
  1. 近年来,由于天然气运输市场对天然气二程转运的需求,小型LNG运输船的设计与建造逐渐成为了航运业关注的焦点。

    In recent years , second transfer of LNG is increasingly required in the LNG transport market , so more and more attention has been put to the design and construction of small LNG ships .

  2. 欧盟(EU)将于今日敦促俄罗斯和乌克兰立即恢复俄对欧盟的天然气运输,此前,两国明确承诺将让国际专家监控经过乌克兰境内的输送管道。

    The European Union will press Russia and Ukraine on Thursday to restore the flow of Russian gas to the EU with immediate effect , after securing apparent promises from both countries to let international experts monitor the transit pipeline route through Ukraine .

  3. 在实际的试验中,按照安全规程,对天然气运输过程中常见的五种工况进行了详细阐述,并就这五种工况分别进行了PIV、LDV的现场测量。

    According to the safety regulations , five conditions which are very common in the gas transportation were explained clearly in the experiments . And the local PIV and LDV measurements were did at this five conditions .

  4. 乌克兰总理季莫申科能源顾问古德马告知VOA,俄罗斯和乌克兰之间没有签订天然气运输合同,这使乌克兰有可能陷入负债状态。

    But Oleksiy Hudyma , energy advisor to Prime Minister Tymoshenko , told VOA Russia and Ukraine have no gas transport contract , which exposes his country to possible financial liabilities .

  5. 最后,还针对液化天然气运输、储存过程蒸气的产生,介绍了几种运输及储存装置中辅助制冷方法G-M制冷机和Stirling制冷机、相变制冷、脉管制冷机。

    Aiming at the vapor producing in the transportation and storage process of LNG , some auxiliary refrigeration methods are introduced for the transportation and storage facilities of LNG . They are G-M refrigerating machine , Stirling refrigerating machine , refrigerating by phase change , and pulse refrigerating machine .

  6. 长江实业牵头的财团昨日在提交给香港交易所(HKEx)的一份声明中表示,WWU公司在威尔士及英格兰西南部从事管理天然气运输资产、天然气输配及气表服务工作。

    Wales and West Utilities manages gas transportation assets and gas distribution as well as meter services in Wales and the south west of England , the Cheung Kong-led consortium said in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange yesterday .

  7. 压缩天然气运输半挂车的结构特点及安全措施

    Structure Characteristic and Safety Precautions of Transporting Compressed Natural Gas Semi-trailer

  8. 将设置天然气运输管线

    This would put a pipeline to take natural gas

  9. 液化气运运输船液化天然气运输船水喷淋下大空间建筑烟气输运的数值模拟研究

    The numerical simulation of gas transport in large-space buildings under the action of water spray

  10. 世界液化天然气运输船市场前景看好

    Global LNG Carrier Market Sees Bright Future

  11. 分享经验共谋发展&记中国石油与天然气运输行业发展2006国际论坛

    Sharing Experiences and Seeking Development & On the " Petroleum and Gas Transport in China 2006 "

  12. 按照此份声明的说法,这6艘船只建成后将成为世界上容量最大的液化天然气运输船。

    The carriers will be the largest in the world in terms of capacity , the statement said .

  13. 炒白术水煎液对鲫消化道运动的影响液化气运运输船液化天然气运输船

    The Influence of Decoction of Speculation Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae on Movement of Digestive Tract in Crucian Carp liquid gas carrier

  14. 该公司表示其天然气运输网规模全球第一,输气管道覆盖接近168900千米。

    Gazprom also notes that its natural gas transmission network is the largest in the world , with roughly 168900 kilometers of pipelines .

  15. 阐述液化天然气运输船蒸发气再液化的必要性,分析再液化技术原理和再液化系统。

    The necessity re-liquefaction of the BOG in LNG cargo in LNG carrier , the principle of re-liquefaction technology and re-liquefaction system were introduced .

  16. 2002年底,全球有135艘液化天然气运输船舶,到2009年时将增加近2倍。

    The global fleet of ships for transporting LNG will have nearly tripled by 2009 from the 135 afloat at the end of 2002 .

