
  • 网络regulatory agencies;regulation agency
  1. 注意到部分事业单位同时作为规制机构和市场竞争主体在双重身份下的垄断行为。

    Noted that the monopolistic behavior of some NGO which both as the regulatory agencies and market competitors at the same time .

  2. 在某些情况下,咨询委员会迫使规制机构接受否则就无从得到的更广阔范围的科学及政策观点。

    In some cases , advisory committees expose regulatory agencies to a wider range of scientific and policy viewpoints than they might otherwise obtain .

  3. 规制机构成员影响规制效率的路径研究

    A Path Research on How Regulation Committees Affect Regulation Efficiency

  4. 本文的研究对象相对限定于对环境领域的综合规制机构&国家环境保护总局的规则制定。

    This dissertation limits to the rulemaking of State Environmental Protection Agency , which is a comprehensive regulatory agency in environmental area .

  5. 其次是科学技术的迅猛发展,弱化了传统垄断产业的垄断属性,从而削弱了规制机构对垄断产业的进入限制。

    Secondly , the swift development of science and technology weakened the monopoly attribute of the traditional monopoly industry , thus weakened the entrance limitations set by the regulation organizations .

  6. 然而,在我国市场经济进程中,规制机构缺乏独立性,规制立法不科学,规制行为不规范。

    In the course of market economy in China , however , governmental regulation organizations are short of independence , regulation legislation is unscientific , and regulation action is irregular .

  7. 于是,很多国家都建立了电信规制机构,在电信服务的诸多方面做出了详细的规定,普遍服务政策就是其中非常重要的一项。

    Therefore , many countries have established a telecommunication regulatory system , and have made detailed prescription of telecommunication service , of which universal service policy is a very important one .

  8. 如风险规制机构混乱、个别制度不完善、执法人员和技术人员专业性不高、风险控制的盲从性等。

    If the risk regulation institution confusion , individual system is not perfect , law enforcement personnel and professional technical personnel is not high , the risk control of the blind .

  9. 为实现公共政策目标,规制机构可以采取不同的规制方式,其中最主要的方式包括准入规制、价格规制和质量规制。

    In order to achieve objectives of the public policy , the regulatory agencies can take different regulation modes , which include the admittance regulation , the price regulation and the quality regulation .

  10. 传统的理论认为,对于这些自然垄断产业,由于其巨大的规模经济效益的存在,应该实行垄断经营,并由政府规制机构对其实行价格和进入规制。

    According to the traditional theories , owing to their huge benefits of economy of scale , these natural monopoly industries should be under the monopoly management and regulated by government regulation institutes .

  11. 依照公平与透明的原则向所有运营商收取普遍服务基金,以竞争缔约的方式提供普遍服务是值得我国规制机构借鉴的路径。

    Abide by the principle of fair and transparency , collect universal service funds from all operators , provide such service by way of concluding a treaty through competition is the suggested way .

  12. 本文根据各个环节的状况,通过分析成本收益,提出了在制度、结构、行为和规制机构四个方面的系统性的配套改革思路。

    According to the status of each link , through cost-benefit analysis presented in the system , this paper proposes systematic reform ideas in institution , structure , behavior , and regulatory agencies .

  13. 论文的研究为规制机构识别损害市场效率的竞争与合作行为以及制定有效的规制政策提供理论依据。

    The conclusions of the paper will help regulator identify some cooperative or non-cooperative behavior that depress the efficiency of electricity market , and will provide some basic theory for the establishment of regulation in Electricity Market .

  14. 为了促进电网投资均衡,实现社会福利最大化,规制机构应该用效用函数重新定义投资均衡,将供求均衡状况因素引入投资回报率规制政策中,制定和执行弹性而可信的规制政策。

    In order to promote transmission investment , regulator should change the policy tools , introduce the supply and demand factor , make the utility function into the balance definition , and constitute elastic and believable policy .

  15. 地方规制机构与企业构成了劳动安全的监督博弈,通过构建混合战略纳什均衡,可以清晰地揭示地方规制机构在对企业劳动安全规制过程中各影响因素之间的内在联系。

    The local regulation institution and corporation build the labor safety monitoring game , through the Nash-equilibrium , clearly discloses that there an inherence link of all effects while the local regulation organization regulating the labor safety of corporation .

