
  • 网络unst;island of Unst
  1. 安斯特岛是不列颠群岛中最北的一个。

    Unst is the most northerly island in the British Isles

  2. 接着我们又乘了两趟轮渡,终于来到设得兰群岛最北端、也就是苏格兰最北端的安斯特岛(Unst)。

    It required two more ferries , but we finally arrived in Unst , the northernmost of the Shetland Islands , and hence , the northernmost in Scotland .

  3. 苏格兰安斯特岛上共有614名居民,他们都为自己所装饰布置的车站感到无比自豪。

    The people on the Scottish island of Unst all 614 of them take great pride in decorating the stop .

  4. 这个车站位于苏格兰设得兰群岛最北部的安斯特岛的鲍尔塔桑德附近,每年家住附近的614名居民都会组织人手前来为车站进行装修布置。

    Every year a portion of the614 residents of the island of Unst , the northernmost of the Scottish Shetland Islands , band together to decorate their stop near Baltasound .

  5. 这个车站位于苏格兰设得兰群岛最北部的安斯特岛的鲍尔塔桑德附近,每年家住附近的614名居民都会组织人手前来为车站进行装修布置。这个小社区的千禧之年庆祝仪式就是在这里举办的。

    Every year a portion of the 614 residents of the island of Unst , the northernmost of the Scottish Shetland Islands , band together to decorate their stop near Baltasound .