
  • 网络eczema;atopic eczema;allergic eczema
  1. 在孩童时期,过敏性湿疹(AE)时常和胃肠道功能障碍和食物过敏相关。

    In early childhood , AE ( allergic eczema ) is frequently associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction and food allergy .

  2. 两药合用的外用制剂(霜剂)主要用于治疗接触性皮炎、过敏性湿疹和过敏性皮炎等。

    The combination of the two agents ( cream ) used in the treatment of contact dermatitis , allergic eczema and dermatitis .

  3. 这些食物容易引起肠道的过敏性反应、湿疹、以及发痒性皮疹等等。

    Food allergy can take the form of a sudden life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis , as well as eczema or an itchy rash .

  4. 健康专家认为钕和铬会引发过敏性皮炎和湿疹等不好对付的皮肤疾病,这些产品中含有的铬会刺激眼睛和粘膜。

    Health experts believe chromium could cause skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis and eczema , which is very hard to cure . Neodymium can cause irritation of the eyes and mucosa .

  5. 临床上常见的过敏性疾病包括过敏性湿疹、过敏性哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、过敏性结膜炎等。

    Clinical common allergic diseases , including atopic eczema , allergic asthma , allergic rhinitis , allergic conjunctivitis .