
  • 网络preliminary ruling;Initial Determination
  1. 在itc于5月做出初步裁决之后,美国商务部将于6月下旬作出初步裁决。

    The initial determination by the ITC in May will be followed by an initial determination by the commerce department in late June .

  2. 由美国商务部宣布的这项调查将在未来数月逐步推进,暂定于5月17日进行初步裁决。

    The investigation , announced by the commerce department , will unfold over the next few months , with an initial determination scheduled for May 17 .

  3. 这个案子可能对许多科技公司产生广泛影响。欧盟的最高法院将于下个月公布关于Facebook能否继续在欧洲和美国之间传输用户数据的初步裁决。

    And in a case that could have broad implications for many tech companies , the region 's top court will issue a preliminary decision next month on whether Facebook can continue transferring user data between Europe and the United States .

  4. 欧洲一体化与初步裁决制度的互动性剖析

    The Preliminary Reference Procedure in the Process of European Integration

  5. 政府将会在8月做出回应,通过即将举行的选举进行初步裁决。

    A response by the government could come in August , an initial verdict by the upcoming election .

  6. 随后,行政法法官作出初步裁决,当事人可就此裁决向机关长官提出上诉。

    The Administrative Law Judge then renders his initial decision , which may be appealed to the agency heads .

  7. 10月16日,商务部对原产日本的进口电解电容器纸反倾销调查做出初步裁决。

    On 16 Oct , The MOC announced its preliminary determination on the imported electrolysis capacitor paper from Japan .

  8. 苹果诉称三星“亦步亦趋地”仿冒了自己的知识产权。上个月,杜尔塞多夫的地方法院做出了有利于苹果公司的初步裁决,禁止在欧洲销售10英寸的银河平板电脑。

    Last month a regional court in Dusseldorf issued a preliminary ruling in Apple 's favor , banning the sale of the10-inch Galaxy Tab in Europe .

  9. 初步裁决制度是欧盟法中的一项特殊的法律程序制度,适用初步裁决制度的案件占欧洲法院受理案件量的大多数。

    European Court of Justice ( ECJ ), the supreme judicial power of European Union ( EU ) aims to protect the unified application and observation of EU law among member states .

  10. 这一初步裁决如果像预期的那样,在下月得到确认并等待上诉,将迫使欧盟重审其针对其它非市场经济体(如越南和阿尔巴尼亚)的反倾销关税。

    The interim ruling , if confirmed as expected next month and pending appeal , would force the EU into reviewing anti-dumping duties on other non-market economies , including Vietnam and Albania .

  11. 初步裁决制度,作为欧洲法院确保共同体法律在成员国内适用时统一性和一致性的一种独特的管辖权制度,极大地推动了欧洲一体化发展进程。

    The preliminary reference procedure , as a system designed to make sure the consistency and entirety of law of European Union when applied to member states , plays a really important role in the process of European integration .

  12. 欧洲法院通过行使初步裁决权,先后确立了欧盟法的直接效力和欧盟法优先于成员国等基本原则;

    By this preliminary adjudicative right , the European Union Law Court has formulated one after the other the principles of direct authenticity of the European Union Law and of its superiority to the laws of its member countries ;

  13. HTC在一项关于专利侵权的初步法庭裁决中败给了苹果。

    HTC has lost an initial court ruling over patent infringement to Apple .

  14. 9.preliminarya.初步的,开始的,预备的法庭将于星期一宣布初步裁决。

    The court is to announce preliminary findings on Monday .