  17. 其他船东正将有大量投资需求的业务上市,如新型昂贵天然气运输船的经营者,以支付新船舶的费用。

    Other owners are listing businesses with significant investment needs such as operators of new , expensive gas carriers to pay for new vessels .

  18. 管道运输在经济、快捷以及安全等方面有着得天独厚的优势,所以在天然气运输行业中得到广泛应用。

    Pipeline transportation has considerable economic , convenient and safe meritin , promptness , so it has been widely used in gas transport industry .

  19. 将设置天然气运输管线从波弗特海穿越世上第三大水域中心,

    This would put a pipeline to take natural gas from the Beaufort Sea through the heart of the third largest watershed basin in the world ,

  20. 集输站的选址问题也就自然而然地成为石油天然气运输物流网络的关键所在。

    The location of Gathering / transmission stations certainly is the key of the oil / gas transmission network , which involves the selection and plan of the transmission route .

  21. 管道是天然气运输的主要方式,而降低管道运输过程中的沿程阻力是提高运输效率的主要技术手段。

    Pipeline is the major way of natural gas transportation . Reducing the frictional resistance in the process of pipeline transportation is an important method to raise the transportation efficiency .

  22. 管道是石油、天然气运输的生命线,所以管道的安全运行直接关系到石油、天然气的正常运输。

    The pipeline is the lifeline of oil and natural gas transportation , so the safe operation of the pipeline is directly related to the normal transportation of oil and gas .

  23. 日前,卡塔尔天然气运输公司与两家韩国造船业巨头签定合同,委托后者为其建造6艘世界上容积最大的液化天然气运输船,合同总金额高达25亿美元。

    A Qatari company signed a contract with two South Korean shipbuilding giants to construct the world 's largest liquified natural gas ( LNG ) carriers at a cost of2.5 billion dollars .

  24. 但韩国造船公司的情况要好于其中国和日本的竞争对手,因为韩国的造船公司仍在不断赢得一些石油钻探船、液化天然气运输船和离岸石油生产平台的订单,这些订单利润率较高。

    But Korean companies have fared better than Chinese and Japanese rivals as they continued to win orders for higher-margin oil drilling ships , liquefied natural gas carriers and offshore oil production facilities .

  25. 同时,已经造出标准集装箱船舶的中国造船商,正试图制造高科技的液化天然气运输船和大型集装箱船舶,而这是韩国工业的主要业务。

    Meanwhile , Chinese manufacturers , already churning out stan - dard container ships , are trying to make high-tech liquefied natural gas carriers and large container vessels – the Korean industry 's bread and butter .

  26. 由于油价高企,以及对高科技海上钻井平台和液化天然气运输船需求提高,在这两个造船领域闻名的韩国造船商正蓬勃发展,大宇也随之成为备受珍视的资产。

    Daewoo is a prized asset as Korean shipbuilders are booming , thanks to high oil prices and demand for the high-technology offshore drilling rigs and liquefied natural gas carriers for which Korea has become famous .

  27. 经超重力旋转填充床再生的脱硫液可提高脱硫效率、减少脱硫液的再生时间,且脱硫后出口净化气的硫化氢质量浓度均低于20mg/m~3,满足了天然气运输的要求。

    It is proved that the desulfurized liquid generated through the RPB can improve the efficiency of desulfurization and shorten the regeneration time . The concentration of hydrogen sulfide after desulfuration is lower than 20 mg / m ~ 3 , which can meet the requirement for long distance transportation .

  28. 从供给的角度看,天然气管网运输的局限性、天然气进口和中小气田开发等都是LNG产业发展的驱动因素。

    For supplying , the limit of pipe line , import of natural gas , and development of middle-small scaled gas fields are all driving factors of the development of liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) industry .

  29. 天然气管道运输一体化定价分析

    Analysis on Vertically Integrated Pricing of Natural Gas Transmitted by Pipeline

  30. 天然气管道运输定价理论与模型研究

    The Study on Pricing Theories and Models of Natural Gas Pipeline Transmission