  16. 最后提出了相关的政策含义:(1)建立合理的的规制机构,明确权责(2)规范规制工具,引入激励机制(3)加强监督规制主体,信息透明化。

    Finally we put forward relevant policy implication : ( 1 ) establish the reasonable regulation institutions , make the responsibilities clearly ( 2 ) standardize regulation tools , introduce incentive mechanism ( 3 ) Strengthening supervision and regulation subject , make information open .

  17. 自然垄断产业中,由于规制机构与被规制企业之间存在着信息不对称,价格规制政策的实施效果受到制约,而制度背景和经济发展程度是设计一个适合国情的规制定价机制必须考虑的前提因素。

    Because of information asymmetry between the regulatory agencies and the regulated enterprises in natural monopoly industries , price regulation policies have simply attained limited effects . Institution background and economic development level should be considered as premises of a reasonable regulatory pricing mechanism .

  18. 理论分析部分,本文从三种不同所有制工业企业所面临的经济效率、内部化环境外部性意愿、与环境规制机构谈判能力内外因素差异构建理论模型探讨对环境的影响。

    In the part of theory analysis , apply the different of three ownership enterprise in economic efficiency , the internalization of environmental externalities intend and the ability of negotiation with environmental regulation institutions to build theoretical model to explore the influence of the environment .

  19. 从实证数据上分析了每个阶段中国电信企业的经济效益,计算了电信用户每个阶段末期的固定通信和移动通信资费的市场平均价格,并对规制机构进行了管制成本趋势分析。

    It analyzes the economic efficiency of telecom industries in China with the demonstrative data in each phase . It calculates the average prices of consumers between the fixed telecommunication tariff and the mobile telecommunication tariff in each phase and analyzes the regulatory cost of regulatory institution .

  20. 借鉴国外立法规制与机构建设并重的经验,我国在政策性银行法立法过程中,应重视基本原则的把握。

    Profits from overseas experience in paying equal attention to both legislation rules and organization construction , we must grasp those cardinal principles during legislation process .

  21. 对规制主体机构的完善是重要的内容,需要建立建统一协调的价格规制机构,并对其职能体系进行有效构建。

    The main body of the regulation is important to improve the content of the need for price regulation to build a unified and coordinated system of institutions , and build an effective system of its functions .

  22. 为此,本文借助应用经济学博弈理论、非线性互补方法、新制度经济学理论等最新研究成果,全面系统地开展具有垄断网络的电力市场竞争与规制及其机构转换的研究。

    Therefore , by means of the newest outcomes of the game theory of economics , the nonlinear complementarity method and new system economics , the competition , regulation problems and system innovation of power market with the complex monopoly network are completely and systemically investigated in this paper .

  23. 世界多数国家高度重视小额信贷的发展,采取了不同的法律制度规制小额信贷机构,促进小额信贷发展,形成了各种特点鲜明的模式。

    Most countries around the world value the development of micro-credit highly and have taken different legal measures to regulate and to promote micro-credit , forming models of various characteristics .

  24. 在一定程度上,政府职业安全规制过程也是规制机构的行政过程。

    The implementation of occupational safety regulation by the government is actually the administrative procedure by the regulatory agency .

  25. 并探讨了行政民营化的规制范围、监管机构的设立及程序的完善以及事后的救济制度等问题。

    And discusses the regulation scope of privatization administration , the relief system to establish and perfect afterwards program regulators .

  26. 规制体制是指规制机构的设置、规制立法及其实施。

    Regulation system includes setting up regulatory bodies , setting and implementing regulatory legislation .

  27. 没有一个国家完全放弃对出租车的规制,既授予规制机构必要权力又加强对权力的制约,是各国通行做法。

    To be sure , no country completely abandons taxi regulation . It is a common practice over the world that the state not only confers the necessary powers of regulatory agencies , but also strengthens the constraints of power .

  28. 价格规制体制包括法律基础、规制机构、规制模式三部分,这三个部分应该是一个互相呼应、配合的有机整体。

    The price regulation system is combined by law , regulation organization and regulation means .

  29. 在规制体系方面,由于中央规制机构与地方规制机构存在交叉职权、煤矿管理权分散和监督机制不健全等因素影响中国监管体系。

    In the regulation system , Due to the central regulatory agency with local regulatory organizations are scattered across full-time , coal management and supervision mechanism is not perfect regulation system in China .

  30. 放松规制的过程会对国家、规制机构、垄断企业以及消费者四个利益主体产生重要影响。

    Deregulation will have different impact on different interest groups such as nation , regulator , monopoly enterprises and consumer .