Sewell , Apple 's general counsel , told committee members that the F.B.I. " s demand for technical help to unlock Mr. Farook 's iPhone 5c " would set a dangerous precedent for government intrusion on the privacy and safety of its citizens . "

  11. 浅谈企业总法律顾问的地位和作用

    About the Position and Role of Enterprise 's General Law Consultant

  12. 高校建立总法律顾问制度的多重视角研究

    Multiple-Perspective Study on Establishing the General Counsel System in Higher Learning Institutions

  13. 第四人现为纽约一家制药公司的总法律顾问。

    A fourth is general counsel to a New York pharmaceutical company .

  14. 谈总法律顾问制度在企业中的地位和作用

    On the Position and Role of General Law Consultant System in Enterprises

  15. 推行企业总法律顾问制度势在必行

    Establishing Enterprise 's General Law Consultant System is a Tendency

  16. 大卫o德拉蒙德——时任谷歌副总裁兼总法律顾问;

    David Drummond - then , Google 's vice president and general counsel ;

  17. 推进总法律顾问制度建设树立起法律风险防范屏障

    Promote construction of general legal advisor institution , take countermeasures for prevention of legal risk

  18. 我国高校推行总法律顾问制度的意义及政策建议

    The Meaning of Carrying Out the General Counsel System in Universities and Some Policy Suggestions

  19. 总法律顾问对谁负责?

    To whom does the clo report ?

  20. 总法律顾问戴维洛佩茨说,委员会在考虑是否要对该判决提出上诉。

    General Counsel David Lopez said the agency was weighing whether to appeal the ruling .

  21. 哪些部门对总法律顾问负责?

    Which departments report to clo ?

  22. 总法律顾问制度:我国高校法治化建设的金拐杖

    The General Counsel System : the Golden Crutch of University Management under the Rule of Law in China

  23. 如今,引领法律行业创新的并非大型律师事务所,而是公司的总法律顾问。

    Now , innovation in the legal sector is being led by general counsel rather than the big firms .

  24. 离开麦当劳后,金德勒于2002年成为辉瑞总法律顾问,2005年升至四人最高执委会成员。

    After McDonald 's , he joined Pfizer as general counsel in 2002 , rising by 2005 to join the four-person top executive committee .

  25. 某私募股权集团的总法律顾问表示,在韩飞龙案发之前,他的公司经常从风险企业获得警方档案。

    A general counsel at one private equity group said his firm had regularly obtained police files from risk firms before the Humphrey case .

  26. 在这种扫荡中,监管机构向某个行业的大公司的总法律顾问发函,要求其提供关于各自运营情况的详细信息。

    Those are when regulators send out letters to the general counsels of big companies in a sector , asking for detailed information about how they operate .

  27. 早些时候,世行一位高级官员曾告诉英国《金融时报》:“在与当时的总法律顾问商议之后,董事会下属的道德委员会批准了一项外部任命协议。”

    A senior bank official had earlier told the FT : " after consultation with the then general counsel , the ethics committee of the Board approved an external assignment agreement . "

  28. 例如在2008年,谷歌的副总法律顾问出席参议院一个小组委员会的听证会,宣称美国政府应该将此事纳入贸易谈判的核心议题。

    For instance , in 2008 , Google 's deputy general counsel testified before a Senate subcommittee that the United States government should make the matter a central issue in trade talks .

  29. 这一声明中包括了显然具有误导意味的语句:在咨询了当时的总法律顾问后,世行理事会下属的道德委员会批准了一份与员工达成的外派协议。

    This included the apparently misleading claim that after consultation with the then general counsel , the ethics committee of the board approved an external assignment agreement which was reached with the staff member .

  30. 在安永实的报告中,有九成总法律顾问表示,公司财务总监正对他们施加压力,要他们提供更高的价值和效率、更大幅度的降低成本,他们中的许多人已削减了法律开支。

    Ninety per cent of general counsel in the Eversheds report said they were under pressure from their finance directors to provide better value , efficiency and cost reductions , and many had already reduced their legal spend .