
  • 网络energy information administration
  1. 上周,美国能源信息署(EnergyInformationAdministration,EIA)发布了美国石油食用量报告。

    Last week , the Energy Information Administration released a report on oil use in the United States .

  2. 据美国能源信息署(EnergyInformationAdministration)透露,大约12%的夏威夷住户装有屋顶太阳能发电系统,这是到目前为止美国太阳能系统安装比率最高的地区,远超其他州。

    Rooftop systems now sit atop roughly 12 percent of Hawaii 's homes , according to the federal Energy Information Administration , by far the highest proportion in the nation .

  3. 据美国能源信息署(EIA)估算,中国的页岩气储量比美国更大。在美国,对页岩气的商业化开采已经改变了能源格局,并戏剧性地降低了天然气价格。

    The US Energy Information Agency estimates that China has larger shale gas reserves than the US , where commercial shale gas extraction has transformed the energy landscape and dramatically lowered the price of natural gas .

  4. 如今,页岩气革命正由北美向欧洲和亚洲蔓延,尤其是在中国,据美国能源信息署(eia)近日估计,中国的页岩气储量可能超过美国。

    The shale revolution is now spreading beyond North America to Europe and Asia , especially China , which could have even larger shale resources than the US , according to a recent estimate by the US energy information administration .

  5. 道格。麦克因特是美国能源信息署的资深石油分析师。

    Doug MacIntyre is senior oil analyst with the United States Energy Information Administration .

  6. 美国能源信息署请了一些顾问,研究32个国家的48个页岩气盆地。

    The EIA asked consultants to examine 48 shale gas basins in 32 countries .

  7. 在能源信息署的每月短期能源展望中称,今年原油价格预期平均每桶100美元,比去年上涨了5美元。

    In its monthly short-term energy outlook the EIA said crude oil prices are expected to average $ 100 a barrel this year , up $ 5 from last year .

  8. 周二,美国能源信息署称,美国中西部的消费者今年的家庭供暖费用有望减少9%,费用的减少主要归因于气候(气温升高),另一方面则与天然气价格降低有关。

    Across the Midwest , consumers can expect a 9 % drop in home heating costs , with most of those savings attributed to the weather and the remainder linked to lower natural gas prices , the energy information administration said Tuesday .