
  • 网络Excessive expansion;over expansion;overinflation;hyperinflation;overdistension
  1. 但是欲望的泛滥与过度膨胀又导致了社会人文精神的堕落与国民整体素质的下滑,这些都需要一种理性的清醒之音来加以纠偏和批判。

    But desire being in flood and over expansion has caused degeneration of society humane spirit and downgrade of national overall quality .

  2. 当前社会环境恶化、生态破坏日益严重,主要是人类自我中心主义过度膨胀造成的。

    The environmental deterioration and ecological damage are serious day by day in the current society , these are Anthropocentrism over expansion make to cause to so .

  3. 度量信贷过度膨胀的最好指标就是信贷增长率和名义GDP增长率的差额。

    The best measure of excess credit is the difference between the growth rate in bank credit and nominal GDP .

  4. 结论COPD患者存在呼吸肌功能障碍,肺过度膨胀和气道阻塞是影响COPD患者吸气肌力的重要因素。

    Hyperinflation and airway obstruction predominantly affected inspiratory muscle strength in a group of COPD patients .

  5. 结论在实施PHC时,只有当气道平台压<20~25cmH2O时才有可能避免肺泡过度膨胀,减少呼吸机相关性肺损伤。

    Conclusions Alveolar overdistension may be prevented only when airway plateau pressure is less than 20-25 cmH_ 2 O in PHC .

  6. 现代城市由于人口过度膨胀而导致的住房拥挤、交通堵塞、城市环境恶化等现象使城市人们向往更富自然、生态气息的绿色空间。House的基本营养成分和硝酸盐含量进行了测定分析。

    Population expansion in modern cities caused the problem as the house crowding , the traffic jam , and urban environment worsening and so on . This phenomenon make the city people yearn for a green space contains more naturality and ecology .

  7. 最近,为回应阿里巴巴过度膨胀的说法,阿里巴巴创始人兼董事长马云(JackMa)曾宣布将停止招聘。此外,他还公布了其他多项减支举措——比如停止向员工发放传统的春节奖金。

    Jack Ma , Alibaba 's chairman and founder , recently responded to accusations of bloat by declaring a hiring freeze along with other austerity measures , such as not paying workers a traditional spring festival bonus .

  8. 打嗝得原因包括胃过度膨胀,胃受刺激和神经痉挛等。

    Causes include overdistended stomach , gastric irritation , and nerve spasms .

  9. 你们使自我过度膨胀和过度专制。

    You have allowed the ego to become overly developed and specialized .

  10. 结论吸气时肺复张和肺泡过度膨胀同时发生。

    Conclusions During inspiration , alveolar recruitment takes place with alveolar overinflation .

  11. 肺的病变部位将会过度膨胀、变得没有弹性并滞留空气。

    Diseased portions of the lung overinflate , become inelastic and trap air .

  12. 但假如人的欲求或喜好过度膨胀则会带来麻烦。

    Trouble develops , however , when any human instinct or appetite becomes overdeveloped .

  13. 单靠宏观经济数据,还无法提供足够的信息,以确定资产价格是否过度膨胀。

    Macroeconomic data alone cannot provide sufficient information to determine whether asset prices are inflated .

  14. 人口过度膨胀的恐慌给新生命的诞生蒙上了阴影。

    The specter of overpopulation casts its pall over the access of new life anyway ;

  15. 要对冰岛过度膨胀的整个银行业进行纾困,在2008年是件不可能的事情。

    It would have been impossible to bail out its entire oversized banking sector in 2008 .

  16. 对于应用程序,这导致代码过度膨胀以及数据模型过度复杂。

    This results in both code bloat and an overly complex data model for your application .

  17. 两组气道阻力和肺过度膨胀系数均无明显变化。

    There were no differences in the airway resistance and lung inflation index between two groups .

  18. 轮胎:轮胎是男性,因为他很容易变秃,而且经常过度膨胀。

    TYRES : Tyres are male , because they go bald easily and are often over-inflated .

  19. 它们都可视为是对传统语言观中过度膨胀的理性主义-逻辑主义的不同反动。

    They are both against the excess rationalism-logicalism in the traditional viewpoints of language in different ways .

  20. 以我的经验来看,缺乏良心、自信过度膨胀的领导者终将陷入困境。

    In my experience , leaders who lack conscience and suffer from excessive self-confidence end up in trouble .

  21. 同时,股票市场如果过度膨胀,会对经济增长带来负面效应。

    At the same time , if stock exchange inflates too much , it will take bad effect .

  22. 泡沫中过度膨胀的名气在1929年的大崩盘中迅速蒸发,暴露出太多的欺诈者。

    Reputations inflated in the bubble promptly evaporated in the 1929 crash , which exposed a plethora of swindles .

  23. 一种权力过度膨胀必然相应的削弱另一种权力的正常运行。

    The excessive expansion of a power is bound to a corresponding weakening of the normal operation of power .

  24. 当教育身份功能过度膨胀时,它就会扭曲和损害更高意义上的育人功能。

    When educational function of bestowing status excessively inflate , higher meaning of education will be distorted and lost .

  25. 作为委员会主任,我知道的一切有关合同和基金的过度膨胀。

    As the Director of the Board , I know everything about the contract and the over inflated fund .

  26. 合理健康的虚拟经济发展会对实体经济产生有利的影响,起到润滑剂的作用,但虚拟经济过度膨胀又会引致泡沫经济,损害社会经济的发展。

    But the fictitious economy inflation is so excessive that leads the bubble economy and influences the society economy development .

  27. 实行计划生育,控制人口的过度膨胀,走人与自然和谐发展之路;

    The second way is t implement the policy of family planning so as to control the explosion of population ;

  28. 历史的经验告诉我们,过度膨胀的股市泡沫会给金融安全以及经济系统带来灾难性的后果。

    Historical experience tells us that over-inflated stock market bubble will bring disastrous consequences to financial security and economic systems .

  29. 事实证明,将过度膨胀的银行业按新老银行进行划分,这种做法对复苏过程意义重大。

    The decision to divide the overinflated banks into old and new banks has proved important to the recovery process .

  30. 有的过度膨胀,彼此挤压,细胞粘连成团块或分隔成数块;

    Some PMC were showed to expand excessively , extrude each other , conglutinate to gobbet or separate to small parts .