
  • 网络excessive speculation;over speculation;over-speculation
  1. 深圳已经启动了新的风险控制措施,试图阻止对IPO股票的过度投机并防止其股价过快攀升,包括昨天动用的上市首日盘中临时停牌制度。

    Shenzhen has initiated new risk control measures to try to prevent excessive speculation and rocketing prices for IPOs , including the upper limit stops that were used yesterday .

  2. 期货交易中识别过度投机的数量方法

    The Quantitatively Identifying Methods on Excessive Speculation in Futures Trading

  3. 但这种资产有形性导致过度投机

    But that very tangibility can lead to reckless speculation .

  4. 举例来说,《封堵伦敦漏洞法》(closethelondonloopholeact)旨在阻止交易员通过国外交易所进行石油交易,从而操纵价格和过度投机。

    For instance , the " close the London loophole act " aims to stop traders from manipulating prices and speculating excessively by routing oil trades through foreign exchanges .

  5. 最后,针对转变监管部门监管理念、完善首次公开发行制度、完善信息披露制度、抑制投资者的过度投机四个方面,提出了解决IPO抑价问题的对策建议。

    Finally , in view of changing supervising notion , consummating the issue pricing system , also the information disclosure system and restraining speculation of investor , propose suggestions about solving the problem of IPO underpricing .

  6. 信息不对称下金融衍生品市场过度投机成因分析

    To Analyse on the Causes of Derivatives Excessive Speculation under Asymmetric Information

  7. 我国股市过度投机的深层原因及其治理

    Deep Causes and Governance Countermeasure for Excessive Speculation in China 's Stock Market

  8. 过度投机中的理性化特征

    Rational Characteristics of Excessive Speculation in Chinese Stock Market

  9. 金融衍生品市场应规避由过度投机导致的风险。

    Derivative financial market risk caused by the excessive speculation should be prevented .

  10. 我们应遏制粮食大宗商品商的过度投机。

    Excessive speculation in food commodities should be curbed .

  11. 消极作用主要表现在加深了金融虚拟化程度,滋生了过度投机和经济泡沫。

    Negative effects are to speed finance virtualization , speculation and the bubble economy .

  12. 期货市场监管层与投资者的信息博弈分析&兼论期货市场过度投机的动因

    An Analysis on the Information Game of Futures Market Supervisors and Investors-Motivation of Over-Speculation

  13. 过度投机:人类理当记取的历史教训&加尔布雷斯反金融投机思想述评

    Excessive Stipulation : History Lessons Hard to Bear in Mind for the Mankind FINANCIAL

  14. 股票市场过度投机的综合评价研究

    General Evaluation of the Over-arbitrage in Stock Market

  15. 许多政治人士指责过度投机和各种监管上的漏洞造成了当前市场局面。

    Many politicians blame excessive speculation and various regulatory loopholes for the market situation .

  16. 用卖空制度抑制过度投机

    Inhibiting Over Speculation by the Bull Rule

  17. 第六,市场的过度投机。

    Sixth , the excessive speculation .

  18. 有助于抑制股票市场的过度投机,培育成熟、理性的投资者。

    Is helpful in suppresses the Stock market excessively congenially , cultivation mature , rational investor .

  19. 投机提供流动性,同时也存在过度投机的负面性。

    Speculation provides liquidity , but excessive speculation has negative effect , such as speculation bubble .

  20. 过度投机的现象与其说与自由市场有关,不如说与高利润有关。

    The phenomenon of speculative excess has less to do with free markets than with high profits .

  21. 交易意味着风险,这些跨市场交易行为可能会引发跨市场联合操纵、跨市场内幕交易的风险,除此之外,在我国还极有可能出现跨市场过度投机的风险。

    Cross-market transactions may cause cross-market joint manipulation , insider risk , especially cross-market excessive speculation in China .

  22. 金融衍生工具交易过程中存在过度投机等因素将导致金融衍生工具交易引发的各种风险,这其中包括微观风险和宏观风险。

    They are micro-risks which includes market risks and macro-risks which can destroy the effect of monetary policy .

  23. 在我国,证券交易印花税被赋予了调控证券市场和遏制过度投机的重要功能。

    In China , stamp duty has been used as an instrument to adjust and control the capital market .

  24. 长期资本管理公司在1998年轰然内部崩溃,已经成为过度投机危险的象征。

    The spectacular implosion of Long Term Capital Management in 1998 has come to symbolise the perils of excessive speculation .

  25. 在期权和期货上过度投机,因为它们被视为一种快速致富的途径。

    Speculating too heavily in options or futures because they 're thought to be a way to get rich quick .

  26. 强调利用市场化手段,平衡过度投机行为,有效改善供求关系;

    It emphasizes the use of marketing methods in order to improve the supply-demand relations , and balance the excessive speculation ;

  27. 与前任不同,伯南克承认过度投机问题及其突然逆转可能造成的严重外部性。

    Unlike his predecessor , Mr Bernanke recognises the problem of excessive speculation and the massive externalities its sudden reversal can impose .

  28. 即使有商品市场的过度投机,这一现象的结论仍是稀少的打破。

    Even if there is excessive speculation in commodity markets , the conclusions of the phenomenon is still " broken " as sparse .

  29. 如果做不到这一点,美联储官员会愿意利用自己的话语权,表达对市场过度投机的担忧吗?

    Short of that , will Fed officials even be willing to use the bully pulpit to express concerns about excessive market speculation ?

  30. 证券市场的腐败,破坏了证券市场的信用基础,造成普遍的信用缺失,加剧市场的过度投机,阻碍市场优化资源配置功能的发挥。

    The corruption in securities markets results in the detriment and loss of credit base , fosters the speculation and barriers the market optimization .