
  • 网络security outlook;safety concept
  1. 中国新安全观述评

    A review of China 's new security outlook

  2. 从中美关系的发展变化来看,新安全观有利于改善中美关系,减少中国崛起的外来阻力。

    Looking from the de-velopment of Sino-America relation , the new security outlook is beneficial to improving Sino-America relation and reducing the outside obstruction in the rising of China .

  3. 第二,应将环境安全观作为指导我国21世纪两大战略&加入WTO和西部大开发的重要方针。

    2 , the concept of environmental security should be an important guiding principle which directs the two great strategies - joining WTO and large-scale development of the western regions in our country in the 21st century .

  4. 以互信和平等为核心的新安全观为中国摆脱困境提供了新的思路,在新安全观的指导下中国可以执行一种综合性的应对战略,有效地应对TMD对中美安全关系的挑战。

    New security perception at the core of mutual trust and equality will provide a comprehensive strategy to meet the TMD 's challenge on Sino-U. S. security relation .

  5. 传统国家安全观;

    Section two , the traditional concept of the national security ;

  6. 传统国家安全观:界限、设定及其体系

    Traditional Viewpoint on State Security : Limit , Definition and System

  7. 用大安全观指导我国矿业生产

    General Outlook of Safety to Guide the Mine Production in China

  8. 树立师生正确的安全观,积极推进平安校园建设

    Fostering the Safety Ideal and Promoting the Construction of Safety Campus

  9. 国家主权的弱化与新安全观的建构

    Weakening of Sovereignty and Construction of New View of National Security

  10. 能源安全观助解我国《能源法》之结

    Views on Energy Sources Security Help Building the Energy Sources Law

  11. 亚太地区安全观、安全结构和安全战略

    Security in the Asia-Pacific Region : Concepts , Structure and Strategy

  12. 中国新安全观的内涵及意义

    On the Connotation and Signification of the Neo-Security View in China

  13. 非传统国家安全观。

    Section three , non-traditional concept of the national security .

  14. 这就是新安全观的理论框架。

    That is the theory frame of new security conception .

  15. 国家安全观的终结?&新安全观质疑

    The End of National Security ? & On the New Security View

  16. 树立大安全观是社会发展的需要

    Concept of Macro - Safety : Need of Social Development

  17. 出版体制改革背景下的出版安全观

    Publishing Security Concept in the Background of Publishing System Reform

  18. 立体安全观和中国的国家安全选择

    Security Theory of Three Dimensions and the Choice of Chinese National Security

  19. 浅析认知变量对欧洲安全观变化的影响

    The Impacts of the Cognitive Variables on European Security Norms

  20. 系统视角下的现代新型国家安全观

    A Modern New National Safety Concept from the Visual Angle of System

  21. 关于国家大安全观与小康安全建设思路的探讨

    On Mation 's Macro Safety View and Secure Development of a Well-off Society

  22. 传统的国家安全观主要关注的是主权国家行为体。

    Sovereign state actor is the object of study in traditional national security .

  23. 试析影响国家安全观的诸因素

    On the factors that influence opinions of national security

  24. 防御性现实主义的安全观及其对中国安全战略的启示

    Security Viewpoint of Defensive Realism and the Inspiration on China 's Security Strategy

  25. 国家大安全观与小康安全建设&兼论国民安全文化素质教育

    On the Concept of State Safety and the Safety-Construction of a Well-off Society

  26. 树立以人为本的安全观

    Human First Concept Should Be Established for Safety Purpose

  27. 新经济安全观及如何维护我国的经济安全

    Security Concept of New Economy and Ways of Preserving China 's Economic Security

  28. 科学发展观视角下的新金融安全观

    New Concept of Financial Safety from the Perspective of Scientific Theory of Development

  29. 后冷战时代国家的安全观发生了转变,内涵和外延都有所扩大。

    The concept of national security changed , enlarged .

  30. 论第三代领导集体新安全观思想

    On the New Thought of Security Under the Leadership of the Third-Generation Collective