
  1. 从氨基酸组成来看,蛋氨酸是柚子的第一限制氨基酸。

    Methionine is the first limiting amino acid regarding to essential amino acid .

  2. 松乳菇的第一限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸;

    The first limit amino acid is met .

  3. 第一限制氨基酸均为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸,其含量鲜牛奶为208mg/gN,豆浆为190mg/gN;

    The first-limited amino acids are methionine and cystine in two milk , their contents being 208mg / gN in fresh milk and 190 mg / gN in soybean milk .

  4. 氨基酸分析结果表明,第一限制氨基酸为色氨酸,氨基酸评分为92分,蛋白质营养价;

    The first limiting amino acid is Trp and the amino acid score is 92 ; The protein nutrient value is high . The Dasyatis akajei meat is rich in minerals .

  5. 蛋白质营养价高,第一限制氨基酸为色氨酸,氨基酸价为88;

    The protein nutrient value is high and the amino acid score is 88 ( the first limiting amino acid , Trp ; FAO / WHO suggested level in 1973 ) . The C.

  6. 植物蛋白第一限制氨基酸&赖氨酸的含量为0.82%左右,占氨基酸总量的8%左右。

    Plant albumen one restriction amino acid & content of lysine ( LYS ), there is about in 0.82 % , it account for the total amounts the 8 % about for amino acid .

  7. 蛋白质营养价高,氨基酸价为82,第一限制氨基酸是含硫氨基酸(1973年FAO/WHO标准);

    The protein nutrient value is high because of the score of amino acid being 82 and the first limiting amino acid being sulfur-containing amino acid ( Met and Cys ) as compared with the FAO / WHO suggested level ( 1973 ) .

  8. 两种低聚肽的第一限制氨基酸均为色氨酸,除色氨酸外其他必需氨基酸含量都高于WHO/FAO推荐值,能充分满足人体需要。

    Tryptophan is the first limiting amino acid in these two oligopeptides . Except the tryptophan , the content of other essential amino acids are higher than the value recommended by WHO / FAO , which can fully meet the needs of the human body .

  9. Met在自然鸽乳中的含量很低,有可能是鸽乳的第一限制性氨基酸。

    Met is the first limit amino acid of crop milk as possible because the content of Met in crop milk is very low .

  10. 根据AAS,黑龙江茴鱼的第一限制性氨基酸为缬氨酸,第二限制性氨基酸为色氨酸;

    According to the AAS , the first limiting amino acid was valine and the second one was tryptophan .

  11. 它的第一限制性氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸。

    Its first limiting amino acid was methionine plus cystine .

  12. 第一限制性氨基酸为含硫氨基酸(Met+Cys)。

    The first limiting amino acid was sulfur containing amino acid , met and cys .

  13. 此外,小麦第一限制性氨基酸赖氨酸的增幅也分别达到了48.10%和37.00%,含量增加显著。

    Furthermore Lys ( the first restricted amino acid of wheat ) respectively increased 48.10 % and 37.00 % .

  14. 海水与淡水养殖锯缘青蟹肌肉的第一限制性氨基酸均为缬氨酸。

    The first limiting amino acids in the muscles of marine cultured and freshwater cultured Scylla serrata were both valine .

  15. 含硫氨基酸(蛋氨酸和半胱氨酸)是暹罗鳄肉的第一限制性氨基酸,缬氨酸是第二限制性氨基酸。

    Sulfur amino acid ( methionine and cysteine ) is the first restrictive amino acid , while valine is the second one .

  16. 非水溶性茶叶蛋白的氨基酸组成比较丰富,但在必需氨基酸中蛋氨酸和色氨酸未检测出,为第一限制性氨基酸。

    Water insoluble tea protein is rich in amino acid , but indispensable amino acid ( methionine and tryptophane ) were not detected .

  17. 沙光鱼的必需氨基酸评分和化学评分表明其第一限制性氨基酸为色氨酸。

    According to the nutritional evaluation on amino acid score ( AAS ) and chemical score ( CS ), the first limited amino acid was tryptophan .

  18. 赖氨酸作为动物和人体第一限制性氨基酸,提高其在蛋白质资源中的含量能够很大程度上提高蛋白质的利用效率。

    Lysine as the first limiting amino acids in animals and human beings , to improve its content in protein resources can greatly improve the protein utilization efficiency .

  19. 用作猪饲料时,赖氨酸是第一限制性氨基酸,苏氨酸是第二限制性氨基酸,异亮氨酸是第三限制性氨基酸。

    As a swine feed , the first limiting amino acid of cargo rice is lysine , threonine is the second one and isoleucine is the third one .

  20. 但是在稻米、玉米等禾本科植物的储藏蛋白中,赖氨酸含量偏低,是第一限制性氨基酸,严重影响其它氨基酸的吸收利用。

    However , some storage proteins of gramineous plants such as maize and rice , lysine content is low . Lysine is the first limiting amino acid , seriously affect other amino acids digestion .

  21. 赖氨酸是人体必需氨基酸之一、谷物的第一限制性氨基酸,明确其人体需要量对以谷类为主食的中国居民具有颇为重要的意义。

    Lysine is one of the Essential amino acids for human and the first limiting amino acid in grain . It is very important to identify the body requirement for lysine of the Chinese people .

  22. 紫花苜蓿芽及其产品必需氨基酸中苏氨酸的含量都最高,色氨酸是紫花苜蓿芽及其产品共同的第一限制性氨基酸,氨基酸评分分别是56.74%和98.58%。

    THR content is the highest among the essential amino acid , and TRP is the first restrictive amino acid in both the alfalfa bud and its product , the AAS are 56.74 % and 98.58 % respectively .

  23. 结果表明红瓜嫩茎叶蛋白质含量为21%(鲜重),蛋白质中氨基酸种类齐全,氨基酸含量938%,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的42%,第一限制性氨基酸为含硫氨基酸(Met+Cys)。

    Its gross protein is rich in all kind of amino acid , which accounts for 93.8 % . EAA take up 42 % of total amino acid . The first limiting amino acid is sulfur-containing amino acid , Met and Cys .

  24. 南瓜籽蛋白的第一限制性氨基酸为含硫氨基酸,其次为赖氨酸,必需氨基酸指数高达0.8687,是一种良好的蛋白资源。

    It was found that sulfur amino acids was the first restrictive in pumpkin seed protein , and lysine was the second one . The essential amino acid index of pumpkin seed protein is 0.8687 , so it is one of good protein resources . 2 .

  25. 含硫氨基酸在饲料植物中含量较少,特别是半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸,常成为第一限制性必需氨基酸。

    The forage plants are deficient in sulphur-containing amino acids became the first limiting amino acids , especially cysteine and methionine .

  26. 水稻是一种主要的粮食作物,但其种子蛋白质中赖氨酸的含量偏低,是第一限制性的氨基酸,严重限制人们对其它氨基酸的吸收利用。

    Rice is a main food crop , but its lysine content is low and is the first limiting amino acid , which severely limits the absorption and utilization of other amino acids .